Chapter 331 Pluton battleship

Mukuro’s tone was extremely domineering, and he couldn’t tolerate the possibility of Robin’s rejection at all.

“Okay… okay.”

Robin was dumbfounded, and replied subconsciously. The nightmare of my own 20 years has been ended in this way? How… it might be that simple! ?

Robin felt like he was dreaming!

“Okay, let’s go. Crocodile, you stay in the rain. It’s better not to make any noise, or I will put you in prison directly, understand?” Mukuro stood up and looked to the side. Crocodile said.

“Understood… the subordinate understands.” Crocodile said hurriedly.

The capital of Alabasta.


Royal palace.

“They… can’t see us?”

Robin asked with a hint of surprise and doubt in his eyes.

My current self is walking grandiosely in the palace of the Nafirutali family with Mukuro. But neither the guard on the side nor the waiter seemed to be able to see him at all.

Mukuro smiled and explained: “We are not hiding our body, of course they can see us. It’s just that the moment I see us, I planted a psychological suggestion that I would ignore us directly. That’s all.”


Robin nodded with enlightenment. Then he continued to ask: “This is the power of Devil Fruit.”

Although he was asking Mukuro a question, Robin used an affirmative tone. In Robin’s view, such a magical power must be the power of Devil Fruit, just like its own Flower-Flower Fruit.

Unexpectedly, Mukuro’s answer surprised Robin again.

“It’s not the power of Devil Fruit. This is another power called Chakra. I will teach you when I have the opportunity.” Mukuro smiled and replied.

In the world of One Piece, because of the exclusion of the world’s origin. So except for Mukuro, who has the strongest career system, no one can use the power of other worlds.

Of course, if Mukuro can control the origin of the world, then it’s a different matter. By then, Mukuro will be the master of the entire Pirate World. It’s horrible if you don’t speak out, but it is very easy to modify the power system rules of the Pirate World and incorporate the practice of Chakra into the world of One Piece. .

“Yeah.” Robin responded.

Although it was only a short time, Robin was extremely comfortable and relaxed beside Mukuro.

Twenty years of wanted rewards and Mukuro’s strength have made Robin unconsciously see Mukuro as his own reliance. Perhaps even Robin hasn’t even noticed this.

“Um… the destination is here, I’m up to you now, Robin.” Mukuro first looked at the underground palace in front of him, then looked at Robin who was aside and said with a smile.

Robin didn’t speak, looking towards the dark and deep passage in front of him, his expression was a little anxious. Without Mukuro’s words, she can naturally guess what’s underneath.

Historical text!

I have searched the ocean for 20 years, but now I finally see it. How could Robin not be anxious?

I want to walk down when I lift my foot.

But Mukuro stopped him, looking a little helpless: “Don’t worry, even if you find the stone that records the historical text in such a dark environment, can you still see it clearly?”

“Fire Style·Phoenix Fire Technique!”

A series of fireballs spit out from Mukuro’s mouth, and then extended towards the underground palace, attached to the walls of the underground palace, and suddenly the whole underground palace became like daylight.

“Is this also the power of Chakra? What a magical power?” Robin asked in a little surprise when he saw this scene.

“Well, let’s go down.” Mukuro said with a smile.

The underground palace was empty. In the center of it, there was a huge square stone over two meters high. Robin couldn’t help but see the pattern-like characters engraved on it.

“Is this the historical text?”

Robin stepped forward, stroked the words on the stone, muttered in his mouth. Then he began to interpret the historical text. Mukuro stood aside and didn’t mean to bother him.

After a long while, after reading the whole piece of history, Robin was a little bit lost…

Mukuro then asked aloud, “How is it? Robin. What information is recorded on this stone?”


Taking a look at Mukuro, Robin’s eyes seemed to be a little evasive. What is recorded in this historical article is not at all the blank 100-year history that I want to know, but it records the location of a terrorist weapon.

“It’s just some myths and legends from ancient times.”

Robin said that she didn’t want that terrorist weapon to appear in the world, otherwise there would be many tragedies like Ohara.

“It records the place where Ancient Weapon “Pluton” Pluto slept, and… the place where he slept is five hundred meters underground! Am I right?” Mukuro said with a smile.

Before entering the underground palace, Mukuro opened the eyes of Kagura. I just wanted to perceive the situation of the local palace, but I didn’t expect to find a huge battleship five hundred meters deep below it!

The captain of nearly a kilometer is more than double the size of Mukuro’s battleship. Coupled with the densely packed, ferocious weapons Mukuro had never seen before, apart from “Pluton”, Mukuro couldn’t think of a second possibility.

“You… how do you know? Can you understand ancient characters too!?” Robin was startled.

“Of course not, but 1.8 accidentally discovered it.” Mukuro said.

“Then…what are you going to do?” Robin asked.

“Of course I took him out. After all, I came here to find it.” Looking at Robin whose expression of concern revealed his worries, Mukuro continued, “But rest assured, I don’t need to use it, but I need it. Refer to the technology on it.”

Mukuro added something in his heart: Hmm… and then made even more terrifying weapons.

“Let’s go.” Mukuro said.


Robin was taken aback: “Don’t you need to get “Pluton”?”

“I got it.” Mukuro said.

But just now, Mukuro had already included “Pluton” in the Heavenly Royal Naka Sand Space.

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