Chapter 346 Unreachable island

“Our ship hasn’t been affected at all… It’s amazing! Brother Mukuro, how did you do it?” Nami asked with curiosity in his eyes.

“It’s very simple, you see…”

After all, Mukuro raised his hand, palm facing up!

Then suddenly the palm reversed, the hand facing down! Suddenly…

The sea surface within a radius of more than ten kilometers around the battleship became calm and calm for a while, and even the billowing thunder and lightning above the sky disappeared without a trace.


Nami stared at the scene in front of him, feeling a sense of frustration in his heart. Mukuro glared bitterly, and Mukuro was a little confused.

But I didn’t think if the sea was so calm, would the navigator still need to exist?

“Use of repulsion? Using repulsion to fill the entire ocean space to suppress all unnecessary movement in the surrounding space is more difficult than destroying this sea area!”

Robin on the side spoke.

The clever Robin used his knowledge of Mukuro to tell his guess.

“Brother Mukuro! Give me your power…As a navigator…15 But I will never be defeated by this bad weather!” Nami said angrily.


Just as Mukuro wanted to say something, Nami interrupted him.

Nami directly ordered: “Hurry up and do what I said.” His tone was strong, as if he was the boss of this warship.

“All right……”

Hearing Nami’s words, Mukuro’s face fell involuntarily, knowing that he used his ability to suppress the wind and waves on the sea, not just because of force.

But because… Mukuro seasick! ! !

But Mukuro didn’t dare not listen to Nami’s words.

Otherwise, what should I do if I don’t let myself go to bed at night! ?

There will be nowhere for Mukuro to cry by then. As for going to Robin, these two women have already reached an alliance agreement and will definitely boycott Mukuro together.

“Everyone… pay attention!”

Mukuro said loudly, and then put away the repulsive force exerted on the surroundings.

Suddenly…for a second, there was a battleship as stable as a fortress. In one second, it was like a leaf in the waves. It may be overturned in the sea at any time!

And Nami is concentrating on controlling the rudder in hand!

Just with the ups and downs of the big waves, Mukuro was a little confused, but also very helpless. Mukuro was always wondering that even with his own level of existence, he would still get seasick. I wished to restrain the surrounding environment with repulsive force again, but after seeing Nami’s serious expression, he dismissed the idea.

“Forget it, let’s find Raftel quickly and end this nightmarish “sickness” experience.” Mukuro thought in his heart.

At the same time, I directly activated my Kagura Mind Eyes and Observation Haki, and instantly Mukuro’s perception extended and covered the entire surface of the final sea.


Mukuro’s brows frowned slightly, and there was no island in the range of his perception. To be clear… the range of my perception extends to the Calm Belt on both sides of the Grand Line and eventually the upside-down mountain!

So there is no perception gap at all!

Think about it… Even an island made up of seastone cannot withstand such violent waves on this sea, violent sea tornadoes under the sea, and terrifying thunders in the sky.

“Could it be that Raftel’s rumor is just a fake!?”

As soon as this idea arose in Mukuro’s mind, it was directly dispelled by Mukuro.

Because Mukuro knew it was impossible.

First of all, when he was stationed at Sabaody Archipelago five years ago, Rayleigh told himself more than once that he had been to Raftel, and he used the news of Raftel’s existence to lure himself into a pirate.

Secondly… If Raftel is just a lie and scam, then it would be great fun. Pirate fans on the earth are estimated to have riots directly, so the old ghost Oda Eiichiro would definitely not dare to do this. So… the insinuation into the real world where Mukuro is located must be like this.

Raftel exists!

It’s just that I haven’t found it now.

In fact, if you think about it, you can figure out if Raftel is really just an ordinary island.

With Roger’s strength, why can’t Shiki, Whitebeard, Garp…these powers with similar strengths find the trace of Raftel’s existence?

It can only be said that Roger is different from others.

And Roger is different from others, except for his nerves as big as Luffy’s, maybe only…

The third level of Observation Haki! ! !

This is a power that Mukuro has never possessed! ! !

Although, now Mukuro’s strength has reached a terrifying and incredible level! Armament Haki is definitely the third level, and Conqueror’s Haki has already reached the point of 427 breaking the boundaries between humans and gods!

But what makes Mukuro a little embarrassed is…

My own Observation Haki is still at the first level. Not to mention the third level of listening to the voices of all things, that is, the second level of listening to the voices of others, and Mukuro can’t do it at all.

But Mukuro didn’t force it either.

Because he knows better than anyone that the cultivation of this kind of power can definitely not be achieved by man-made cultivation, it is definitely caused by the blessing of the origin of the world.

As long as you control the power of the world’s origin, you can definitely do this. But it is limited to the world of Pirates, because after all, it is just the origin of the world of Pirates.

“Is it an island that can only be reached by the origin of the world…?”

Mukuro murmured, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes: “If even this little trick of the origin of the world can’t be beaten, then how can I talk about controlling the origin of the world!”

Slightly blue flames emerged from Mukuro’s body…

It burned all over Mukuro’s body in an instant!

In the eyes of Samsara, Tenseigan slowly turned, and the twelve black Truth-Seeking Balls behind him, like guards that existed in ancient times, stood loyally behind Mukuro!

Reincarnation Tenseigan Chakra Mode!

Mukuro’s strongest state!

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