Chapter 1408 Dharma Realm Disappeared

Under the golden sun shining, the sun was shining, and all the darkness and evil spirits seemed to hide invisible.

And under the steps of the main entrance of the sanctuary, there are sage fighters lying on the ground.

Their bodies were motionless, as if they were dead.

It’s just weird, but his heartbeat and vitality still exist. It’s just that the soul is silent.

These underworld fighters were all tricks of the Heavenly Dance Treasure Wheel. They were directly deprived of the six senses by Ashmita and fell into a closed state. The so-called six senses are ears, nose, tongue, eyes, body, Six senses of the heart. Ordinary saints and underworld fighters mostly only discovered the sixth sense, awakening the sixth sense small universe, and even the seventh sense has not yet awakened, just the water between bronze and silver.

In front of Ashmita, he could even seal the eighth sense, how could these underworld fighters be his opponents.

Naturally, it can only be sealed obediently, and just like Azha Poju, the soul is thrown into endless reincarnation, and it is impossible to turn around again.

In addition to these fallen ones, there are also 16 underworld fighters standing. Earhart of the Vampire of Longevity, Veronica of the Flies of the Sky Star, Karon of the Sky Star Boatman, and Locke of the Skyhorn Golem, these four are the last four Pluto fighters left. However, at this moment, they looked at Ashmita on the steps, and their expressions were also panic.

In front of them, there were four figures standing.

Four Dream Gods, Oneiros, Ikeros, Phantasos and Morpheus the stylist!

As the pioneers sent by the Gemini God, the four of them stood in front of the remaining four Underworld Warriors, but at this time, although they were already standing, their expressions had fallen into a deadlock.

Their appearance seemed to be the same as those of the Underworld Warriors lying on the ground, they had been deprived of their sense of consciousness.

In fact, there are still differences.

To deal with the underworld fighters, Ashmita used the heavenly dance wheel to deprive them of their sense of consciousness.

But this trick is useless for the gods who possess the position and soul of the gods.

Therefore, what he used was not Tianwu Baolun.

But another trick, Six Paths Samsara, Vientiane Sunro. This is the prison of repentance he woven for the gods! The gods hit by this move will have their souls sealed and plunged into endless reincarnation, until they repent before they can come out.

Otherwise, their souls will never be able to wake up.

“Master Morpheus!”

Celestial Star Veronica shouted loudly.

She looked enchanting, but her voice was that of a man, and she sounded like a ladyboy.

Although in fact it is true.

His strength is actually quite good. In the original plot, he fought back and forth with Xiao Ma. In terms of combat power, she definitely has a combat power that surpasses the Golden Saint Seiya.

Only at this moment, facing Ashmita, she had nothing but fear.

She yelled, trying to wake up the four dream gods of Morpheus, but she couldn’t do it at all.

Not just her, at this time, the faces of the remaining three Underworld Warriors were all ugly to the extreme.

Ashmita shot, and the Heavenly Dance Treasure Wheel sealed the six senses. Because they had awakened the small universe of the seventh sense, they escaped the calamity by chance, but obviously, even if they escaped the calamity for a while, they are still useless. .

The four dream gods have been sealed by Ashmita, and the rest are naturally them.

But at this moment, the abrupt, motionless Four Dream Gods under the original steps, abrupt, their bodies trembled, and then it was unbelievable that from the flesh of the Four Dream Gods, there were souls bursting out. .

After these spirits burst out, the four spirits actually merged together.

Then the amazing little cosmic people burned. After the appearance of these four spirits, the god clothes on the four of them were all separated, and then reunited into the only god and soul that merged into a huge god clothes.

In the darkness of the god’s clothing, there is not even a physical body, only an astonishing spirit supporting the god’s clothing.

Looking in from the gap of the god’s clothing, there is darkness and nothingness inside, and the light of the soul flame is swaying, this huge god’s clothing actually opened, “Athena’s golden saint, our four dream gods are not so easy to defeat. !”

At this moment, the voices from the Four Dream Gods overlapped, as if four people were talking at the same time. In the voices of these four people, there were three men’s voices and a woman’s voice.

When such words fell, incredible power erupted from their bodies, and a small universe that could be called a horror was burning. At this moment, the four gods were one, and their small universes were all superimposed together, which seemed to have reached an extremely astonishing level!

But even so, seeing the Four Dream Gods actually get rid of their own profound meaning, Ashmeda just said, “Then seal you up again.”

With that said, the Buddha seal on Ashmita’s hand changed, and he spoke again:

“Six Paths Samsara·Vientiane Sunro!”

When this sentence fell, the golden small universe was burning with brilliance, and it was directly illuminated. Everything in the front seemed to be transformed into a terrifying phantom of the reincarnation of Six Paths.

And the phantom pulling of this Six Paths reincarnation pulled the Four Dream Gods directly into the endless reincarnation.

But at this time, the four dream gods roared, “It’s useless. Our four gods are one, and the souls are connected together. It is no longer comparable before. 540 mortals, trying to seal the gods, you are dreaming!”

With that said, the four dream gods combined into one raised their hands, and from their fists, an amazing purple light burst out!

“Tremble, mortal, this is the judgment given to you by the gods! The trick that once destroyed a country in one blow! The guardian’s oracle!”

Accompanied by such words, the dazzling purple light shone, illuminating everything, as if there was a purple sun rising on the earth. The purple light seemed to eclipse everything in the world.

Then holding up this ray of light, the Four Dream Gods combined into one headed towards Ashmita, killing them with one stroke.

The dazzling light swallowed everything, but in front of the light, Ashmeda’s small universe was rising. For the first time, he let go of the Buddha seal on his hand. Instead, it was a finger to the sky and a finger to the ground, as if saying , The world is the only one in the world!

Immediately, Ashmita’s peaceful voice sounded:

“The guardian oracle, in the legend, the tricks used by the gods to judge humans, if this is the case, as a human, I will also use this trick to respond to you. The Profound Realm of Dharma is destroyed!”

This sentence fell, and from Ashmita’s body, a dazzling light burst out, horribly torn apart everything, as if a world died!

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