Chapter 333 Enel

“This is just the White Sea, not even Sky Island. Hmm… I found it!”

Under the eyes of Mukuro Kagura’s heart and Observation Haki’s perception, the surrounding scenes were all incorporated into his own sea of ​​consciousness. A piece of land is hidden in the huge rolling sea of ​​clouds!

land! ?

There is no land on Sky Island!

The only land here is the half of Gaya Island that was washed up by the rising torrents in front of 400. Here it is called Apaya Duo, which means holy land.

At the same time, it is also called the island of gods, which is the island where gods live!

Use God Pro directly!

The three Mukuro appeared on Apayador on Sky Island!

“What about gold? Brother Mukuro!? Where is the gold? Didn’t you say that Gaya Island is full of gold? Why didn’t I see it?” As soon as he stepped on the ground, Nami immediately looked around, but didn’t. To a trace of gold.


Mukuro is also a little surprised, shouldn’t be.

But then I think about it now that it’s not long before the plot begins, which means that Enel has already begun to make the Ark “Proverbs.” In this case, the gold should have been taken away by Enel.

Just when Mukuro opened Kagura’s eyes again and Observation Haki was about to look for Enel.


A horrible thunder light fell from the sky and slashed straight at Mukuro!

God’s sanctions! ! !

However, Enel has discovered the invader Mukuro and consumed Thunder Fruit’s Enel. With the increase in fruit power, Observation Haki can be said to be terrifying.

The entire island is under Enel’s perception!

For intruders, Enel will not be merciful at all!

“Is this a welcome to me? I am really flattered. I attacked without asking, Enel…Do you really think you are a god? Your unrealistic dreams, let me give it to you. You smash it by yourself!”


Mukuro’s right hand also flashed blue electric lights, but it was more dazzling than the lightning falling from the sky! Raising his hand, he struck straight in the direction of the falling thunder and lightning!

Raikiri got his name because he cut off the lightning!

Moreover, in Mukuro’s hands, its power has definitely increased a hundredfold!

Enel, the so-called divine sanction, was simply vulnerable in front of Mukuro. Raikiri, who was directly in Mukuro’s hand, cut into scattered electric lights, and then dissipated between the heavens and the earth.

“I’ll take care of something, you two wait for me here a moment.”

After all, Mukuro disappeared from the spot.

In the next moment, he appeared in a palace. In front of Mukuro is a long earlobe with thunder drums on his back and a white turban on his head. Who else would it be if it wasn’t Enel?

“60 Million Volt Thunder Dragon!!!”

Seeing Mukuro appearing in front of him, Enel looked unhappy, and the golden rod in his hand hit the thunder drum on his shoulders! A huge thunder dragon emerged from the thunder drum in an instant, roared towards Mukuro, and directly swallowed Mukuro.

Seeing Mukuro swallowed by Thunder Dragon, Enel’s expression didn’t change at all.

Xiang Mukuro, a guy who offended himself and was executed by himself, had no ten thousand but eight thousand. Although this man was a little bit beyond his expectations, he actually carried his own god’s sanction, and the speed was not slower than himself!

But it doesn’t matter. After being hit by Thunder Dragon, there is no chance of surviving…

Just when Enel was about to call a priest to deal with the bones, suddenly a playful voice sounded from the extinguishing thunder:

“Um…is this only level? Such a strong Thunder Fruit is used to such an extent by you. It’s really rubbish! Did you know… Fruit can cry!”

Mukuro’s figure came out of the thunder, there was not the slightest blackness on his body, and even the clothes were not damaged at all.

“How… how is it possible!? How could you be fine!?”

The pupils in Enel’s eyes shrank sharply, and he couldn’t help exclaiming.

To know the voltage of 60 million volts, let alone the mortal body, even steel will be melted directly by electricity! How could the person in front of him carry his thunder dragon forcibly without having anything to do! ?

“Who are you… on earth!? Are you… from Qinghai!?”

Enel’s face was sullen, his eyes fixed on Mukuro, and he asked slowly. Considering himself to be the god on Sky Island, -kun has been on Sky Island for several years, but Enel has been familiar with the entire Sky Island for a long time. There is absolutely no such powerful person!

“It’s not that ignorant to look at you… Enel.” Looking at Enel Mukuro, he said slightly mockingly.

“Damn it… from Qinghai, what is your purpose!?”

Although Enel is arrogant, but the person opposite has taken his thunder dragon forcibly. In Enel’s view, his strength is definitely not inferior to him.

“I heard that you collected the gold of the entire Gaya Island… Oh, it’s what you call the Apayador. Then you built a huge golden ark. I’m very interested in it. Can you give it to me? ?” Mukuro asked faintly.

“Damn it… dare to hit my Ark’s “Proverbs” idea!”

An angry expression appeared on Enel’s face. The Ark’s “Proverbs” was the ship of dreams he used to find the infinite land! How… how can you tolerate others coveting it! ?

“Thirty Million Volt Thunderbird!!!”

“Thirty Million Volt Thunder Monster!!!”

A thunderbird in the form of a phoenix and a thunder wolf in the form of a wolf beast, rushing from left to right towards Mukuro invading and biting!

“The 60-million-volt Thunder Dragon is useless, the 30-million-volt Thunderbird and Thunder Beast…Do you think it can be useful?” Mukuro sneered, raised his hand with two punches, and blasted away those who attacked him. Thunder!

Six-style Tempest Kick·Demon! ! !

The powerful leg Jin shock wave blasted directly to Enel!


In Enel’s superb Observation Haki, he felt a little danger in an instant, and directly activated this ability that Logia Demon fruit power possesses without even thinking about it!

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