Chapter 361 Four Emperors Qi Zhi

From the direction of the Gate of Justice, several huge and hideous warships passed by! The one headed by the people in the Gulf are all very familiar, it is…

Kaido Pirates! ! !

The next few warships were the “Drought” Jack, the pirate ship under Kaido’s three major disasters! !

The Marine battleship outside the bay has long been completely destroyed by the shock of Whitebeard, so the Kaido Pirates sailed into the bay without any hindrance.

“Kaido… why did your kid come here!? Do you want to fight Laozi with me!?”

Whitebeard furrowed his brows, but a trace of worry flashed deep in his eyes.

The Five Elders that appeared just now has already given him a great sense of oppression, and Whitebeard has a vague premonition that he may not be able to defeat the five Elders, the blonde suit in front of him.

At this time, Kaido came to join in.

It’s just worse!

Originally, Whitebeard thought that Mukuro was not there and he could rescue Ace easily. But unexpectedly, fighting power beyond the “Four Emperors” level appeared one after another. Whitebeard, who has traversed the sea for so many years, can’t believe it…Is this sea the same as the sea I was familiar with before! ?

“Huh… I’ll fight with you!? Whitebeard, you think too much of yourself. I’m going to come over and make a fuss at Naval Headquarters today!” Kaido glanced at Whitebeard and said.

“Huh!?”, “Um…”, “What’s the situation!?”…

Rayleigh, red hair, Golden Lion on the side… all have a look of astonishment. Whitebeard and Kaido have always been unpleasant to everyone, right? ?

Why at this time… Kaido will suddenly appear so kind to help! ?

But the appearance of Kaido does not mean the end of the mutation… The red hair is a guy who can’t suppress doubts in his heart. When he is about to ask Kaido why…

Suddenly, his expression condensed!

He looked at the deep sea under his feet…

A huge shadow is coming up snorkeling quickly!

Another huge warship emerged from the sea. The huge warship was bigger than Whitebeard’s Mobile by three points. The position of the bow of the warship was a huge cake!

Song of the ship! ! !

BIGMOM Pirates! ! !

There is a huge figure lying sideways on the deck of this pirate ship, and the rest of the deck is filled with cakes and desserts. It is the last “Four Emperors”-Charlotte Linlin!

So far…

New World’s “Four Emperors”-actually gathered in Naval Headquarters Ma Lin Fanduo! ! !

“Mother!? Why did you come here? Naval Headquarters doesn’t have any delicious desserts!” the red hair asked with a frown. If Kaido appeared, it might be because of the hatred between him and the World government.

So the appearance of Charlotte Linlin, the red hair could not find a reason.

“Jiehehehehehe…I didn’t come voluntarily. I was forced by Kaido to come over.” Charlotte Linlin ate the dessert in front of him, and replied with a smile.

For Charlotte Linlin, red hair can be said to be a hundred unbelieving.

Force Charlotte Linlin to come over! ? How could she be the most brutal big pirate among the “Four Emperors” who dared to fight herself for a kind of dessert! ?

It’s nothing more than getting news and wanting to come and join in the fun.

But thinking of the enemy he was going to face, the red-haired face smiled weirdly. If she knew that she was going to face such a terrifying existence as Five Elders, I wonder if she would still laugh out! ?

At this time… Charlotte Linlin also felt the two auras above the execution platform!

Sit up the huge body and looked over. I couldn’t help but startled in a cold sweat… an old man with a round face and a beard, an old man in a blond suit, just looking at his own eyes made him shudder!

Charlotte Linlin glanced bitterly at Kaido…

I regretted why I participated in this battle. I originally thought that the “Four Emperors” would come together and be able to make a naval Naval Headquarters and let Marine face down!

However, looking at the two people on the execution stage…maybe it was me who died here today!

“Are you…the so-called “Four Emperors” in New World?”

Five Elders in a blond suit looked indifferent, looked at the four people contemptuously, and said, “Sure enough… it’s a bunch of rubbish! Even Celestial Dragons’ pets can be called “Four Emperors”. The pirates on the sea are really unbearable. !”

“Celestial Dragons’ pet!?”

“Who is talking about!? “Four Emperors”!?”

Numerous suspicions of Marines and pirates sounded in the square. Naturally, they really want to know the information of such powerful “Four Emperors”, and it is still such a hot news.


“Damn it! It’s you… it’s you… almost killed me more than twenty years ago! Today I am going to kill you for revenge!!!” Kaido looked at the blonde suit Five Elders with anger and gritted his teeth. , The voice came from the eyes of the throat.

“Really!? So what gives you so much confidence!?” Five Elders in a blonde suit was full of disdain.

“Man-made Devil Fruit Legion! Kill Laozi!!!” Kaido yelled.

As Kaido’s voice fell, five hundred people gushed out of the several warships behind Kaido. They all yelled from the sky, and then began to change their form!

Giant lion, giant elephant, beamon, giant tiger…

Countless huge creatures appeared in the bay, and the entire Marin Vatican square was occupied by such huge monsters…

“Man-made Devil Fruit Corps!? I heard you right… Kaido actually researched it out!?” Shanks on the side looked dumbfounded at the scene in front of him.

“Man-made Devil Fruit!? This Kaido dared to study the origin of Devil Fruit, it’s damn! The power of the world…but belongs to us Five Elders!” There was a anger on the face of Five Elders in the blond suit.

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