Chapter 385 End the era of pirates (part 1)

Then Mukuro directly hung up the phone worm in his hand. For Charlotte Linlin, Mukuro did not have very good senses, and naturally did not have very good patience.

On the other hand, Charlotte Linlin heard the beep… from the phone worm in his hand.

His face was taken aback for a moment, and then he squeezed the phone worm in his hand with one hand! The lumps of fat all over his body were shaking constantly, and he threw aside the sloppy phone worm in his hand, and shouted:

“Asshole… Asshole Marine… Asshole Mitarashi Mukuro… I, Charlotte Linlin, want to take you… to take you…”

After talking for a long time, Charlotte Linlin didn’t say what he really wanted. Because she found helplessly, when facing Mukuro with her own strength…

It’s as weak as an ant! ! !

But Charlotte Linlin in a violent state, unlike Whitebeard or red hair, can suppress inner irritability!

Ever since…Unfortunately, everyone from the BIGMOM Pirate Group!

Nearly half of the people have been absorbed for more than ten years or even decades of life, and then turned into pieces of chocolate, which were swallowed into the abdomen by Charlotte Linlin in anger.

Three days passed quickly.


This is the territory of Kaido, Wanokuni’s largest coastal port.

Countless huge warships stood side by side on the sea one after another, and different island flags floated on each warship. However, they all have the same thing in common——

At the top of the Pirate Flag, is… Marine’s logo! ! !

These all show that there is a problem, that is, their identities belong to Marine! ! !

To be precise… it is the Marine Armed Forces under the jurisdiction of Marine! ! !

Through Kaido’s hard work in the past few months, now the New World offers a reward of more than 100 million Baileys, or the master of Haki, nearly 80% have been subdued by Kaido into the Marine Wuhai Army!

“Boss, Marine Wuhai troops have been assembled, a total of 187 pirate regiments! In addition, the man-made Devil Fruit regiment has also been replenished. At this stage, there are more than 700 people! Unless it is the time of the battle on the top. A powerhouse of this kind! Otherwise, even Whitebeard, we can kill him with crowd tactics. Boss, when are we going to trouble those three guys!?”

“Drought” Jack said excitedly.

Thinking of the next step, I would fight Whitebeard, Redhead, and Aunt, these three terrifying pirate groups. “Drought” Jack not only has no fear, but also excitement on his face, because he knows that facing the terrifying lineup of Marine Wuhai…

Even if their three pirate groups are united together, there is no chance of winning in the slightest!

Hearing Jack’s words, Kaido’s face was a little unhappy, and he said, “Jack, I’ve told you many times! Now we are all members of the Marine Wuhai Army! So…here, you can call it I’m the Chief, Chief, Kaido, and Alternate Admiral. These are all allowed. But the boss is not allowed! Because we belong to Marine! Understand? This is the last time! If you do it again next time, Then I will use the Marine system to punish you!”

“Understood, old… Master Kaido!” With a mouth, Jack almost made a mistake again. But when I saw Kaido’s eyes, half of the words were said, but he was suffocated again!


Kaido nodded in satisfaction.

Because this was Mukuro’s order, Kaido took his position as the commander of the Marine Martial Sea Force very seriously, and even to develop the Marine Martial Sea Force, the Kaido Pirate Group was completely incorporated!

“There are still more than two hours before the three-day deadline set by the adults. When the time comes, we will immediately begin the crusade against the three of them!” Kaido said solemnly.

“Yeah, I see, Master Kaido.”

“Alternative Admiral! A warship came in the distance! It’s… the big mother of the BIGMOM Pirates, one of the “Four Emperors” is here!” A watchman explained to Kaido what he saw…

“Charlotte Lingling… Jack, prepare the artificial Devil Fruit army! Once I give the order! I will attack immediately!” Kaido directly ordered.

“Okay, Master Kaido!” Jack replied.

At this time, an angry voice resounded over the sea, and Charlotte Linlin yelled: “Barbarossa Kaido! Get out of the old lady! Otherwise, the old lady will destroy your Wanokuni directly!”

“Charlotte Linlin, tell me your decision! Do you want to join Marine Wuhai Army? Your lord should have already told you, this is the last chance! Otherwise, those who wait for the BIGMOM Pirate Group will be destroyed!”

Kaido looked at Charlotte Linlin and said coldly.

“Huh! Kaido, you go to my death first!”

Charlotte Linlin suddenly violent and attacked Kaido directly! She is fat, but she is very agile when attacking! It struck Kaido in an instant!

Kaido doesn’t dodge or hide, the evil spirit energy is ignited on his arm!

In the face of Charlotte Linlin, he blasted over!

Although they are both “Four Emperors”, the power gap between “Four Emperors” is not as balanced as in the plot!


The strongest is the young man recovered by Mukuro, and then Conqueror’s Haki broke the boundaries between humans and gods, Whitebeard!

Secondly, under Mukuro’s training, the power of the Demon Fruit has reached the peak of Kaido’s second awakening! Then, it was Charlotte Linlin and Shanks who were at the bottom.

The next moment, Kaido hit Charlotte Linlin with a punch! ! !

At the same time, I saw Kaido do it. The man-made Devil Fruit army, which was in a ready-to-go state on the side, also suddenly launched an attack on the people of the BIGMOM Pirates!

In the face of the man-made Devil Fruit Corps, more than 700 Marine Vice Admiral peaks, close to the strongest of Marine Admiral series! The consequences of the BIGMOM Pirate Group can be imagined.

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