Hoshiha tells Tsunade some of the secrets of the ninja world, mainly the bloody affairs of the Otsuki family.

“In other words, our families are all descendants of the Six Dao Immortals?” Mikoto was quite surprised, she didn’t expect that so many families could be related to the Six Dao Immortals.

“Uchiha is just a pawn.”

Tsunade’s expression was a little strange.

Just now, Hoshiha told Tsunade, Kushinna, Mikoto, and Konan, about the real Moon Eye plan.

The real Eye of the Moon plan is for Kuro to resurrect Kaguya Otsuki, and Uchiha is just a pawn that Kuro uses to resurrect Kaguya.

“Now I feel a little pitiful Uchiha.” Tsunade had a smile on his face, saying that he was pitiful Uchiha, but he didn’t show a half-pitiful Uchiha Madara.

“Xing Yu, I wonder how you know so much?” Jiu Xinnai pulled Xingyu’s clothes and asked Xingyu.

“Jiu Xinnai, these are my secrets, I can’t tell you yet.”

“Don’t say anything.”

Jiu Xinnai did not continue to ask, knowing Xing Yu, she knew that even if she asked, Xing Yu would not tell her.

“Since you know so much, do you want to destroy the Moon Eye plan?” Mikoto looked at Hoshiba.

“Why destroy it? Let it be, maybe it’ll be fun. ”

Xing Yu said with a slight smile, even if Datuki Kaguya was really resurrected, Xing Yu was not afraid at all.

Even now, Xing Yu relies on a heaven-defying pupil technique, and if he faces Datumu Kaguya, even if he can’t win, he will definitely not lose.

And now it is still very early for the time of the resurrection of the big tube wood Kaguya, and after the big tube wood Kaguya is resurrected, he may already be able to crush the big tube wood Kaguya.

“In other words, the Six Dao Immortals are really unlucky, and they were actually sealed by their own son.” Jiu Xinnai couldn’t help but say.

If she has such unworthy descendants, she will definitely slap to death.

A few days later, Hoshi Yu finally stepped into the Land of Wind, and also made a map of the Land of Wind.

The Land of Winds is desert, and if you don’t have a map, you risk getting lost and trapped in the desert forever.

Even a map is used for nothing, after all, this is a desert, and it is relatively normal to accidentally get lost.

“Jiu Xinnai, I told you not to volunteer to lead the way, we seem to be on the wrong path.”

As he walked, Xingyu sensed that something was wrong, and then asked for a map from Jiu Xinnai, and after comparing it, he found that they were going the wrong way.

“No, how can I lead the wrong way Jiu Xinnai.”

“Okay, then you continue down this path, let’s change direction.”

Hoshiha took Konan’s hand and turned around, and then Tsunade and Mikoto followed Hoshiha.

“Hey, wait for me.” Jiu Xinnai immediately caught up.

“Am I really leading the wrong way?”

“Of course, if we go on like this, we won’t be able to reach Shayin Village for half a month, so let me lead the way.”

Xing Yu glanced at Jiu Xinnai, if it weren’t for letting Jiu Xinnai lead the way, they would have reached Shayin Village by now.

After two days, Xingyu and they finally arrived at Sand Hidden Village, which is located on an oasis in the Land of Winds.

“How do we get into Shayin Village? Wait for the night to sneak in? ”

Tsunade asked towards Hoshiha.

“With our strength, there is no need to sneak in at all, you can enter Shayin Village in an upright manner, I see who dares to stop it.”

Xing Yu didn’t want to sneak in, what was that, and his strength couldn’t afford to lose this person.

Coming to the gate of Shayin Village, the two Shinobi who copied the guarding the gate of the village suddenly widened their eyes, and then sat on the ground with their butts.

“Death… Death. ”

“Grim Reaper?”

Xing Yu looked at them looking at him in horror, and couldn’t help but be slightly stunned, and then thought that he had an extra Ninja World Death title, and this God of Death referred to himself.

“It’s really an honor to be recognized by someone before entering Shayin Village.” Xing Yu said with a smile.

I really didn’t expect his fame to be so great, but in the three years since he left Konoha, Hoshi Yu hadn’t done anything major.

I didn’t expect that in the past three years, there are still people who can recognize themselves, and it seems that they still underestimate their fame.

But this fame should be notorious, otherwise they would not be so frightened when they look at themselves.

“Also… There is also Tsunade, one of Konoha’s three Shinobi. ”

Immediately after their eyes saw Tsunade, their hearts became even more flustered.

“Konoha Sanshin? I’m not Konoha Sanshin anymore. Tsunade said lightly.

They have all left Konoha, where to hang the name of Konoha, his younger brother Rope Tree has become a rebel of Konoha, and now Tsunade has no mind to return to Konoha.

Maybe going back will disappoint her even more, and it’s better not to go back.

“Let’s go, let’s go in.”

Hoshiha glanced at the two frightened Shinobi before leading Tsunade into the village of Sunahide.

These two sand ninja did not dare to block, they were already frightened and stupid, what to block?

After a long time, the two of them came to their senses, and after glancing at each other, they immediately went straight to the Wind Shadow office, and they had to report to the three generations of Wind Shadow.

Uzumaki Hoshiyu came to Sand Hidden Village, this is not a trivial matter, they are all people who participated in the second Ninja World War.

Although they luckily did not die on the battlefield, they have also seen the power of the vortex star feather, and the star feather is their psychological shadow.

“It’s really worthy of being a Shayin village, and it reveals the smell of poverty everywhere.” Xing Yu looked at the buildings around Sand Hidden Village and couldn’t help but say.

Just by looking at the buildings of Shayin Village and the clothes on the residents of Shayin Village, I know that Shayin Village is not rich, and even a little poor.

It’s normal, in the second Shinobi War, Sand Hidden Village, as the defeated side, wants to compensate Konoha, and also spent a lot of money to buy Ichio back.

Now Shayin Village basically tightens their belts to live, and the poor are almost the same as Xiaonin Village.

Well, it’s almost just a joke with the small ninja village, after all, it is one of the five major ninja villages, and no matter how miserable it is, it is much better than the small ninja village.

“Aren’t you going to find Ichio?” Tsunade asked, looking at Hoshiba.

Hoshi Yu didn’t look for Ichigo in the slightest, but instead dragged them around the Sand Hidden Village, which made Tsunade very puzzled.

Isn’t the goal of coming here Ichio? How did you wander around Shayin Village.

“This is not in a hurry, you can go and find Yiwei later, maybe Yiwei will send it to the door by himself, let’s take a stroll in Shayin Village first, you haven’t been to Shayin Village, aren’t you curious?”

Hoshiwa, Kushinna, Mikoto, and Konan, have never been to Sunahide Village, and Tsunade has never been there, and they are all very unfamiliar with Sunahide Village.

“Wait for Ichio to deliver it himself? Is this possible? Mikoto couldn’t help but shake her head, even if Ichigo was stupid, he couldn’t send it to the door by himself.

Xing Yu smiled slightly, Ichigo will not come over, but the three generations of Wind Shadow will definitely come over, and when the time comes, it will be okay to ask him for Ichigo.

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