Chapter 378 World Conscription

Hearing Mukuro’s words, all the Marines in Marlin Vatican Square were all talking about it, and they were all unclear about what Mukuro’s intentions were. Today Marine’s movements are so frequent!

“The World Conscription Plan!?”

“Just now it was the Marine Armed Forces, and now it is the World Conscription Plan. It seems that our Marine will continue to make big moves in the next period of time!”

Sengoku frowned slightly, hesitated, and said aloud:

“Marshal Mukuro, now Marine has five Admiral, plus you. There is no problem at all to suppress the pirates on the sea. Moreover, the newly established Marine armed forces still need to be managed. At this time, the world conscription… the time should be Not too good.”

Sengoku’s current identity is Marine Admiral, so he is naturally qualified to speak out.

In Sengoku’s mind, the current Marine can be described as extremely powerful, and it can be said that it has reached the point of dominating the sea. There is absolutely no need to engage in world conscription.

Hearing what Sengoku said, Mukuro smiled.

Sengoku is similar to refuting one’s own opinions and didn’t care. After all, compared to himself, Sengoku’s 300 layout and vision are too small!

Mukuro explained:

“Sengoku Admiral, you should be very clear… After today, Marine will officially break with the World government. In other words, Marine will be completely independent and become another new and exclusive force. No longer obeying anyone. Command. So… the opponent that Marine will face, but a lot has been added.

In the past, Marine only needed to deal with pirates. But in the future… In addition to the pirates, the World government… Celestial Dragons… Army forces… Revolutionary… These will all become our enemies. Therefore, the expansion of Marine’s power is an urgent matter to be solved!

Now that the World government has been independent! Then we Marine…

Must become the most powerful force in this world! Sengoku Admiral, now do you understand the reason why I started the World Conscription Plan? ”

Hearing Mukuro’s explanation, Sengoku’s heart can be said to have set off a huge wave. Known as “The Resourceful General”, he naturally heard the meaning of Mukuro’s words…

To be the enemy of the world government… to be the king of the world! ! !

Sengoku was silent and woke up after Mukuro’s click. He also understood the situation that Marine is facing now. It was doomed when Mukuro killed Five Elders.

Compared with Marine’s responsibility to suppress pirates, the competition with World government is even more cruel and dangerous! The world government has been able to rule the entire world for eight hundred years, and its background is absolutely profound. Although it is usually not visible, but it is by no means the current Marine can contend. It is necessary to contend with the world government and carry out the world conscription plan. Is a must.

“Understood, Marshal Mukuro!”

Sengoku replied in a low voice. Although he clearly realized what kind of enemy he was facing, Sengoku didn’t mean to shrink back.

Because… I am a Marine Admiral! ! !

Moreover, he is the former Marine Marshal. Marine can become a great power to dominate the whole world, which is what Sengoku dreams of wanting to see!


Mukuro nodded in response.

Then he cast his gaze on the audio-visual phone worm on the side, and the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a confident smile. Through the audio-visual phone worm, the image of Mukuro spread to every corner of the Pirate World…

After a while, Mukuro said: “Today, my Marine Marshal… Mitarashi Mukuro, send out the world conscription to the strong from all over the world! Welcome any strong to come for selection! This world conscription is unlimited conscription…no restriction Number of people, unlimited positions!!!

In other words, if you think you can hold the position of Admiral, then as long as Admiral is usually selected, I will directly appoint you as Admiral of Headquarters! Of course, if someone can beat me… you can also become Marshal Marine. But I don’t think this possibility will happen. Well, finally welcome all the strong in the world to join Marine!

World conscription…began! ! ! ”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Sengoku was stunned again. He didn’t expect that Mukuro’s World Conscription actually meant such a thing, this is… this is too outrageous! ?

If you have enough strength, you can be directly promoted to Marine Admiral! ?

In this way, it can be said that it detonated the whole world! The position of Marine Admiral is the symbol of Marine’s highest combat power! As long as the strong people who can’t avoid the vulgar will be moved!

Although there is a suspicion of chaos, Sengoku has to say that this is indeed a simple and effective way to attract the strong to join Marine. But considering the strength of Mukuro, Sengoku has to admit that this is definitely a perfect plan!

Through the audio-visual phone worm, Mukuro’s voice spread throughout the world…

Ever since… the whole world is boiling! ! !

“Marine Admiral!? Ahahaha…What kind of world conscription I must participate in, so that I can directly become Marine Admiral! Then avenge the dead villagers!!!”

“Marine Admiral! My XXX is set!!!”

“If I become Marine Admiral, see who else dares to bully me!!!”

Don’t talk about how ordinary people react.

The real powerhouses hidden in all parts of the world, when they heard this news, they also had their own different thoughts.

North Blue…

In a small town…

In the square in the center of the town, people are watching the execution of Ace by Marine through the audio-visual phone worm distributed by the World government. When I finally heard about the World Conscription Plan, there was a lot of discussion…

Beside the square, a corner with almost no people…

A blind-eyed, short-haired middle-aged man with a scar on his forehead was leaning on a cane, his ears moved slightly, and he obviously heard the voice of Mukuro from the audio-visual phone worm.

He could not help but muttered: “World Conscription!? Marine Admiral… It seems that the old man’s justice has a chance to be displayed!” After that, he turned and left the square without hesitation, and walked towards the only pier in the town. .

As for the destination…Natural Headquarters! ! !

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