Chapter 1376 Camille

Camille. Located on the super plateau between China and India! In the Chinese legend, this is the remains of the fairy sacred mountain Kunlun; in the Indian legend, it is also the dwelling place of the gods with strong sacred colors.

For the Camilles, this is the holy land where they have lived for generations.

At the same time, this place can also be regarded as a reserve maintenance point for the saint clothing of the sanctuary, responsible for the full-time maintenance of the saint clothing of the sanctuary.

When I came to Gamir through the space channel, the Yaren with Tianma on his back immediately felt the thin air, with astonishing pressure.

But he is a Saint Seiya, this kind of altitude sickness can naturally be overcome immediately.

After arriving at Gamill, Ye asked not to say anything, but just walked forward. “Hey! Hey! Where is this?!”

The Yeren subconsciously wanted to ask Ye to ask, but it was a pity that Ye didn’t mean to answer at all.

There was no way, the Yeren had to suppress the doubts in his heart and followed Rang Ye.

Following behind Rang Ye and walking through many terrifying training grounds, the Yeren finally came to a tall tower.

The bottom door of the high tower was open, and the Yeren carried Tianma on his back and looked inward subconsciously, and saw that there were a lot of holy garments inside, no, it was a broken holy garment.

Looking at so many fragments of saint clothing.

In the Yeren’s mind, the only thought that came up was-the cemetery of the saint clothing!

“Here?!” An indescribable sense of crisis rushed into his heart.

A lot of fear rose in his heart. He turned his head subconsciously and said sharply towards Ye, “You lie to me?!” With that said, Yeren put Tianma off his back without hesitation. .

Then he burned the small universe, and rushed towards Ye Ye.

But at the moment he rushed up, he let Ye avoid the Yeren’s fist, kicked him back and kicked him into the tower.

Throwing down on the ground with a dog eating shit, the Yeren looked dumbfounded.

He really didn’t expect that this woman named Rang Ye was so powerful.

“Okay… what an amazing woman!”

When the Yeren thought this way, abruptly, from behind him, another small universe rose up.

The small universe was burning, and an old voice sounded, “Boy! Have you misunderstood something?! This is the place dedicated to repairing the saint clothing.”

The old voice, from the darkness, a figure in a white robe walked out.

Like Jean Ye, this figure has long hair, besides that, there are two dots on the center of the eyebrows.

This is the characteristic of the Gamil family. His face is old, his expression is serious, and there is a trace of deepness in his eyes. He walked out of the tower, and his figure seemed to appear in front of the Yeren silently.

But when his words just fell, the face of this old figure suddenly changed abruptly.

From all around, in the illusory place, a voice sounded:

“Yeah, don’t worry, this is indeed the site of the sanctuary, and this person in front of you is not only a person from the sanctuary, but also the brother of the sanctuary now Pope Saiqi, and the former altar-seat Saint Seiya Baili!”

With this voice falling, the space in front of Yeren was torn, and a figure came out casually.

This figure is dressed in a black windbreaker, wearing a top hat, and holding an exquisite and luxurious walking stick in his hand.

With a faint smile on his face, it’s not Mukuro! Seeing Mukuro appear, the Yaren who fell on the ground was also shocked.

He looked at Mukuro subconsciously and blurted out, “Mr. Mukuro!”

The identity of Mukuro is not a secret in Sanctuary.

In addition, because the Yeren had a good relationship with Tianma, the Yeren had heard a lot about him from Tianma.

One of them includes Mukuro.

But soon, as if thinking of something, Yeren couldn’t help but said, “Mr. Mukuro, you are not…”

He didn’t finish, Mukuro smiled slightly and said, “Go to the Pluton Army? Yes, but the Pluton Army has already been done, so I’m here again.”

With that said, Mukuro stretched out the cane in his hand and stretched the tail of the cane in front of Yaren.

Seeing Mukuro’s movements, Yaren was stunned for a moment, but he still grasped the cane, and then stood up from the ground.

After he got up, he looked at Mukuro for some unknown reason, and then looked at Bai Li in front of him, completely at a loss. Before, he had watched Mukuro head to the Pluton Army with his own eyes.

As for Bai Li’s words, there are fragments of saint clothing everywhere, which also makes him quite uneasy.

It’s different from the yeah.

Bai Li and Mukuro looked at each other, his expressions were equally solemn.

Bai Li, Saiqi’s brother! It is also the survivor of the previous generation of jihad.

Although the silver saint on the altar of the previous generation was a silver saint, in fact, the fighting power was very amazing, even surpassing the golden saint.

In the previous generation of jihad, because of the rebellion of Pope Itia, very tortuous things happened.

In the end, Pope Itia was personally settled by the previous generation Athena.

After the rebellion of Pope Itia ended, Baili, who was the seat of the altar, assumed the role of acting as the Pope.

Then he and his younger brother Saiqi led the remaining silver saints to win the holy war.

It can be said that almost every silver of the previous generation possessed a fighting power equivalent to or even higher than that of a golden saint.

It is precisely because of this that they were able to win the Pluton army with almost no golden saints participating in the battle!

The last jihad was a generation of silver saints. And Bai Li is the most outstanding representative among the silver saints of this generation. When he was seventeen years old, he had a battle power that surpassed the Golden Saint Seiya, comparable to the Pope.

Even, the reason why he was only a silver saint at the altar, not a golden saint, was also because he gave the opportunity to get the golden saint to his brother Saiqi, that’s all!

And now, it has spanned more than two hundred years.

Bai Li has been cultivating on the sacred mountain of Camille here, and his combat effectiveness has already reached an incredible level.

Even strong enough to defeat the gods!

In the original plot, Bai Li was alone, singled out and killed the god of sleep, Xiu Punos!

Although the Gemini Gods are generally side by side. Sleeping god Shupunos, and Shinigami Tanadus are indifferent.

But in fact, Shupunos, the god of sleep as the elder brother, is not only a scheming castle, but his own power should also be superior to Shinigami Tanadus.

In the original plot, Bailey can defeat Supnos and sweep the entire Pluton army. These two points alone are enough to show him terrible.

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