Chapter 150 Strongest Wood Style Ninja

“Wood Style·Birthday of the Tree World!”

As Senju Hashirama roared, countless towering trees rose from the ground and plunged straight into the sky. Fortunately, the examination field was built on the edge of Konoha Village. Otherwise, Senju Hashirama’s tree boundary would be enough to make the whole Konoha. Follow Sunagakure’s footsteps.

The roots of these giant trees crazily entangled Mukuro, and in an instant, the endless roots wrapped Mukuro into a huge group of roots.

“Wood Style· Laughing Buddha Jutsu!”

In the root wood group, Mukuro’s voice suddenly came out. Five huge palms suddenly rose from the ground, grabbing the huge root wood group and tearing it outward, directly pulling the root wood group apart, and Mukuro also Jumped out of it.

“Since it is the birth of the tree world, you probably haven’t seen this technique before.” Mukuro looked at First Generation and laughed suddenly.

In First Hokage’s puzzled look, Mukuro whispered:

“Wood Style·Tree World Binding Kill Technique!”

Mukuro’s Chakra, infused with yang, intruded into the tree world births released by Senju Hashirama, instantly changing the control of the 15 tree world births.

In order to restrain Mukuro, the exposed roots and the slightly thicker branches all turned into sharp mallets, which were madly inserted into Senju Hashirama.

I am in the birth of the tree world. It can be said that the ground is covered with roots or branches of trees. With the keen skill of Senju Hashirama, I can’t help but cut my arm because of a carelessness. .

“It can’t go on like this!” First Generation gritted his teeth and suddenly shouted:

“Wood Style· Wood Expulsion Jutsu!”

A ghost face with green fangs suddenly protected Senju Hashirama in it. No matter how the mallet attacked, it couldn’t cause any damage to Wood Expulsion, let alone Senju Hashirama, who was protecting in Wood Expulsion.

Of course, Senju Hashirama’s offensive did not stop, and Senju Hashirama’s voice sounded from the Wood Expulsion:

“Wood Style·Birthday of the Flower and Tree World!”

In the entire range of the tree world, countless giant trees have grown fascinating flower buds, and then the buds bloom slowly, and the pollen spreads from the buds. Once anyone inhales the pollen, they will be dizzy because of paralysis. fall.

However, Mukuro is the bloodline of the perfect Sage Body inherited from Ashura. Compared to Senju Hashirama’s Sage Body bloodline, I don’t know how many times it is tyrannical. Even Gokage couldn’t resist pollen, and it just made Mukuro’s body slightly weakened. In a flash, he had adapted to the pollen-filled environment.

“As expected, First Hokage Senju Hashirama, known as the “God of Ninja”, Wood Style Ninjutsu is so powerful.” Mukuro couldn’t help but sighed, “Let’s continue!”

“Wood Style·Boom Dragon Fist!”

The majestic Wood Style Chakra bursts frantically from Mukuro’s fist, condensing a huge golden dragon head in the air, roaring, and blasting towards Senju Hashirama.

Senju Hashirama’s face was solemn and he didn’t dare to take the slightest care, because Mukuro released Wood Style ninjutsu several times before he had never seen it, but he was not afraid. Instead, he was wary:

“Wood Style· Wooden Golem Jutsu.”

A mammoth Wooden Golem stood up from the birth of the tree world, looking at the golden dragon head roaring, his face was full of anger, and with a roar, his huge palm slapped against the golden dragon head.

boom! ! !

Pang Ran Wooden Golem collided with the golden dragon head. Wooden Golem was hit by the golden dragon head and retreated hundreds of meters before he could stabilize his figure.

The power of the golden dragon head was stopped, and Wooden Golem’s body also became tattered. However, under the infusion of Senju Hashirama Wood Style Chakra, Wooden Golem quickly recovered.

“Wooden Golem Jutsu? It’s a tough Wood Style ninjutsu. If that’s the case, let’s just seal you off!” Mukuro said sharply.

“Wood Style·Sage Art·Myojin Gate!”

With a loud bang, the red torii-style wooden building fell from the sky, and the whole Konoha shook for three minutes. The Mingshen Gate directly smashed into the Wooden Golem standing on the ground, and the Wooden Golem didn’t even have a chance to resist, so it was directly smashed into the ground.

Senju Hashirama showed a hint of surprise on his face and said, “Even Sage Art Wood Style can be used. It seems that you have a good relationship with Tsunade.”

Hearing Senju Hashirama’s words, Mukuro smiled and said, “Of course, old man.”

“Nani!?” Senju Hashirama was visibly taken aback when he heard Mukuro’s name, and then a meaningful smile appeared on his face: “Oh ha ha… I didn’t expect Tsunade to find such a powerful husband. It’s not bad.”

Seeing the smile on Senju Hashirama’s face and the black lines on Mukuro’s head, I don’t know what the old guy is thinking.

However, for a moment, Senju Hashirama’s face gradually became more serious, and he stared at Mukuro with unprecedented seriousness, and said: “I can feel that this ninja world is facing the crisis of war again. I wonder if your kid has it. Protect the little Tsunade power in this chaotic environment. So, let me test it.”

“Wood Style· Sage Art· Shin Su Senju!”

The huge closed-eyed Senju Buddha statue appears next to Konoha Village. The huge Buddha statue is comparable to the size of more than half of Konoha Village.

Suddenly, the Senju Buddha statue opened his eyes!

“Wood 187 escape · Sage Art · Shin Su Senju on top of the Buddha!”

The strongest Wood Style ninjutsu, carrying unparalleled power! Attacked Mukuro!

But Mukuro was also prepared. While Senju Hashirama put the Shin Su Senju mark on his hand, Mukuro also got the same fingerprint on his hand.

At almost the same moment, two Senju Buddha statues blasted together!

The fists and arms of the Senju Buddha statue are staggered and struck together! Countless wooden stumps and broken arms flew out of the opposing Senju Buddha statue and splashed into the Konoha Village aside. Fortunately, Konoha’s Anbu is now under the control of Mitarashi Zixiao, and all Anbu ninjas have been assigned to protect the village, so that the casualties in the village are small.

It took a full quarter of an hour! Suddenly, Shin Su Senju of Senju Hashirama broke! The entire upper body was blown into the sky by Shin Su Senju of Mukuro!

Seeing such a scene, Senju Hashirama showed a lonely look on his face, but then he smiled openly: “It seems that I lost, a very powerful kid, take care of Tsunade.”

With that, Senju Hashirama’s body gradually collapsed!

Mukuro was taken aback, and then there was a little enlightenment on his face. With Senju Hashirama’s power, it couldn’t be easier to break away from Impure World Reincarnation. It is probably just to fight yourself!

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