Chapter 178 Unexpected enemy

“Fukay, I have run this far, so it should be safe. I didn’t expect this Mitarashi Mukuro to be so powerful. Even Master Third Raikage is not an opponent.”

Two-tailed Jinchūriki, a dark-skinned middle-aged ninja, looked at Eight Tails Jinchūriki Fukay on the side, panted, and spoke.

“Well, it’s almost there.”

Fukay thought for a while and said that the land of Thunder is mountainous, and it is not as endless as the land of the wind or the land. Whether it is Fukay or Jinchūriki, they are all real elite Jōnin, and as Jinchūriki, the most indispensable is Chakra.

Just this frantic escape, the two have already hid in the mountains of Thunder Country.

At this moment, a sudden voice sounded, and the two of them were like falling into an ice cave:

“Do you even think of running away when you saw the defeat? It seems that this so-called joint Ninja crusade has given you inexplicable confidence. I just don’t know. What do you think of seeing such a defeated Ninja coalition? ?”

“Mitarashi Mukuro! You, why are you here!” Fukay swallowed hard, looking at Mukuro in horror.

I don’t know what happened in the wet bone forest. Mukuro didn’t have the time to waste too much time with them. Gouyu in his eyes turned slightly, and the two of them froze in place. I couldn’t spit it out anyway, only endless fear was left in his eyes.

The black jade talisman on both hands came out, wrapping the two Jinchūriki, and then Mukuro violently pulled the two tail beasts out of Jinchūriki’s body.

He immediately used the Reversal Summoning Technique and disappeared in place.

As soon as he stepped into the Wet Bone Forest, Mukuro suddenly noticed two breaths of Chakra that were astonishingly large and powerful, not weaker than himself!

I am at the level of Six Paths, and my body has surpassed the physique of Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo’s perfect Sage Body. The Chakra in my body can be said to have reached a terrifying point long ago!

Unexpectedly, in terms of Chakra’s quota, there is actually even stronger than himself! Who the hell is this!

Mukuro hurriedly raised his head and looked over. When he saw the visitor clearly, a glimmer of enlightenment flashed in his eyes, but it was more solemn!

White snake fairy!

And…Big Toad Sage!

In the original work, although both are mentioned, it does not directly explain the strength of the two, which caused Mukuro to forget the existence of the two of them.

Now think about it carefully, the existence of these two creatures is intriguing, especially the great Toad Sage. It can be said that this toad has participated in all the major historical processes of the Ninja World.

Thousands of years ago, how Sage of Six Paths discovered the secret of the sacred tree may not be known to others, but Mukuro knows it very well. It is the reason why this toad bewitched from the side.

And now, it is even predicted that Naruto will become the “son of prophecy” and save the entire Ninja World.

As for whether this toad did any other actions during this period, Mukuro didn’t know, but Mukuro wouldn’t believe it. Tenten only knew to sleep on this old toad.

Mukuro is more willing to believe that whether it is a thousand-year event or a current event, it is under the control of Toad Sage!

Because things in the Ninja world have never been beyond the control of Toad Sage, Toad Sage has never shown his power!

The White Snake Fairy is not as mysterious as Toad Sage, but he knows a lot about the things in the Ōtsutsuki Kaguya period, and obviously he also participated in it.

Although the wet bone forest is one of the three holy places along with Ryūchi Cave and Mount Myōboku. However, compared to the white snake fairy and the great Toad Sage, the Katsuyu fairy seems a little lacking.

The Katsuyu fairy who is fighting against the white snake fairy is already scarred and slightly defeated, but the big Toad Sage on the side has not yet taken a shot!

Seeing Mukuro’s appearance, the three immortals turned their eyes to Mukuro one after another.

Looking at Mukuro, the Katsuyu fairy said apologetically, “Sorry, Mukuro, I’m not very good at fighting.”

“Thanks for your hard work, Katsuyu fairy, let me take care of the following.” Mukuro nodded slightly to Katsuyu fairy, and then looked directly at Toad Sage.

After examining Mukuro for a long time, Toad Sage said, “Mitarashi Mukuro? Why did you never show up in my sleep? Can you tell me where you came from? And the purpose of your collection of tail beasts?”

On Mukuro’s body, the great Toad Sage perceives an aura of horror. So, as a last resort, Toad Sage didn’t want to get involved with Mukuro.

“Origin? You don’t need to know. As for the purpose of catching the tail beast, such an obvious thing, don’t tell me you still can’t see it?” Mukuro asked with a smile.

“Are you… you really want to resurrect Ten Tails!?”

Toad Sage’s expression finally became embarrassed. In Toad Sage’s eyes, the Ninja World was his back garden, and of course he did not allow any power beyond him.

That was the case with Ōtsutsuki Kaguya back then, and now Mukuro is no exception!

Mukuro stared at Toad Sage steadily, and for a long while, he slowly said, “It’s…what?”

“Boy, although I don’t know where you came from, if you want to resurrect Ten Tails and disrupt the entire Ninja World, then die here!”

A sharp light suddenly appeared in Toad Sage’s dim eyes. Even though he was a little afraid of Mukuro’s strength, Toad Sage was more confident in his own strength!

For thousands of years, I don’t know how many people or creatures have come to challenge the great Toad Sage. However, the great Toad Sage is still alive and moist. One can imagine the fate of those challengers!

“White snake!”

Toad Sage greeted the white fairy on the side and waved at Mukuro!

Without any fancy attacks, just simply filling Chakra’s palm, made Mukuro feel a sense of crisis in his bones!

Nothing, just because the Chakra of Toad Sage is too big!

Such a slap, if you slap yourself on your body, you will be immortal with your perfect Sage Body physique, and you will be seriously injured!

Suddenly, Mukuro’s pupils shrank suddenly! Own body! Can’t move!

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