"Little ghost, you have annoyed me, and you have also angered the shark muscles. The watermelon mountain puffer ghost stood up and began to untie the strips of cloth wrapped around the shark's muscles.

Soon, the shark muscle turned into a hedgehog, and there was a big mouth at the front, which looked extremely ugly.

"Shark muscles. "

"Don't think I'm afraid of you if you stab me, keep flying for me. "

Starry Night faced the spiked shark muscles and threw another punch, this time not only using the strange power punch, but also using the speed of the metalization blessing.


Starry Night's fist collided with the shark muscle for less than a second, and the shark muscle flew out again.

This time, the shark muscles were more miserable, and the spikes on the side were at least half knocked out by Starry Night's punch, and where the fist hit, a deep fist mark appeared.

I have to say that the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost is still relatively unlucky. In fact, with his own strength, even in the face of a shadow-level master, he will not be beaten without the power to fight back.

Compared to the shark muscles, he can absorb the chakra, and he can also use the chakra to recover the injuries of the watermelon mountain puffer ghost, replenish his chakra consumption, and fight to consume him, he is not afraid of anyone at all.

But the starry night he faced, his advantage disappeared in an instant. The amount of chakra starry night may not be as much as the shark muscle, but it is definitely not afraid of consumption. The physical art Starry Night is not a little stronger than him, whether it is the Eight Gate Dunjia or the Strange Power Fist, it is the mystery of the physical arts.

The most important thing is that the shark muscle has no effect at all in the face of the starry night, even if it has a long thorn, it is useless to face the metalization of the starry night, and it will not break the defense at all. If it is replaced by Tsunade, although it can also hit the effect of that punch just now, Tsunade's fist will definitely be useless, and the stinging of the shark muscle is no joke.

"Shark muscles, human body fusion. "The watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost finally used the shark muscle ultimate move and began to transform.

"If you can't beat it, you can transform, but you can transform on land. Starry Night watched the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost fuse with the shark muscle, and said disdainfully.

He knew that this ability to transform could only exert his full strength in the water.

"Imp, go die. The self-confidence of the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost who transformed into an adult mermaid form skyrocketed, and it was a punch to the starry night.

But his self-confident punch was directly caught by Starry Night.

In the metallized state, Starry Night's power is not something that ordinary people can imagine, even if he doesn't use the Strange Power Fist, his power is very strong.

"Whom do you yell at, and who do you call a little imp? I didn't hurt you just now, did I, I gave you face, right? Starry Night pressed the right fist of the watermelon mountain puffer ghost with his left hand, and after finishing speaking, his right fist punched the abdomen of the watermelon mountain puffer ghost.


Although the watermelon mountain puffer ghost resisted with his left hand, it was a pity that he couldn't block it at all, and was directly beaten up by the starry night.

If it weren't for Starry Night's right hand still grabbing the right fist of the watermelon mountain and river ghost, that punch just now would have directly knocked him into the air. But even so, the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost will not be much better, and both eyes are bulging out.

Then Starry Night threw his left hand, threw the watermelon puffer fish ghost to the ground, grabbed his tail with his right hand, and began to smash left and right.


"I make you inhuman, fish and fish. Starry Night slammed the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost to the ground on the left and said.


"I asked you to call me an imp. "Starry Night, throw back the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost.


"I told you to play with me just now. "Throw it back again.


"I let you..."


A minute later, Starry Night was in the middle of a fall when he suddenly found that the tail on his hand had disappeared.

Turning his head, it turned out that the watermelon mountain puffer ghost had withdrawn from the transformation state, and the whole person was out of breath and out of breath.

And the shark muscles next to him seemed to have shrunk and become shriveled.

"Tell me why you Kiristin suddenly blocked the Land of Water. If you don't say it, I'll kill you right away. If you tell me, not only will I not kill you, but I will help you heal. Starry Night squatted down and asked the watermelon mountain puffer ghost.

“...... You...... Not...... Lie to me..."The watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost asked with difficulty, he knew that in his current state, life and death were all in the starry night, and he could only hope that the starry night was telling the truth.

"Is it interesting to lie to you? I'll help you suppress your injuries first, if your information is fake, you should know that it's not difficult for me to kill you at all. After Xingye finished speaking, he used medical ninjutsu to treat the injury in his lungs, so that he could speak more happily, and now he listened to the pain of talking like this.

After speaking a little more smoothly, the watermelon mountain puffer ghost directly told the information of the misty ninja to the starry night.

As a person who is afraid of death, intelligence is certainly not as important as his own life. Starry Night also asked him for information because he knew that the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost was afraid of death.

As a member of the Ninja Sword Seven, the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost knows a lot of information. However, he is not a professional interrogator, and he is not interested in other information about the mist shinobi, so he only asks him what the mist shinobi has been doing recently.

"I mean what I say, and since you tell the information, then I won't kill you. But I've carved the Flying Thunder God spell on you, you should know what the Flying Thunder God is. I won't say anything superfluous, just wait here for help. You should know what to say then, and if I want to know any information in the future, I will come to you.

Don't have such an ugly face, I won't come to you once a year, after all, I'm not interested in you Kirin. But when you Kiri Shinobi are about to launch an attack on Konoha, you cut off this kunai, and I'll know when the time comes.

If you don't do this well, even if the fog ninja participates in the war, I will kill you as soon as possible. If you are obedient, even if I meet you on the battlefield in the future, I will not kill you, understand?" Starry Night took out a Flying Thunder God Kunai and handed it to the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Fish Ghost.

"I see. The watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost said with an ugly face, in this way, he was caught by the starry night and had a sore foot, and he had to become a spy of the starry night in the future.

In fact, he thinks too much, so Starry Night won't take him seriously.

The matter was settled, Starry Night glanced at Terumi in the distance, thinking that we would meet again, so he used the Flying Thunder God Technique to disappear. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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