Chapter 1445 Completely awakened

The small universe in his body was burning, and Devertlos, who had exhausted all his strength, roared. In the golden light like flames, Devertlos clenched his fists.

A bright golden light burst out from his fist.

Soon he struck Ulysses with a punch.

“This is all my strength! Ilias, realize it!”

Defertros roared, his expression was completely distorted, the golden light illuminates everything, like a sun rising from the earth, completely concealing Defertros’s figure.

And this ray of light exploded and hit Ulyas fiercely.

However, in the face of Deftelos’s blow, Ilias raised his hand, and the small universe on his body rose up.

In an instant, everything around him suddenly disappeared.

Instead, there is a vast galaxy.

He stands in the center of the galaxy, and around him is an endless universe. Deftelos’ attack came, as if he was throwing a fist toward the universe and the galaxy. The fist was radiant, but was swallowed by the endless galaxy.

“Lightning Ion Light Speed ​​Punch 400!”

The words fell, and from the palm of his hand, the fist light exploded, surpassing 100 million times a second to crush the general fist light.

It hit Deftelos fiercely, and the Gemini Saint Cloth on his body seemed to be completely shattered in an instant, turning into sky-filled debris. And Deftelos’ body just fell weakly.

At this moment, the blood blurred Deftelos’s figure, and his body crashed down.

“Brother, I tried my best…” Deftelos murmured.

However, just at this moment, from behind him, a figure rushed up, and he supported Devertlos.

“Mr. Deftelos!” The voice belonging to Tianma sounded.

Then a warm and majestic small universe rose up and enveloped Deftelos’ whole body.

Under the envelope of this small universe, Deftelos’ consciousness miraculously recovered, and he subconsciously looked to the side, it was not Tianma!

Only at this moment, Tianma was once again wearing his sacred clothes!

The gorgeous wings spread out, and the white feathers fell down with a halo, and at the same time, on Tianma’s body, an incomparably amazing small universe was exuding.

Even inexplicably, Deftelos couldn’t describe how terrifying the small universe on Tianma was.

If we say that the small universe of Ulysses, it feels like a star.

Then Tianma’s small universe is as vast as a galaxy.

Even the experience of Tianma Awakening Sacred Clothes is different from the previous time. At this moment, his consciousness is very clear. He truly, with his own will, controls this power from the depths of his soul.


Looking at Tianma, Deftelos spoke with difficulty.

At this time, Tianma just said to him, “Don’t say anything, Mr. Deftelos, let go, and leave the rest to me.” He is sitting on the ground. Immediately, the wings behind Tianma spread, but his eyes looked at Ulysses again.

At this moment, Tianma’s eyes were filled with the light of firm conviction and will.

He looked at Ulysses, and then said, “Go ahead, Ulysses. I will replace Mr. Sisyphus and Regulus and put an end to your mistakes.”

As he said, Tianma raised his hand, and his hand rose to the radiance of the white small universe.

And the breath of this small universe is rising, which is unbelievable. With Tianma as the center, the breathtaking breath of the small universe spreads, as if covering a large area.

Under the breath of this astonishing small universe, behind Tianma, a huge phantom of a two-winged Pegasus appeared. However, although it is only a phantom, it exudes an indescribable astonishing pressure!

It seems to be able to crush everything and suffocate people’s breath.

Facing the Tianma at this time, Ulyas’s originally casual expression finally turned into solemnity.

He looked at Tianma and nodded slightly, “Now, I have the qualification to fight with me. Then, I will take action.” As Ulyas said, the small universe all over him suddenly exploded.

The atmosphere of the terrifying small universe rose, as if it turned into an illusion of a huge lion behind him.

The phantom of this ferocious lion is opposite to the phantom of Pegasus’s two-winged Pegasus.

Immediately, Ilias yelled:

“Plasma Lightspeed Punch!”

When the voice fell, Ilias punched out.

Along with his fist, an unimaginable fist burst out from his hand.

At this moment, his fist light seemed to have surpassed time, cut through the space, and with the power to crush everything, he directly hit Tianma.

But even with such an astonishing fist light, at this time, with his own will and the Master completely using this power in his sleep, Tianma clearly saw it.

He saw the trajectory of every punch made by Ulysses, “Ulyas, I saw it! Your fist! And now, let you see my fist! Pegasus Meteor Fist!!! ”

With a sharp roar, Tianma blasted out a punch.

From his fist, a burst of light flashed, and it also cut through everything, colliding with Ulys’s fist, and then severely crushed all Ulys’s fists. In the end, all of Ulys’s fists were crushed. It fell on Ilias without mercy, and passed his entire life!

After the terrible fist light penetrated Ulias’s body, it collapsed the large area of ​​the palace behind him. The entire temple of disputes simply cannot withstand such a terrifying attack.


And being penetrated by Pegasus’ fist light, Ulyas vomited blood on the spot.

Immediately, the undead saint clothing on his body shattered, and the whole shattered! His whole body collapsed suddenly.

“It’s really strong, you deserve to be a Pegasus. I can see such a fist, even if I die, I don’t have any regrets.”

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a heartfelt smile appeared on Ulys’s face.

“Come on! Pegasus, use your fist to end my life!” Ilya Stan said.

However, his words fell. At this time, Tianma didn’t make a move. He just looked at Ulysses with complicated eyes, and finally said: “You have never had any killing intent in your fists!”

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