Naruto: Get the combat power that created Madara at the beginning

Chapter 3 The Immortal Mode is activated·Absorbing the aura of the Immortal World!

"Art fire escape ho fireball!!"

I saw that after Chen Yiban jumped to avoid the attacks from both front and back, he immediately formed a seal with one hand the moment he landed.

Now Chen Yiban only needs one seal to cast almost any multi-seal ninjutsu!


The next second, Chen Yiban's mouth first bulged, and then he spit out a huge fireball that was more than seven meters in size.

And it was constantly rolling and attacking towards the ghost figure!


Seeing how agile Chen Yiban's movements were, and even seeing Chen Yiban spit fireballs from his mouth,

Fu Qingfeng, Fu Yuechi and everyone here were stunned.




The black ghost ignored the [Hao Fireball] and passed through the fireball without any hindrance, and then grabbed Chen Yiban's face with a flying claw.

It seems that its goal is very clear: it is Chen Yiban! !

Moreover, this ghost seems to have the ability of [divine power and virtualization].

Chen Yiban’s ninjutsu attack,

There was also an arrow accidentally shot by the person next to Fu Qingfeng and the two sisters, and it penetrated through it without any hindrance.

It was unscathed!

Obviously physical attacks and ordinary chakra ninjutsu attacks...are ineffective against it.


It's too late to say it, but it's too late to say it:

Chen Yiban quickly jumped up again and dodged the flying claw of Guiying.

It fell onto the trunk of a big tree more than ten meters not far away!


Here, after Fu Yuechi saw it, he was so shocked that Cherry's little mouth opened a little wider.

With just one jump, you can be more than ten meters tall?

"What kind of Qing Gong is this? It's so powerful!" Fu Qingfeng, the elder sister, couldn't help but murmured with an incredulous expression on her face.

"Then... is that a monster?" On the side, the men holding crossbows looked at the ghostly figure with even more surprised and uncertain expressions.


"Is it really a ghost?"

Standing on the trunk of a large tree more than ten meters high, Chen Yiban opened a pair of scarlet glowing [Sharingan] with such an interesting expression on his face.

at the same time:


Seeing that this ghost who seemed not very intelligent wanted to fly back again, Chen Yiban's pair of [Three Magatama Sharingan] froze slightly.

Eye power, bloom!

Suddenly, the entire movement of the ghost figure under the tree that wanted to fly up... suddenly stopped!

It was indeed a genjutsu of the [Sharingan].

"Hey, why doesn't that monster move?"

Here, the people holding crossbows saw the ghost suddenly motionless, and some couldn't help but murmured.

"Did he do something?" Sisters Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi both looked at Chen Yiban on top of a tree more than ten meters high.

At this moment, they have already seen it: Chen Yiban is indeed not a mortal!

But it doesn't seem to be some mountain spirit or ghost, because just now Chen Yiban could spit fire from his mouth.

It feels more like the legendary Taoist monk!

"Ho ho ho!!!"

Suddenly, the ghost figure broke free from the control of the illusion from the [Three Magatama Sharingan].

Then, look up to the sky and roar!

Immediately afterwards, see:


The ghost figure's figure skyrocketed!

From the original size of a normal human, it has grown to a huge body of seven or eight meters tall.

It waved its hand gently and directly smashed the big tree in front of Chen Yiban.

Sisters Fu Qingfeng, Fu Yuechi and others were so frightened that they couldn't help but retreat!

Then, everyone looked at the ghost body that suddenly became so tall in disbelief.

This time, they really encountered mountain spirits and ghosts! !

In this regard:


Chen Yiban left the big tree and landed on the ground next to it again.

Immediately, he slowly turned around and looked at the huge ghost behind him.

"You...really want to dance?"

Opening a pair of strange and beautiful three-magatama Sharingan eyes that were as scarlet as blood, Chen Yiban spoke indifferently.

"Roar... delicious!!" The huge ghost seemed to regard Chen Yiban as food.

"Ha, you want to eat me? You can try it." Chen Yiban smiled coldly.

next moment,

Immediately, he saw the huge black beast rushing towards Chen Yiban in front with heavy steps.

at this time:

"Sage Mode!!"

Chen Yiban put his hands together.

Suddenly, golden fairy facial makeup slowly began to appear on his face!

at the same time:

Zheng Bang————

A large amount of "spiritual energy" existing in the air and soil of this mountain forest in this world of immortality immediately surged into Chen Yiban's body.

"This natural energy..."

“It’s really amazing!!”

Chen Yiban was a little intoxicated.

He felt that his strength could not be improved in the world of "Naruto" for more than ten years, but it was sublimated at this moment.

The level of life... once again has the hope of breakthrough! !

At this time, the giant beast suddenly stopped and rushed towards Chen Yiban.


"The delicious food has changed. It has changed."

“It doesn’t taste good, it doesn’t taste good, it doesn’t taste good!!”

It also obviously felt that the power level in Chen Yiban's body had changed in some way. In this way, while the giant beast shook its head and muttered to itself, it not only stopped rushing towards Chen Yiban, but slowly are retreating.

I want to stay away from Chen Yiban!

Also at this time:


Nine [Tao-Seeking Jade] suddenly appeared automatically.


At this moment, something has changed in [Qiu Dao Jade]!

On the black spheres of the nine small black jade stones, there were initially a few strands of golden lines attached to them.

On the black ball body, it looks particularly obvious!

In addition, each of the nine Tao-seeking jade is now surrounded by a faint golden aura.


Chen Yiban, who had immortal facial makeup on his face and had transformed into an immortal, couldn't help but laugh at this moment.

And the moment I saw the nine [Ling·Jade of Seeking Dao] appear:

“It’s not delicious, it’s not delicious!!”

The huge ghost immediately stopped hesitating.

Turn around and run!

Seeing this,

"Haha, do you want to stop dancing now?"


Chen Yiban had a faint sneer on his lips.

Swish boom————

The next moment, with a thought in his mind, a [Ling·Jade of Seeking Taoism] with golden aura immediately rushed away.


Swish! !

This time, the attack worked, and more than half of the upper body of the black giant beast was directly knocked off.

Only one hand and a small half of the body are left on it!

And, it is also being wiped out bit by bit!

The annihilation effect of the Dao-seeking jade is continuous!

"Eat, eat, eat..."

At this time, after the giant beast could not defeat Chen Yiban and was severely injured, it murmured and headed towards the other group of people including Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi who had originally looked down upon them.

"Shoot the arrow quickly! Don't let this monster come over!" Fu Qingfeng reacted immediately and exclaimed.



An incredible golden thunder sword spanned dozens of meters and beheaded the giant monster! !

Then, watching the huge head of the huge beast that was less than ten meters away fall smoothly...

At the scene, Fu Qingfeng, Fu Yuechi and all the people holding crossbows were all stunned.

Then, looking at Chen Yiban, who had a pair of scarlet Sharingan eyes open at this moment and a golden [Spirit Chidori Spear] condensed in his hand, everyone was stunned and couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

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