Chapter 365 On the verge of

Hearing this familiar voice, Doflamingo, who had already fallen into despair, flashed a glimmer of hope in his eyes… He should be saved!

“Mukuro!?”, “White Dragon Admiral!?”, “Mitarashi… Mukuro!?”…

In an instant, the entire battle on the battlefield of Ma Lin Vandor stopped, looking in the direction of the sound… However, they were all puzzled again…

Because… the direction of the sound is in mid-air.

But now, there is no figure in the air. Did I hear it wrong? ? But if you look at the expressions of the people around you, it shouldn’t be a mistake.

Blond suit Five Elders frowned slightly, with a solemn expression, Observation Haki opened fully, sensing the direction of Mukuro’s voice.

But the scene in the perception of the blonde suit Five Elders is exactly the same as the scene seen in his own eyes, empty, and nothing exists!

How can this be! ! ?

Just when the blonde suit Five Elders was surprised, a very big, dark crack suddenly opened at the location where Mukuro’s voice just sounded, like a huge mouth that swallowed the sky and the earth!

Immediately afterwards, a blast of cold wind blew out of the cracks, and everyone in Marlene Vandor’s square could feel the chill.

“Kuzan, what are you doing with the power of Frozen Fruit at this time!? Demonstrating to the kid Mukuro?” Kizaru looked at Qingzhi with a beating expression on his face and asked.


According to Kizaru, Qingzhi is full of black lines.

Is this old and rude thing going to provoke a contradiction between Mukuro and himself?

Qingzhi hurriedly explained: “Hey hey hey hey hey… Polusalino, don’t talk nonsense. My ability is to make ice. Without making ice, I didn’t let the surrounding The ability to cool the weather.”

“Oh oh oh…Is that so?” Kizaru pretended to suddenly realize.

The dark cracks continued to expand, and finally stopped until the diameter reached four to five hundred meters.

Immediately afterwards, a turquoise battleship slowly stretched out from the pitch-black crack! Just a little bit of the bow was revealed, and someone exclaimed: “White Dragon Admiral… is the battleship of White Dragon Admiral!”

“White Dragon Admiral is here…but the battle has become clear, and White Dragon Admiral is a bit late this time!”

“Stupid! You didn’t hear what Bailong Admiral just said. It’s his idea to let Doflamingo save Ace. What will happen next, I can’t say for sure!”

“Mukuro, this kid is finally here!” Rayleigh heaved a sigh of relief.

In Rayleigh’s view, Mukuro did not appear sooner or later… but it appeared at this time, it must have its own plan, and the pirate party is already clearly defeated and destroyed, and it can’t be worse. Besides, five years ago, I was kind to Mukuro. Even if he spared his old face, Rayleigh would have to save Ace’s life!

“White Dragon…what are you thinking of!?” Whitebeard was puzzled.

“Mitarashi Mukuro!? Another monster? I don’t know if it is stronger or weaker than Five Elders!?” Shanks looked at Mukuro who appeared, and couldn’t help but think of this.


The battle between Sengoku and Golden Lion also stopped. In the state of the golden Buddha, Sengoku looked at Mukuro, frowning, and he didn’t know what Mukuro’s purpose would be.

The blonde suit Five Elders looked at Mukuro, the expression on his face was gloomy, obviously very unhappy, although the flat hat and curly hair Five Elders has explained himself, remember not to conflict with Mukuro. But the current situation is… Mitarashi Mukuro, who dares to provoke the authority of Five Elders! ! !

“Really? Kill a Five Elders!? You really dare to speak wild words!”

The blonde suit Five Elders flashed angrily on his face and glared at Doflamingo, who was imprisoned by him. Haki, who broke through the boundaries of humans and gods, pressed endlessly against Doflamingo.

He is not going to defy the orders of Five Elders with flat hat and curly hair. He can only vent his dissatisfaction in this way!

However, after a few seconds…

Blond suit Five Elders was surprised to find that Doflamingo hadn’t turned into a pool of fleshy as he had imagined…

what happened! ? Blond suit Five Elders can’t help but increase Conqueror’s Haki release…

In the end, it even reached the point of full-scale display, but it seems that his Haki has no effect on Doflamingo!

At this moment, Five Elders in a blonde suit noticed Mukuro with a smile on his side.

It is also clear that this 80% is the ghost of Mukuro, and his face is a little angry, and he said in a deep voice: “Mitarashi Mukuro…Do you want to fight our Five Elders, do you want to be the enemy of the entire World government!?”

“No, no… I don’t mean it at all.”

Mukuro’s face was indifferent, waved his hand again and again, then pointed to Doflamingo, and said lightly: “My subordinates act according to my instructions, I naturally have to come forward, otherwise…the people will be separated, the team will be difficult to lead. what!”

“Follow your instructions!? Your instructions are to save the most heinous criminals that the World government demanded to be executed…Ace!? That is to say…Are you going to be an enemy of our Five Elders!?” Blond suit Five Elders looked at 4.6 Mukuro with cold eyes, and the threat in the words was self-evident.

“It was my instruction to save Ace. After all, he is the grandson of the old man Garp. I don’t want Tenten to see a bad old man who looks like a dead father in Naval Headquarters in the future.”

Mukuro looked casual, shrugged, and continued helplessly: “As for the enemy of your Five Elders… Sorry… Didn’t I make it clear just now? I don’t mean it at all… Five Under the power of Celestial Dragons, an old trash that has been stolen for eight hundred years, I don’t even bother to be an enemy…”

The blonde suit Five Elders was taken aback for a moment, then his face was blue, his eyes fixed on Mukuro. Clenching his teeth, a few words came out in his mouth: “Mitarashi Mukuro…You are looking for death…”

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