Chapter 589 Killing Chapter

Ichimaru Gin suddenly raised his hand and pointed to Aizen. He said, “I left this part in Captain Aizen’s body.”

“What!?” Aizen’s pupils shrank sharply, with a bad feeling!

Ichimaru Gin continued: “I told you…I’m Bankai’s ability, right? I’m really sorry, I lied at the time! It doesn’t actually extend as long as I’m talking about, and the speed of extension is not the same. What I said is so fast! But well… It will turn into dust when it stretches and retracts. Then, the inside of the knife… will release a poison that can dissolve cells! It seems that you understand something, Captain Aizen…

After Shinsō penetrated through your heart just now, when closing the knife, I deliberately left a piece of the blade that turned into dust… Captain Aizen is in your heart. ”

“Silver…” Aizen looked at Ichimaru Gin with a gloomy expression.

“If there is something to say… Captain Aizen, I advise you to hurry up. But even if you say it again… You will still die when you damn it!” Ichimaru Gin said as he walked over. In front of Aizen.

Then the fingertips of the fingers of the left hand lightly touched the position of Aizen’s heart!

“Dying with a hole in my chest…should be what you desire.” Ichimaru Gin said with a fox smile on his face, opening his mouth 477.

“Silver…you fellow!” Aizen’s face was dark.

At this moment… A wave of fear rose in Aizen’s heart. Except facing Mukuro, this was the first time he felt the threat of death!

“Shoot him, Kamishini no Yari!”

As Ichimaru Gin spit out Bankai’s words, Aizen’s chest exploded directly!

The heart and all the organs in the body have disappeared!

Hōgyoku came out independently at Aizen’s chest. Aizen wanted to reach out and grab Hōgyoku… but Ichimaru Gin took a step ahead and grabbed Hōgyoku. Then Shunpo directly and opened the distance with Aizen!

Aizen fell heavily to the ground!

“It’s over…get this, everything is over!” Ichimaru Gin muttered to himself while looking at Hōgyoku in his hand.

At this moment, the mutation happened suddenly…

Aizen was suddenly enveloped in a column of white light…the dazzling light, Ichimaru Gin couldn’t look directly! Gradually… the light disappeared, revealing Aizen Sōsuke who was in it, now he has transformed into another form!

The fourth fusion state of Hōgyoku!

Aizen stood in the air, most notably the three pairs of huge butterfly wings behind him, a gap similar to an eye on his forehead, and a hole inlaid with Hōgyoku in the center of his chest! Zanpakutō has merged with his right hand.

At this moment, Aizen Sōsuke finally got his wish and broke through the dimension where Shinigami was!

Staring at Ichimaru Gin, Aizen said lightly:

“I won…Silver. The Hōgyoku who was stolen by you, whether in me or not…he belongs to me only!”

When the voice fell, Hōgyoku suddenly became hot!

Ichimaru Gin couldn’t hold it again, Hōgyoku turned into a white streamer, embedded in the hole in Aizen’s chest!

Condescendingly, Aizen looks at Ichimaru Gin like a god!

“Evolution is often accompanied by fear…especially if you continue to develop, you will turn into a desperate fear like flying ash. I want to thank you…silver. Because of you, I finally…become an existence beyond Shinigami and the void what!”

“What!? Damn it…” How could Ichimaru Gin be willing.

Shunpo appeared in front of Aizen, reaching out to take away Hōgyoku from Aizen’s chest! However, Ichimaru Gin is no different from Aizen as vulnerable as a man’s arm, but he is directly pulled off by Aizen!

Looking at Ichimaru Gin indifferently, Aizen said, “The fun you can bring to me is limited to… Um? What are you laughing at!?”

Aizen suddenly noticed an inexplicable smile on Ichimaru Gin’s mouth.

“It’s nothing…just being sad for Captain Aizen.” Ichimaru Gin smiled and said, “Although there is no way to kill Captain Aizen. But… sooner or later Captain Aizen will be killed too, and he will die in the hands of Captain Mitarashi.”

Hearing Ichimaru Gin mention this name, Aizen’s face suddenly appeared angry!

“Shut up to me!!!”

Aizen yelled. Then he raised Zanpakutō on his right hand, and wanted to kill Ichimaru Gin directly, but when he saw the smile that didn’t disappear on Ichimaru Gin’s face… he stopped his movements abruptly. Coldly said: “In this case, I will save your life first and let you see how I killed Mitarashi Mukuro.”

With the power to surpass Shinigami and the virtual, Aizen no longer thinks that Mitarashi Mukuro will still be his opponent!

After all, Aizen turned around and left.

Looking at the back of Aizen leaving, Ichimaru Gin lay on a broken wall and muttered: “Will it be like this?” Even Aizen’s current strength has reached a point where it just looks desperate. .

But Ichimaru Gin does not think Aizen can defeat Mitarashi Mukuro!

Ichimaru Gin has a feeling: from beginning to end, everything Aizen does is seen by Mitarashi Mukuro like a farce!

Xu Ye Palace.

Inoue Orihime looked through the window and muttered to himself with some confusion: “What happened? How come this has become so quiet.”

“Aren’t they discussing how to execute me!?” Orihime was a little nervous.

咚咚… 咚咚… 咚咚…

A steady sound of footsteps sounded, and Inoue Orihime immediately became vigilant: “I won’t really guess it!?” Thinking of this, Inoue Orihime couldn’t help being a little scared, and stepped back a few steps and stood at the corner of the wall.

“Crack…” The door of the cell was opened.

Coyote Starrk walked in.

Inoue Orihime doesn’t know Starrk, but he also knows that he has a high status in the Palace of the Night, because Orihime had seen him when he was treating Aizen’s arm.

Before Inoue Orihime could speak, Starrk said directly, “My lord is looking for you.”

grown ups! ? It seems to be Aizen, what did he come over to find himself! ? But in the next second, Inoue Orihime was stunned…

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