Chapter 350 Easy kill

Rozwald couldn’t believe it.

The eyes are very crazy.

Hundreds of meters away, Rozvar used his stumped body to blast the star’s gravity, and his left fist crazily condensed Armament Haki’s fist and blasted the star.

But all was in vain.

“No! This is impossible!” Rozwa yelled frantically, and was about to raise his hand to attack again.

“Nothing is impossible… Oh… I thought I could lure a well-matched opponent. Unexpectedly, it was just a trash in the end.” Mukuro’s voice sounded from behind Rozvard.

Rozwald turned around abruptly.

When I saw Mukuro’s face, my pupils suddenly shrank:

“It’s you!? Mitarashi Mukuro!?”

Although it hasn’t been too much inquiries about anything in the whole world for eight hundred years. But for Mitarashi Mukuro, Rozvard still knows, but the reason for knowing is somewhat absurd.

It was only because five years ago, Mukuro beat Charl Rose San Rozwald violently at Sabaody Archipelago, and was reported to himself by Charl Rose San Rozvar.

Rozwald was very fond of his heirs, and immediately promised to kill this Mitarashi Mukuro in the future. But this matter is just a trivial matter in Rozwa’s view.

So it was quickly left behind.

I just didn’t expect…

The two really met one day, and the meeting between them was so dramatic. It seems to be the scene that I imagined… completely reversed! ?

“Yo…you know me…”

Mukuro said faintly, his expression was indifferent, and he didn’t seem to be surprised at the appearance of Rozwald. Looking at Rozvard, Mukuro said with a slight disdain, “Didn’t I let you out a long time ago? Why didn’t you listen? So…suffering such a serious injury…you can’t blame others for it. Oh.”

“And…your strength is too weak…not to mention the Earth Explosive Universe, even the Earth Explosive Universe can’t affect you a bit. I really don’t know how you lived for thousands of years!?”


Rozvard’s face was extremely angry, he just wanted to say something, but he was stunned. He looked straight at the Earth Burst Yuxing not far away.

I saw Mukuro stretched out his hand in the direction of Earthburst Yuxing, and then shook it abruptly.

The endless repulsive force was poured into the earth bursting star.

The repulsive force invaded the earth-blasting star, neutralizing the terrifying gravity in the earth-blasting star. The sky slowly returned to calm, and there was no more room to continue to shatter. However, there is no way for the shattered sky to become complete again, because repairing the space requires the world to use the power of the world’s origin to repair it.

Now the origin of the world has been swallowed up by the three old Celestial Dragons. How can the origin of the entire Pirate World have space to repair?


It’s easy to recover…

Mukuro turned his gaze to Rozwad who was aside, smiled faintly, and said, “Then… then it’s your turn.”

God is coming! ! !

Mukuro disappeared directly in front of Rozwald.

“Where!? Where did you go!?”

Rozvard, who was already abnormally alert, saw Mukuro disappearing directly in front of his eyes. He was suddenly startled and hurriedly looked around, looking for Mukuro’s trace.

“not good……”

Suddenly, Rozwald felt an inexplicable throbbing in his heart, and an unknown premonition sprouted from his heart. I have never felt it in 800 years, and the breath of death that I have long forgotten once again shrouded my heart.

Subconsciously, Rozwald wanted to use his spatial ability to leave here.


It’s too late…

Rozwald’s body suddenly stiffened, his pupils slowly enlarged, and he bowed his head laboriously. What caught his eyes was a simple blade stained with blood!

Passed through my chest! ! !

“How… how is it possible!? It’s just… it’s just that the heart is pierced, for… why can’t I move all over my body!?”

Rozwald couldn’t believe what he saw in his eyes…

How can this be! ! ? Even if his heart was pierced, it wouldn’t make him unable to move.

I have swallowed the origin of the world!

Although the proportion is very small, it is only an injury like being pierced into the heart that does not affect one’s conscious thinking. It should be of little use to oneself. It’s like losing a leg and an arm just now, but it doesn’t have the slightest impact on his combat power, reaction power…etc.

But at the moment…

But he couldn’t move a bit, as if he had been given a fixation technique.

“Didn’t you already tell you? There is nothing impossible, I just destroyed your muscles, nerves… and all the sensor officials in an instant.” Mukuro said.

At the moment just now…

With the blade of Ryūjin Jakka in Mukuro’s hand inserted into Rozvard’s body, Ultimate’s Yin and Yang escape also entered Rozvard’s body through the cold blade, raging.

“To blame… blame yourself for being too weak…”

As Mukuro’s voice fell…

The last glimmer of Rozvard’s eyes disappeared, and so far… the old monster who had lived for more than a thousand years, simply died under Mukuro’s blade 4.0.

Until he died, Rozwald couldn’t believe that all this would be true, he was the Celestial Dragons who wanted to change the whole world! How…how…


The depths of the luxurious palace.

At the moment Rozwald died, the two of them also changed their faces, looking at each other, they both saw shock and confusion in each other’s eyes.


Celestial Dragons, whose identity is a little bit lower, was full of consternation, but then turned into a hideous, stern voice: “Not only knows where Raftel exists, but it is also possible to kill Rozwald…and only Five Elders. That old guy from here. Damn it, dare to kill Rozwald, I’m going to kill him!”

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