It would take some time for Obito to recover. With his hard-working life, he could only take Jūgo to the Sound Village first to prevent him from being taken away by others.

So annoying!

When he arrived at the place where the Libra clan lived, Uchiha Makoto used the Sage Mode to sense and found Jūgo's location.

When Jūgo saw him, he looked cautious and curled up, "Who are you?"

"The one who took you away." Uchiha Makoto didn't want to waste words.

Jūgo, who was originally fine, suddenly became irritable and started to attack him.

But these were undoubtedly useless.

Uchiha Makoto appeared behind him in an instant, knocked him unconscious, looked down at Jūgo under his feet, and said to himself: "Where did Orochimaru find so many experimental materials."

When Jūgo woke up again, he was already in the dungeon of the Sound Village.

That's right!

Uchiha Makoto threw him into the dungeon, not the laboratory.

"Hey, what the hell are you thinking? Throwing a child into a dungeon and assigning people to look after him," Nara Tomokazu's face was full of dissatisfaction. He looked Uchiha Makoto up and down and asked, "Are you taking revenge?"

"Good teammate, I am the most fair, just and kind Uchiha. How can you speculate me with such dirty thoughts!" Uchiha Makoto sat on the desk with his arms folded, looking unattainable, "Where did Orochimaru go?"

"An organization called 'Akatsuki'," Nara Tomokazu threw all the information in front of him, "I wanted to send other people, but Orochimaru went there in person. It seems to be dangerous. You have to prepare in advance."

"Akatsuki, ah~ is that so! Go!" Uchiha Makoto read all the information and originally wanted to tie the angle to financial management, but he had no time to implement it. Since Orochimaru went, this arduous task was handed over to him.

Nara Tomokazu held his forehead and warned Uchiha Masaharu who was now emotionally unstable: "You are not right! Don't go crazy. The danger level of this organization to us is SSS+. Can you take it seriously!"

"Go buy a piece of land and build a school," Uchiha Masaharu felt that these needed to be put into practice quickly, "Let Izuna train according to the ninja of the Warring States Period, and send the eliminated ones to the customs street as security."

Nara Tomokazu frowned. If he trained according to the level of the Warring States Period, he would be able to quickly produce ninjas who could be used immediately after graduation, but there would also be great losses.

"According to what you said, the success rate of graduation will drop to less than 30%, and the mortality rate will increase several times."

"That's right, since you choose to be a ninja, don't be afraid of death."

After Uchiha Masaharu finished speaking, he was ruthlessly despised by Nara Tomokazu.

If others said this, he would respect it, but when Uchiha Masaharu said this, what else could he say except rolling his eyes at him.

"Since you're back, do something human! School..."

Before he finished speaking, Uchiha Makoto interrupted him.

"I have more important things to do. Do you want to live forever?"

Nara Tomokazu glanced at him as if he were a fool, and said firmly: "No!"

Birth, aging, illness and death are the norm in the world. Although he is afraid of death, he is not afraid of death. The longer he lives, the lonelier he becomes.

He just wants to be comfortable while he is alive, and die without pain when he is old.

"Huh?" Uchiha Makoto really didn't expect Nara Tomokazu to have no interest in immortality.

To be precise, he doesn't want to live forever, and even has a bit of disdain.


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