Chapter 336 Conquer Enel

One by one, dark blue Chakra giant punches hit Enel’s body, and within one hundredth of a second, Enel was bombarded by hundreds of punches!

Although the Eighty God Air Strike is in the name of Eighty.

But there were not only 80 fists, but also more than 800 fists! If Chakra is enough, eight thousand or eighty thousand Chakra fists can be bombarded out!

This is the strongest physique in the world of Naruto! In theory, there is no limit. If Mukuro is willing, the eighty gods air strikes with full force can even destroy the entire White Sea easily!

But just to deal with Enel, it is impossible for Mukuro to use all his strength.

The attack range formed by the Chakra giant fist is very large. If it weren’t for Enel’s current form of a lightning giant, I am afraid it would not have withstood so many attacks.


Who calls Enel a well-known bad guy? I encountered the protagonist Luffy in the original book, and now I have encountered a existence that is even scarier than the protagonist Mukuro!

It can only be said to be…unlucky!

Just with a few punches, Enel’s lightning giant form has reached its limit, and it has gradually dissipated into blue electric lights, spreading towards the surrounding sea of ​​clouds!

Immediately afterwards, more Chakra giant punches were poured out on Enel!

Enel, who was covered by the Chakra fist, was completely invisible. And unlucky with Enel is the Apayaduo at Enel’s feet. The Chakra fist condensed by the sacred air strikes directly penetrated the land of the Apayaduo which is hundreds of meters thick, and then directly blasted through it. Baibaihai!

After all the punches of the Eighty Gods’ Air Strikes were poured out, the Apayaduo, which could have been regarded as a round island, now blasted a huge hole directly in the middle!

Looking along the void, even the white sea and the clouds of the white sea have disappeared!

If it weren’t for Mukuro’s use of Observation Haki to perceive the existence of Enel, when the lightning giant dissipated, Enel was restrained with the rebirth Tenseigan·repulsion cage.

I am afraid that the current Enel will be blasted directly into the sea 10,000 meters below!

The battle between the two giants was naturally seen by everyone on Angel Island. Especially when Enel’s thunder and lightning giant was knocked down when Mukuro blasted out that terrifying eighty gods air strike!

“God… Lord God! Actually… was defeated!?”

“How is it possible! There are such powerful people in the world, are they from Qinghai!?”

“No! Apayaduo will be ruined!”

Everyone was shocked by the fact that Enel was defeated by Mukuro, but when they saw the shot down by the eighty gods, they were terrified. Apayaduo, the hometown of himself and others, is about to be destroyed like this?

You know that you and the others are working so hard to resist Enel’s brutal rule, just to retake Apayado, is it…is it going to be destroyed like this?

Many people on Angel Island are in despair!

Mukuro walked up to Enel, looked at Enel who was so angry, and slowly asked, “How? Enel, do you choose to surrender to me now?”

“Dreaming…Dreaming!!! I’m… God!!! How can I surrender to a mortal!!” Enel struggled with his eyes fixed on Mukuro.


Looking at Enel, Mukuro felt a little helpless, and said, “Sure enough…Isn’t my dominance enough? There is no such thing as Naruto’s mouth that says dead opponents! But… since I have done it. Decide! Then… even God! Can’t change!!!”

“Distinguished Heavenly Gods!!!”

Reincarnation in Mukuro’s eyes, Tenseigan, flashed away, and a single-eyed crow shot out of Mukuro’s eyes, directly into Enel’s eyes!

I saw Enel who was still struggling to resist, but he stopped struggling to resist for a moment!

Slowly, Enel’s gaze at Mukuro has changed from full of hatred to full of guilt. With a look of regret and regret, he said, “My lord, I… my subordinate damn it! Just now I didn’t know how to live or die, but I dared to attack the adult! Subordinates, damn it!”

At this moment, Enel couldn’t understand what happened in his heart. What happened to him just now? It’s an unforgivable fault to actually shoot at the most respected Bailong Admiral!

“It’s okay, just don’t fan anymore…” Mukuro said lightly.

For using Distinguished Heavenly Gods to control Enel’s will and make him loyal to him, Mukuro didn’t feel the slightest error. Some people may think that the allegiance gained by doing so is just a false allegiance.

For this, Mukuro can only report it…hehe.

First of all, the Distinguished Heavenly Gods technique directly permanently changes the subject’s will and thinking! There is no such thing as changing memory or anything, so the hint of will that the subject planted to the caster comes from his own instinct, and there is no falsehood. Secondly, for Enel’s strength, even if it is ten times more powerful, Mukuro will not care about it. As long as he can do things for himself, Mukuro will not care about too much.

“Yes! Your lord, my subordinates understand!”

Hearing that Mukuro forgave his presumptuous behavior, Enel could be said to be moved and cry.

Seeing Enel, who was beaten by himself to be nearly disabled, Mukuro felt a little helpless.

0.7 I knew that Enel has this kind of temperament. It was Distinguished Heavenly Gods greeted me. How could it be so troublesome?

Mukuro raised his right hand and pressed it against Enel’s chest and abdomen. Suddenly, endless vitality poured into Enel’s body. Enel, who had recovered, thanked him with gratitude and stood behind Mukuro.

“Well… the battle has been affected a lot! In that case…”

“Yin and Yang Escape·The Creation of All Things!!!”

Ultimate’s yang-escape power and Ultimate’s yin-escape power merge with each other to form yin-yang escape. However, under the control of Mukuro, the Truth-Seeking Ball did not become dark.

Instead, it becomes another kind of energy-the most essential power of Yin and Yang escape, and then it fills the entire Apayaduo!

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