Chapter 329 Nico Robin

Marine Admiral! ?

Bailong! ?

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Robin’s body softened, and a trace of fear rose in his instinct: Is Marine Admiral here to capture himself? Is his identity exposed! ?

What kind of horror Marine Admiral is, Robin has fully experienced it!

The Ohara Buster Call twenty years ago…

At that time, it was just the naivety of Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral, but it left an indelible impression in Robin’s memory. One move was to freeze the entire sea!

But with a hint of luck in his heart, he forced a smile, and Robin opened his mouth and said: “Your Excellency Admiral, what do you want to do with Miss·allsunday?”

Robin was thinking that Mukuro is just a new Marine Admiral, and he has only joined Marine for ten years. What happened twenty years ago is definitely not very clear.

But Mukuro’s next words broke Robin’s last illusion.

Just listen to Mukuro’s faint opening and say: “Nico Robin, born in the archaeological holy site “Ohara” in West Blue, passed the exam with a perfect score at the age of eight and became an archaeologist.

Due to the 100-year history of studying the blankness taboo of the 650 World government, the entire Ohara was destroyed under the Buster Call of the World government.

And the young you, with the help of Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral Jaguar·D·Saul, escaped from the impending Ohara and became the only survivor of Ohara.

Because you control the ability to interpret the text 800 years ago, you are regarded as a dangerous person by the world government. On the basis of the crime of “destroying six Marine battleships”, the bounty for you, who is only eight years old, is set at 79 million Baileys!

And named “Son of the Devil”.

After leaving Ohara, he has been betrayed and abandoned by his comrades several times because of his identity and amazing rewards. In the following days, he hid in the underground world in order to avoid the pursuit of Marine, and survived by betraying others.

Seven years ago, he came to Grand Line from West Blue and joined Baroque Studio. The main purpose is to use Crocodile to look up the historical text that belongs to Alabasta. ”

At this point, Mukuro paused.

Then a smile appeared on his face, and he continued: “Am I right? Nico Robin…”

With every word of Mukuro’s words, Robin’s face became paler, until his face was completely bloodless.

Looking at Mukuro, Robin said desperately: “You came to arrest me? Why!? History belongs to the people of the world, why do you want to cover it up!? Why…Why do you want to destroy Ohara!?”

At the end, Robin’s voice had become hoarse, and the fear that had been suppressed in his heart for twenty years was yelled by Robin.

Looking at Robin, Mukuro’s eyes flashed with regret, sighed, and said:

“Robin, although I don’t think there is any point in interpreting past history. Because man is a creature that yearns for the future. And the past…is just not a dispensable thing. But as your pursuit, I will not It is a mistake to deny. I am not here for the purpose of arresting you, but for you to be my companion!”

Seeing Robin’s surprised expression on his face, Mukuro continued: “I need your ability to interpret historical texts. Of course, in order to allow you to work with peace of mind, I will apply to Naval Headquarters to remove the reward for you!”

“Relieve… my reward!?”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Robin looked a little sluggish, obviously he didn’t believe it. His own reward was issued by the World government himself. Although Mukuro is Marine Admiral, he definitely does not have this authority.

Seeing Robin’s disbelief look, Mukuro smiled, did not say anything, but took out a phone worm.


“Huh? Boy Mukuro, what can I do during the vacation? Also, you made the East Blue movement the other day.” Sengoku’s voice rang from the other end of the phone bug.

“Um… the East Blue thing, sorry marshal, it was a little too hilarious to accidentally play.”

Mukuro scratched his head awkwardly, and then continued: “Um… Marshal Sengoku, there is something that may need to trouble you. Nico Robin’s wanted reward, I hope it can be revoked.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Sengoku was silent for a while, and did not ask Mukuro for any reason.

He said, “Mukuro, the reward for Nico Robin was set by the World government. Marine has no right to revoke it. But I can order all Marines to stop arresting Nico Robin. Do you think this is okay?”

Robin on the side heard Sengoku’s voice in the phone bug, and his expression was a little shocked. Unexpectedly, Mukuro was just a sentence, and Marshal Marine was so accommodating without even asking why.

But when Mukuro heard Sengoku’s words, Mukuro was not very satisfied, frowned, and said: “Marshal Sengoku, then please call Five Elders a phone bug, just say that I mean Mitarashi Mukuro, and ask them to relieve Nico Robin. Wanted reward!”

“Mukuro…that’s Five Elders, World government…”

Before Sengoku finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mukuro and said meaningfully: “Marshal Sengoku, just report to Five Elders. They will know what to do.”

Naval Headquarters.

When Sengoku heard Mukuro’s words, he was a little stunned…

This kid Mukuro, when did you get into a relationship with Five Elders! ? And it seems that this relationship… seems to be more like a relationship of equal level! ?

“Well, I will report to Five Elders.” Sengoku said solemnly.

Hanging up the phone worm with Mukuro, Sengoku picked up a crimson phone worm next to him and dialed in: “Hey, is it your Lord Five Elders? Naval Headquarters Marshal Buddha Sengoku has something to report!”

After a while, the voice of Five Elders with flat hat and curly hair rang from the phone bug: “Marshal Sengoku? Did something happen?”

Sengoku’s heart shuddered. He knew this voice. The boss of Five Elders, under normal circumstances, would never talk to him at all. Why this time! ?

“Naval Headquarters requests that the reward for Nico Robin be lifted.”

After a pause, Sengoku added: “This is also what Bailong Admiral means.”

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