Chapter 282 Sitting in New World

The flat hat and curly hair Five Elders didn’t care at all, waved his hand and said:

“Fifth, don’t worry too much. As long as someone in this world has that thing, he can’t escape our control after all!”

Flat-hat curly hair What Five Elders is talking about is exactly the origin of the world, although most of the origin of the world is controlled by the three Celestial Dragons old monsters.

However, the Five Elders, who knew the precious origin of the world, had worked so hard, and with the help of foreseeing fruits, they were lucky enough to steal a trace of the origin of the world. It is precisely because of the existence of this source of the world that their five talents may survive as long as nine hundred years!

Flat hat curly hair Five Elders would never expect that the essence of Mukuro is actually not much different from Celestial Dragons. They are not the aboriginal people of Pirate World, and their purpose is also the origin of the world.

But compared to Mukuro, Celestial Dragons did more thoroughly and exterminate humanity.

It is not impossible to change the nature of the original consciousness of a world, but if you want to do so, then it will be a devastating blow to the creatures of the entire world!

As for why! ?

The world has changed, so can the creatures that depend on the existence of this world still survive?

It is necessary to know that it is only the change of the environment, and it takes hundreds of thousands of years of evolution for organisms to actively adapt to the environment. Not to mention the sudden changes in the world, even humans cannot survive such sudden changes! Of course, if you reach Mukuro’s level of strength, it’s a different matter.

And Five Elders, although standing on the opposite side of Celestial Dragons.

But it is definitely not a bunch of good things!

If it weren’t for the rights in one’s own hands and for the safety of one’s own life, these five old monsters who have lived for more than 900 years would definitely not conflict with Celestial Dragons.

After all, they, who have experienced a hundred years of blank history, know better than anyone how terrifying the three remaining Celestial Dragons old monsters are!

That’s why, Five Elders will endure the stupid Celestial Dragons’ arrogance.

There is no other reason, just because they are descendants of that group of Celestial Dragons. This alone cannot tolerate Five Elders not paying attention to it!

“Well, I see, boss.” Five Elders nodded and replied.

After that, the mansion of Five Elders, the highest leader of the entire World government, fell into silence once again. It’s just that this time every Five Elders seems to have a lot of thoughts.

Even the white-robed bald-headed Five Elders as a swordsman is the same. Even when wiping the long knife in his hand, he is no longer so focused.


Marshal Marine’s office.

Looking at Sengoku, who hung up the phone worm in his hand, Crane looked solemn and asked, “What does World government mean!?”

You must know that the phone worm that Marshal Marine equipped to communicate with Five Elders is definitely the most precious phone worm in the world. Therefore, both the quality of voice transmission and the confidentiality of calls are also the best in the world. There is no possibility of being tapped!

Even if it is only a few meters, He Qu can’t hear it at all.

“It has been resolved, Five Elders said that they will not be held accountable for this matter.” Sengoku’s face was a little dazed, obviously he still couldn’t believe it.

“Oh, that would be terrible.” Garp opened his mouth and said.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he was stunned, scratched his head, and said in amazement: “Sengoku, you didn’t hear it wrong, how could the five old guys be so simple?”

“Do you think I am you?” Sengoku choked on Garp angrily, and continued: “Although it is not clear why Five Elders made such a decision, it is not bad news for us after all. Now from World government The pressure on one side is resolved, so what remains is the pressure on the pirate side!”

Having said that, Sengoku turned his attention to Mukuro.

Seeing Sengoku looking at him, Mukuro couldn’t help but smiled, and said, “That… Marshal Sengoku, if there is anything I need to do, you say…”

In front of Five Elders, Sengoku shoulders all the responsibilities alone, which is what Mukuro sees.

Although these are nothing to Mukuro.

However, Mukuro has inherited this love, and it is natural to reciprocate. Moreover, in the Marine system, dealing with the Marshal Sengoku is definitely not harmful.

Sengoku was taken aback. He didn’t expect that Mukuro would be so easy to speak, and his tone became soft by three points. He said, “White Dragon Admiral, since this matter is caused by you, then you will be responsible for solving it for me! From today From now on, within five years, you are fully occupied in the Marine G-1 branch of New World! No matter what you do, I must not let the New World pirates become rampant again!”

“Yeah, good.” Mukuro responded immediately.

Is it the G-1 branch?

Naval Headquarters after the Battle of the Top is currently the second largest Marine Base after Marineford. In addition to the top combat power inferior to Marineford, the number of soldiers and the number of battleships will not be less than Naval Headquarters. !

Although it was said that he was allowed to sit in the G-1 branch, it also gave him all the G-1 branch. Sengoku is really relieved of himself!

Hearing Sengoku’s words, a gleam of light flashed in Tsuru’s eyes.

From Sengoku’s words, Tsuru heard some 3.3 other meanings. First, the G-1 branch was completely handed over to Mukuro, and secondly, Mukuro was given full authority to handle all the pirate affairs of New World. It seems that Sengoku has already done so. Started to train the next Marshal Marine!

But Mukuro doesn’t think so much, even if he knows it, he doesn’t care too much!

Not to mention the position of Marine Marshal, even the position of the world leader Five Elders. If Mukuro wants to, no one can stop it!

As for the sea, there was a commotion again!

New Marine Admiral-White Dragon Admiral! Dominate “Seven Warlords of the Sea” by yourself in Naval Headquarters and win! So far “Seven Warlords of the Sea” has become history!

It is replaced by “Marine Shichibukai”! ! !

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