Chapter 1206 Feitougen

The decapitated head of the kennel flew very fast and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

A head can escape on its own, which is very bizarre at first, not to mention the speed at which it escapes so fast. Even if there were countless demon removals along the way, the well-informed Inuyasha and others couldn’t help being stunned when they saw this scene. Mukuro once watched “Inuyasha” and saw this scene, but he didn’t expect to encounter it here.

Inuyasha stunned and said: “What’s the matter? Coral, you are an exorcist, don’t you know about many monsters? Tell me what’s going on!”

Maitreya shook his head and smiled bitterly: “The first time I saw such a ridiculous thing, after the monster’s head was cut off, even if he was still conscious, he should completely lose the ability to move. Even if it is a white boy with an immortal body, if The only thing left is his head will become sluggish, but the head of this dog monster escapes so fast.”

Mukuro can understand Maitreya’s speechlessness, because Bai Tongzi can fly because he has this ability, and that ability does not depend on the body.

But the kennel just now obviously doesn’t have the ability to fly, so he must rely on his hands and feet to move.

Coral shook his head and said, “I don’t know what’s going on. I have never heard that the head of a monster can act on its own.”

“Of course the head of the monster can’t act on its own, but what if another flying monster is parasitized in the head of that kennel?”

Mukuro said lightly: “Coral, don’t keep your attention on Amber’s body. You shouldn’t fail to notice this with your abilities. Didn’t you find the black radioactive streak on the left eye of the kennel? The characteristic when it is possessed by a monster called Feitogen, that is to say, it is Feitogen that controls the head of the dog monster to escape.”

“It turned out to be Fei Tougen?” Coral finally remembered, and said in surprise: “This is troublesome. If Fei Tougen runs away, it will not be easy to find him. Inuyasha, Mukuro, we should hurry up and we must not be caught. Fly away!”

Mukuro remembers that in “Inuyasha”, Fei Tougen was solved without much struggle, and he couldn’t see how powerful it was at all.

But looking at the appearance of the coral, it seemed to be a very difficult monster, which made Mukuro totally confused. Mukuro obviously felt that his breath was weak.

Obviously, Mukuro is not the only one who has the same doubts.

Inuyasha asked strangely: “Is that kind of flying head root strong? Why do you look worried?”

“Anyway, you will catch up with me first, if you have anything to say on the way.”

Coral directly used the dance technique to catch up, and waited for Mukuro and others to follow up, and slowly said: “To put it simply, Fei Tou Gen is a kind of monster that looks like a branch, and its demon power is also very weak. Survive by other lives in the body. Whether it is a monster, a human, or a small animal, he can become the object of his possession. If he hides, it will be very difficult to find him.”

“So, that’s why you have to find him?” Maitreya nodded thoughtfully.

When Hulu and others turned and chased Feitougen, Amber remained in place. Mukuro looked back and saw that Amber stood there watching the coral go away, and finally turned away silently. It seems that he has decided to hand the Feitougen to Coral to solve, but he does not want to communicate with Coral face to face, which is obviously a painful thing for him.

Mukuro didn’t bother with anything, and continued to go away with Coral and others.

Not long after chasing forward, Mukuro saw that the head of the canine was flying in the air just now. Compared with the dance of air, the flying skill of a monster was always tender.

Mukuro said lightly, “Coral, it’s up to you. Let’s get rid of the roots of flying heads. If he possesses humans, it will be troublesome.”

You know, Feitougen is now attached to the head of a dog monster, and that dog monster has died, so it doesn’t matter if you destroy the dog monster’s head. But if they are possessed by humans, they cannot kill a human.

Coral nodded, obviously also understanding this, and immediately speeded up to catch up.

However, when Coral and Mukuro and other talents got closer, they saw the kenya’s head suddenly dived down, as if it was because they no longer had the strength to fly. But in the direction where the kennel heads swooped down, there was a household living in it. It was a small house in Yamanaka, surrounded by trees and grass.

After the kennel’s head fell, he didn’t move anymore.

Mukuro said calmly: “This time it’s a lot of trouble.”

Sure enough, when Mukuro and others landed next to the kenya’s head, the kenya’s head had completely lost its vitality, and the root of the fly head that was originally in his left eye disappeared. To find a monster that resembles a tree root in a place full of grass and trees, the difficulty is not much lower than finding a needle in a haystack.

Inuyasha stood up, swept around, and said desperately, “What should I do? How can I find this?”

Maitreya hurriedly looked at Mukuro and said, “Mukuro, can’t you find the location of the monster with your breath? How about finding Fei Tougen quickly?”

“Do not make jokes.”

Mukuro refused without hesitation: “It’s not that I don’t want to help you, but that I can’t. The demon power of Fei Tougen is too weak. If he doesn’t use the demon power, I can’t find him at all.”

For Mukuro, if a guy with a breath weak enough to fly tougen doesn’t use his breath, it’s like a black ant lying motionless in a pile of sesame seeds, almost invisible. If you want to use Qi to find his position, you have to wait until he uses Demon Qi. Therefore, if you want to find the roots of Feitou, you can only rely on your eyes.

After listening to Mukuro’s explanation, Maitreya smiled bitterly: “It’s a headache. It seems that we can only look for it with our eyes before he takes possession of him next time. Please be careful not to bend over. Also, protect this family. , Don’t let the flying heads get close.”

As soon as Maitreya’s voice fell, the door of the house opened, and it seemed to have been alarmed by the movement made by Maitreya and others.

A man in his thirties came out and said, “What are you doing here?”

The man’s face was somewhat wary.

Maitreya didn’t want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, and quickly explained: “We are a demon master, and a monster ran here, so we chased it. Before that monster is captured, I hope you don’t come out to avoid being harmed by the monster. ”

Perhaps Inuyasha and others dressed up like mages and monks, and Inuyasha looked even less human, so the man hesitated for a moment and didn’t say anything anymore, and obediently returned to the house. Maitreya and others immediately seized the time and started a carpet-like search nearby, only to dig three feet away.

But they worked hard till the night, but they still couldn’t find the whereabouts of Feitougen.

Mukuro said lightly, “Forget it, that’s it for today, and I will continue to look for it tomorrow.”

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