Chapter 1210 Inuyasha’s decision

After being rejected by Mukuro, Coral and Kagura are not surprised.

After traveling with Mukuro for so long, they are already familiar with Mukuro’s temper. Mukuro will never make a move if it is not a last resort. They just said they want Mukuro to take action, but they just said casually. So after being rejected by Mukuro, they looked at Sasomaru again, and seemed to have pinned the body of defeating Niramaru on Sasomaru’s body.

Mukuro cocked his hands to watch the battle beside him, not optimistic about Sasomaru at all.

Although Saisei Maru’s strength is indeed quite good among the monsters, even Naraku is reluctant to fight him, but Sesei Maru has very obvious shortcomings, or weaknesses.

He is too conceited of his own power, and has always liked to overcome opponents with overwhelming power.

When he encounters Sprite Maru, which cannot solve his opponent with absolute power, his weakness that he is not good at resourcefulness is revealed.

After dozens of consecutive battles, he couldn’t take advantage of it at all, but was forced to be embarrassed by Sprite Maru.

Shanhu helplessly said, “Are we too high expectations for Sashengwan? He doesn’t seem to have a way to deal with the pill.”

“It’s Inuyasha 410!” Kagura suddenly surprised: “What does Inuyasha want to do?”

Not far from Jie Jie Wan, I saw Inuyasha suddenly rushing up with his broken teeth.

He jumped up high and pierced the throat of the sprite pill with his iron teeth, as if he wanted to directly result in the pill pill. Although Sprite Pills can absorb demon power, Inuyasha’s body has no demon power at all. To some extent, it just restrains Sprite Pills. When he jumped up, all his attention was paid to the sprite pill on Sasheng pill, and it was indeed hit by him.


The current Inuyasha is very weak and almost exhausted.

Even if he stabbed the throat with iron crushed teeth, he could not go deeper if he just pierced the outer skin. Such injuries would be nothing to the splinter.

Sprite Maru lowered his head and said, “Inuyasha, what are you doing?”

Inuyasha was startled, his face changed drastically.


At this moment, a fleshy spur stretched out from the body of Jiejinmaru, hitting Inuyasha’s body, penetrating Inuyasha’s body.

With this kind of injury to the human body, he is equivalent to completely losing combat effectiveness. If he is not treated in time, death will only happen sooner or later.

“Things still turned out like this in the end.” Mukuro said helplessly, “But it’s almost dawn. As long as Inuyasha regains the power of the monster, there is no problem. Inuyasha who regains the power of the monster can fight melee combat with iron shattered teeth. Very unfavorable.”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, a ray of morning light shone from the east, and a hint of whiteness appeared in the eastern sky.

As the sun gradually rose, Inuyasha’s hair gradually turned white, and his demon power gradually recovered.

After fully regaining his strength, he turned the iron shattered teeth into the state of a demon sword, and slashed at the sprite pill and said, “You are finished!”

Inuyasha slashed down with a knife, and chopped off all of Spritemaru’s arms.

At the same time, a terrible miasma spread around, covering A Li, Qibao and others. Inuyasha was taken aback, and hurriedly returned to save people, while Spritemaru also took the opportunity to escape. Although Shisheng Maru had an action to stop it, the sprite pill was protected by a barrier, and with the current power of the Sansheng Maru, it was obviously unable to break through the barrier.

After watching Kaijinmaru run away, Inuyasha didn’t feel as anxious as before, but seemed rather calm.

Mukuro said lightly: “Inuyasha, it seems that you have also improved, but you didn’t even yell at you like before.”

Maitreya thoughtfully said, “Inuyasha, did you find something?”

Inuyasha nodded and said, “I found a strange thing, but I’m not sure. Isn’t Naraku’s heart that the baby named Akiko? Why did Naraku hand the unyielding wall to Ningjinmaru’s hands? Ning Maru turned out to look like Nako when he grew up? And why is Ning Maru appearing in front of us so many times to become stronger?”

Mukuro was speechless, and was completely disappointed with Inuyasha’s dog head.

He really shouldn’t expect Inuyasha to find out.

However, Mukuro still admires Inuyasha’s imagination.

The baby that Naruko separated out, no matter how long it grows, can’t grow into the ugly appearance of sprite pills, right? I really don’t know how Inuyasha connects them. Is it true that in Inuyasha’s eyes, all creatures in human appearance look the same?

Mukuro was not in the mood to explore this question, and said lightly: “Don’t be stupid, Sprite Maru must have appeared in front of you to become stronger. As for the relationship between him and Naraku’s heart, you will know later. If you want to be earlier Knowing the answer, it’s okay to chase Sprite Maru now. Sprite Maru has been seriously injured by Inuyasha’s attack. It should not be far away in a short time.”

Inuyasha was shocked, and Maitreya and others were about to catch up with him.

After regaining his demon power, his injuries seemed to have recovered a lot.

Of course, after he lost his demon power, he had been pierced by the sprite pill, and that kind of injury was definitely not easy even for a monster.

He wanted to go after the sprite pill immediately, but he was just wishful thinking.

When he barely flew up into the air and fell down again, Mukuro said calmly, “Heal your injury first, anyway, Sprite Maru will definitely come to you again. If you want to kill him, there is a chance. But if you are too badly injured. If it affects the exertion of strength, you may not be able to kill the sprite pill, and you will even die in the hands of the sprite pill.”

Inuyasha had no choice but to stay for a while to rest.

Anyway, with his monster physique, this level of injury can be recovered in just one day and one night.

While Inuyasha decided to stay to heal his injuries, Maitreya murmured: “Mukuro, do you think that the strength of Mangomaru has improved very quickly? The last time he played against him, he was clearly not Inuyasha’s opponent, and he had no thoughts of his own. But this time, he not only possesses his own thinking, but also possesses the special ability to absorb demon power, and it becomes very difficult to get involved.”

“No matter how difficult it is, it will always be just a monster.” Mukuro said nonchalantly, “There is a way to defeat him, but you don’t have enough strength.”

Maitreya was silent for a moment, and finally sighed: “It’s really boring to discuss this issue with you. In your eyes, where is there a monster that can’t be defeated? You can’t understand our feelings at all.”

“It makes sense.” Mukuro said deeply: “So the best way for you is to improve your own strength. I don’t want to understand your feelings of life threatening, and I don’t want to experience it.”

In the world of Dragon Ball, Mukuro fought against the gods of destruction and faced the king. He has already experienced what it feels like to face someone who is stronger than himself.

After finally coming into the world of Inuyasha, he certainly didn’t want to repeat his feelings at the time.

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