Chapter 392 World Liberation Army

Malin Vandor Square, facing the Naval Headquarters is a bay. The sea, which usually looks relatively broad, seems a bit crowded at this time.

The New Mobile, the New Drey Fors, the New Song…

Countless warships and the flags raised by warships were hunting and hunting in the wind… The entire Marine Vatican square was full of Marine! ! !

Headed by the ten Admiral in the cloak of justice! ! !

“Shengshi” Admiral-Sengoku of Buddha! ! “Iron Fist” Admiral-Garp! ! “Green Child” Admiral-Kuzan! ! “Kizaru” Admiral-Polusalino! ! “Akainu” Admiral-Sakazuki! ! “Fujitora” Admiral-Fujitora smiled! ! “Green Bull” Admiral-Green Bull dreams three times! ! “Whitebeard” Admiral-Edward Newgate! ! “Beasts” Admiral-Barbarossa Kaido! ! “Redhead” Admiral-Shanks! !

Ten Admiral! ! !

It can be said that the current Marine has reached an unprecedented height! ! ! Kaido and Shanks were awarded the rank of Admiral by Mukuro after the pirates of the entire world were eliminated! !

And not only the quantity but also the quality has reached an unprecedented height! !

Among the ten Admiral, Garp and Whitebeard are the strongest. After being infused with life force by Mukuro, they all regained their youth. The strength has broken through the current limitations, and the two of Conqueror’s Haki have broken the boundaries between humans and gods! ! !

Kaido and… Sengoku occupy the second tier in Marine Admiral, nourished by Mukuro’s vitality. Sengoku’s strength has directly increased by leaps and bounds! Reached the pinnacle of the second awakening! ! In addition, Conqueror’s Haki, which is infinitely close to breaking the boundaries between humans and gods, is so strong that it can be evenly matched with Kaido! !

The remaining six Admiral are in the third echelon, but even this so-called third echelon, the strength is definitely not to be underestimated! ! !

Behind these ten Admiral.

Standing is a group of Marine Vice Admiral, Vice Admiral headed by Dauberman, Fire Mountain, Stoka Berry. Although it is only Vice Admiral, it definitely has the combat effectiveness of the first Admiral level! !

Of course, there are not only the original Marine Vice Admiral, but also the strong ones among the pirates.

For example, Whitebeard’s Marco, Joz, Bista… Kaido’s Jack, Tyro… Red-haired Beckman, Raki Lu… Bassomino Bear, Hawkeye, Doflamingo, Boya… Hancock…

And behind them is a group of Rear Admiral, colonel, lieutenant colonel, major…

One hundred thousand people can be accommodated in Malinfandou Square!

However, there is not a Marine with the rank of Major or below in the square of Marlene Vandor! Because… the rate of Marine’s expansion in the past six months is so fast… it’s almost unbelievable! ! !

In every village and every town in the entire Pirate World, you may not find the existence of the village chief or the mayor. But you can definitely find a Marine Base! !

If it is said that during the Battle of the Top in the original plot, Marine can only mobilize 100,000 Marine elites from all over the world. So now… If you mobilize Marines of the same combat power…

Not to mention one hundred thousand, one million, Mukuro can also be easily mobilized! ! !

This is Marine now! ! !

Although a crowd of 100,000 people gathered in the entire square, no one dared to speak aloud, looking in one direction with all eyes. There was no other reason…

Just because there was a figure standing in that place…

Marshal Marine-Mitarashi Mukuro! ! !

Looking at the people below, a slight smile appeared on Mukuro’s face. The strongest forces required by the system have already taken shape. If you ignore the top combat power…

Now in this world, no one dares to take advantage of Marine’s edge! ! !

After pondering for a moment, Mukuro slowly said, “Um… now that everyone is here, then I should announce one thing too. Maybe some people may wonder what I am calling you to do… Then… tell everyone …From now on, Marine will establish its own power! Change its name to the World Liberation Army! It means to liberate the entire world and save the entire world from the evil rule of the World government! Create a fair and harmonious world for everyone!!!”

Bang! ! !

Mukuro’s words, like a flat bomb, instantly detonated the entire Naval Headquarters! !

“The World Liberation Army!?”

“Self-reliant government!? The evil rule of the world government!?”

There was a lot of discussion, even for Ten Admiral. Although Sengoku, Hongfa, and Polusalino were savvy people who had guessed for a long time, when they heard the news, they were still shocked! !

“Okay… quiet.”

Looking at the noisy Marine Vatican Square, Mukuro frowned and said a little displeasedly. Hearing Mukuro’s words, the entire Marin Vatican Square fell silent in an instant.

Mukuro then continued: “The World Liberation Army will be divided into ten combat troops! With ten Admiral as the leader, you will begin to conquer the world today! Garp Admiral and Kuzan Admiral, you two will lead two combat troops to conquer the revolutionary army. One month’s time! I don’t want to hear any news about the revolutionary army in the world, are you clear!?”

“Clear!!!” Garp and Kuzan said in unison.

Garp also faintly breathed a sigh of relief.

The leader of the revolutionary army, Long, is his own son, and Garp also knows that Mukuro let himself go to save himself. Otherwise, if Whitebeard is dispatched or Mukuro himself takes the shot, then the dragon will definitely be a dead end.

“Well, Four Seas, Grand Line, New World… It is also a month’s time. I don’t want any country to have combat troops stationed in any country other than the World Liberation Army! Whether it is a world spy organization or a World government army. All will strike me. Kill!!!” Mukuro said harshly.


Ten Admiral replied in unison, the sound shook the entire sky! ! !

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