Chapter 395 The final battle will begin

“Obelisk…cast this world into our Heavenly Dragon World, how sure are you now!?” Victor in the “Uranus” looked at Obelisk, who was flying in the air. Asked.

Victor was driving under him a dark, spheroidal aircraft, which was not attractive in appearance, but its name was shocking to the past and present…

The first of the three Ancient Weapons-“Uranus”! ! !

Eight hundred years ago, in that blank one hundred years, in order to fight against the people of the royal family of D.

Twenty Celestial Dragons have integrated the technology brought out from the Sky Dragon World and absorbed the technology of the Pirate World, and then developed an extremely terrifying weapon! ! !

Although with “Pluton” and “Poseidon” and become the three ancient Weapon. However, the power of “Uranus” absolutely must surpass these two, it is simply a weapon that is not on the same level!

If the power of “Pluton” and “Poseidon” is still within the range that the world can imagine. Then the power of the “Uranus” attack is far beyond the limit that people can imagine! ! !

The essence of “Uranus” attack is to use the origin of the world to attack! ! !

Therefore, every attack of “Uranus” is an attack from the entire world. Just ask, no matter how powerful you are, you can’t escape the limitations of the world, so how can you resist the full blow from the entire world? ?

This is the horror of “Uranus”! ! !

“Now, I am 70% sure! But… as long as I swallow the trace of the world origin that remains in Naval Headquarters, then I am 100% sure! So for the Dragon World… this last trace of the world origin… There is absolutely nothing to lose! No matter who it is, if you dare to stop me, then there is only one dead end!!!”

Although it was an old monster who didn’t know how long he had lived, Obelisk’s face didn’t look old at all. The heroic figure looks like a man of emperor.

“Well… the world of the dragon of heaven is bound to come here! At that time, you who have become the will of the world, whether it is the dead Rozwald or the partner who died in battle, will eventually be resurrected! After all, you are the strongest Celestial Dragons!!!”

For Obelisk, Victor blindly trusted.

You know, even if he is driving the terrifying “Uranus”, he is definitely not an opponent of Obelisk! For this, it is not Victor’s blind feeling.

But I personally tried it 800 years ago…

At the time, all Celestial Dragons thought Obelix was crazy. But because of Obelisk’s identity, no one in Celestial Dragons can object…

Then, he drove the “Uranus” and blasted Obelix…

Obelisk didn’t dodge, but with his strong and desperate physical quality, he successfully resisted the attack of “Uranus”! Moreover, Obelisk at that time hadn’t swallowed any power of Pirate World’s origin.

As for the strength of Obelis, the origin of the world that has swallowed almost all of the world, Victor doesn’t know. Because it is impossible to measure…

“Everything… leave it to me…”

A confident smile appeared on Obelisk’s face. For eight hundred years, he has never paid attention to any development in Pirate World. Not because there is no time, but because…

There is absolutely no need to pay attention…

As long as you are the strongest, it doesn’t matter if you pay attention or not. Any enemy has only the possibility of defeat in front of him! !

Marlene Vando.

Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the World Liberation Army.

Mukuro playing with Robin, Nami, and… Hancock. Suddenly his expression condensed, then he patted the waists of Robin and Hancock who were hugging, and said:

“Nami, Robin, and Hancock, the three of you first go to the space in the Celestial Palace. Next… there will be an unprecedented battle here! Although, I have the confidence to ensure your safety. But for Just in case, you should first enter the space in the Heavenly Imperial Palace…”

“Huh! Who is it, dare to disturb the time spent with Mukuro-kun! It’s a heinous crime!” Hancock felt like he couldn’t stay with Mukuro.

It was hard for me to let Mukuro-kun accept him. Today is the first date with Mukuro-kun! Although the fly in the ointment is the presence of Robin and Nami next to him…

“Hancock, obedient.” Mukuro said.

Hearing what Mukuro said, Hancock immediately changed his attitude and said softly, “Since Mukuro-kun has said this, then the concubine can only be obedient…”

After speaking, Mukuro directly included these three people in the space of the beginning ball in the Heavenly Imperial Palace…

At this time, Ma Lin Fanduo had already been screaming. All the combat power above the general level is concentrated on the square of Ma Lin Fanduo…

“Old dog, do you feel it!?”

Whitebeard looked solemn and asked Garp who was aside.

“This comes from the trembling in the depths of my soul, how can I not feel it!”

Garp said, and then added: “Even in Mukuro’s body, I haven’t felt it!”

Hearing Garp’s words, Whitebeard was silent.

Because he feels the same as Garp, although the enemy hasn’t arrived, but he only relies on the breath that comes. In 5.8, let myself and Garp, a strong man like Haki who breaks the boundaries between humans and gods, have a feeling like this…

What kind of terrifying opponent will he face! ?

Is it possible… stronger than Mukuro! ?

Obelisk is a super horror-level powerhouse who has devoured the origin of the world. Whether it is Whitebeard or Garp, they are all aborigines in this world, and they naturally have an almost instinctive fear of the origin of the world.

And Mukuro, the power of the whole body is faint, if it is not displayed. No one can feel the power of Mukuro!

The coercion in the sky is becoming more and more condensed!

Two figures appeared in the sky above Ma Lin Fanduo at some unknown time! !

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