Chapter 300 Mukuro’s final plot

Seeing Mukuro’s smile and silence, Vegapunk became more irritable and asked a little annoyedly: “Then how can you agree!?”

If it hadn’t received all the information from the World government, Vegapunk knew very well the power of the man in front of him, and he wanted to ask the World government to capture Mukuro for his own research ideas!

This is a brand-new power system. The temptation to oneself is even greater than the temptation of drug addiction-kunzi, so although Vegapunk knows this is definitely a trap, he still has to jump off!

“Um… if you want me to agree, it’s actually very simple.” Mukuro said.

“What do you want me to do!?” Vegapunk said hurriedly.

“Abandon the World government and become my one!” Mukuro stared directly at Vegapunk’s eyes and said faintly.

Mukuro finally showed his fangs and at the same time revealed his intentions!

Whether it’s the layout of Sabaody Archipelago, the compilation of “Seven Warlords of the Sea”, or the control of Kaido, Mukuro has its own plan!

Become the master of the world! ! !

According to common sense, if you become the strongest in the world, you can get the blessing of the world’s origin. Then, with the power of the system, Mukuro can control the entire Pirate World’s origin power by 300.

However, after he completed the reincarnation Tenseigan and the power of Yin-Yang escape simultaneously, he was definitely already standing at the top of the whole world. Even if he couldn’t control the origin of the world immediately, then at least he should feel that the origin of the world is getting closer to himself. .

But these are completely absent. Mukuro only feels the world’s origin that is imprisoned, and the aura of the world’s origin is gradually weakening.

The explanation given by the system is: The world origin of Pirate World is being swallowed!

Immediately, Mukuro’s first reaction was to pick up Ryūjin Jakka and kill Mariejois directly. The origin of the world is something he conspired. For those who dare to grab their own things, Mukuro will never be polite!

But the system tells itself that an incomplete world origin system cannot absorb it!

At that time, Mukuro was dumbfounded in an instant!

Through the increasing understanding of the system, Mukuro has also figured out that if he does not absorb the original power of the entire world, then the third module of the system-the space-time module will never be able to be opened again!

In other words, if you cannot absorb the world origin of Pirate World, you can only have two choices:

One: Stay in the world of One Piece forever!

Second: Return to the world of Naruto, but never set foot in other worlds!

No matter which of the two is, Mukuro is not what Mukuro wants to choose. That’s why Mukuro has the urge to go crazy and slaughter Mariejois.

However, in the end, the system gave a perfect solution:

Kill everyone who has swallowed the origin of the world, and then integrate the will of everyone in this world, so that you can condense the entire origin of the world again!

In other words, Mukuro will not only become the strongest existence in the world! Become the supreme leader of the world!

Knowing that the system has a solution, Mukuro was relieved.

At the same time, I can’t help but feel a little bit happy. Compared to Naruto World, it seems that I am more challenging in the Pirate World!

However, this is also good!

Although Pirate World is one level higher than Naruto World’s world level, relatively speaking, the difference in high-end combat power is not very large. If there are no other challenges, it would be too boring.

Hearing Mukuro’s words, the excitement on Vegapunk’s face gradually faded. He looked directly at Mukuro for a while, but shook his head and said:

“Bailong Admiral, you won’t know the horror of World government!”

Hearing Vegapunk’s answer, Mukuro smiled.

As a member of the World government, facing his own inquiries, he finally gave an ambiguous answer, which is enough to explain all the problems.

Although obsessed with scientific research, Vegapunk is not an idiot who doesn’t understand the world. The words spoken are simply not leaking. Even if these words are learned by the World government, they have nothing to do with them! After all, from beginning to end, I didn’t say a word against World government!

“The horror of the World government!? Are you talking about the five old men who have lived for 900 years? Or are you referring to the three Celestial Dragons who are huddled in Mariejois?” Mukuro said with a faint smile.

“You…how can you know these things!?”

A look of horror appeared in Vegapunk’s eyes. Even himself, because he was studying Devil Fruit for the World government, Five Elders had to disclose to himself some information about the blank 100-year history of 800 years ago.

Others are due to Vegapunk’s own deepening of the study of Devil Fruit, and after consulting some ancient and recent history, and then through his own speculation.

And it’s just a rough idea, but it’s not as accurate as Mukuro!

“Then why can’t I know? As for Five Elders and Celestial Dragons, do you think I will be afraid!? You should be very clear about the bad personality of the five Elders. Even I took it from them. “Seven Warlords” Of the Sea’ control, they don’t even show their attitude. Vegapunk, you should be able to guess the reason for this with your IQ!” Mukuro chuckled and said.

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Vegapunk’s pupils shrank, and after a second thought, Five Elders’ reaction was really abnormal! As for what could be the reason, Vegapunk faintly gave birth to a guess that he couldn’t believe it…

That’s… Five Elders is scared! ! !

The Marine Admiral in front of him has the power to threaten them! ! !

“Oh… By the way, in addition to the power of Chakra, there are also many powers that are matched by the blood line.” Mukuro’s light and fluttering words are no different from the last straw that crushes Vegapunk!

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