Chapter 316 Barati

Hearing Arlong’s words, Mukuro was a little dumb, smiled faintly, and said:

“People!? Maybe.”

After that, he raised his hand in Arlong’s direction and shook it fiercely!


Arlong’s whole body exploded directly, turning into a cloud of blood. The blood mist filled the sky, floating above the sea, it did not appear bloody and cruel, but a bit coquettish.

Looking at Arlong, who had disappeared and died in the blood mist, Nami’s eyes were dull.

Suddenly, Nami slammed onto Mukuro’s body, and started crying loudly. Mukuro patted Nami on the back, not knowing how to express his comfort.

For eight years, since a ten-year-old girl, Nami has been under too much pressure and pain, and the culprit of this pressure and pain is Arlong, who was just killed by Mukuro.

And now that Arlong’s death means that the pain that was pressing on him has disappeared, how can Nami unbridledly express his emotions?

After a while, Nami stopped crying, wiped his eyes, looked at Mukuro with reddish eyes, and said loudly, “Well, from today, I will be a sailor on Mitarashi Mukuro! Then… …Survey and map the nautical chart of the entire world!!!”

Suddenly, Nami’s eyes moved and he looked at Mukuro and asked aloud, “Then am I going to be Marine from now on!? I heard that Marines have Marine allowances, right?”


Mukuro smiled, naturally knowing what Nami’s idea was, and asked aloud: “Then how much do you want?”

“Five hundred thousand…no, one million Baileys every month!”

Having said that, Nami felt that he wanted a little bit, and he explained: “A beautiful and smart navigator like me, one million Baileys a month is definitely not much! It’s you who make a lot of money.”

“Are you sure? It’s the same?” Mukuro asked, looking at Nami with a faint smile.

“Of course not…no change…”

Nami said aloud, but for some reason, a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.


Mukuro responded, then turned to look at the lieutenant colonel aside and said, “Um…remember, change Nami’s Marine allowance from 3 million Baileys a month to 1 million Baileys.”

Although the purchasing power of Pele in One Piece World is not very strong, three million Pele is not a small number. Except for the Marine on Mukuro’s battleship, the other person in Marine, even the battleship of Marshal Sengoku, does not have such generous treatment!

“Yes, Bailong Admiral!” the lieutenant colonel replied.

Nami blinked and looked at Mukuro with a dumbfounded look. It took a long time to react and watched Mukuro’s “painful” loud voice: “Don’t… don’t, let’s follow your order, OK?”

“But… this is what you asked for yourself. Didn’t I ask for your opinion?” Mukuro spread his hands and looked at Nami with an innocent look.

“Ah…” Nami wailed in pain.

After a while, Mukuro smiled and said, “Okay, Nami, when you map the East Blue waters, I will adjust your Marine allowance back to 3 million Baileys, how about? ”

“Really!?” When Nami heard Mukuro’s words, he was instantly energetic.

“Of course it is true.” Mukuro smiled.

“Well, I will give you the chart of the East Blue waters in three days!” Nami said confidently.

You must know that for eight years, Nami has visited the entire East Blue. If it were not for Arlong to map the sea, it is estimated that the sea map of the East Blue waters has already been mapped by Nami.

Whether it is one million Baileys or three million Baileys, it is only a very small number for Mukuro. Mukuro just wants to make Nami amused. Naturally, it is impossible to be too much. I’m embarrassed by Nami’s.

Three days later, Nami delivered the newly surveyed chart of the East Blue waters to Mukuro’s hands.

“Hey…this is the chart of the East Blue waters I surveyed and mapped. There is absolutely no error. How about, can I adjust my Marine allowance back!” Nami said.

Mukuro slowly unfolded. Nami handed over the chart and looked at it.

Logue town, Windmill Village, West Robe Village… all were surveyed and mapped by Nami on the chart in great detail, even more complete than the Naval Headquarters’ East Blue sea chart!

“Of course, it’s a perfect chart, Nami, you really are a very good sailor!” Mukuro sighed involuntarily.

Hearing Mukuro’s compliment to him, Nami’s face flushed slightly.

He handed the chart in his hand to the lieutenant colonel next to him, and ordered a copy to Naval Headquarters.

Then Mukuro looked at Nami and said, “And in order to reward you for mapping such a great nautical chart, reward you… how about going to the sea restaurant Bharati to have a big meal?”

“Great, I’m exhausted for three days in a row, I must have a good meal this time!” Nami said excitedly.

“The subordinates will summon the sergeants now and set sail immediately!” The lieutenant colonel on the side hurriedly said.

“Um… no need.” Mukuro waved his hand and said, “I’m on vacation, so let’s take a vacation for everyone. This time I can go with Nami.”

“But…” The lieutenant colonel’s expression hesitated.

“Could it be that you are still worried about my safety!? Just call the worm if there is an emergency.” Mukuro said with a smile.

“Yes! Your lord!” the lieutenant colonel said hurriedly.

Sea restaurant Bharati!

East Blue… and even Si Hai Dou is a very famous restaurant.

In the restaurant with the name of “battle”, the chef is Zhepu who was once known as the “redfoot”, and the assistant chef is Sanji. Following the “principle of absolutely not wasting food”, there are many armed combat chefs under it.

The shape of the restaurant is a giant ship with fish-shaped bows and sterns at both ends. For fear of fighting destroying the facilities inside the restaurant, the entire ship can be transformed into a fighting form, stretching out two “fins” general battlefields.

Mukuro and Nami arrived here in an ordinary boat.

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