“Three generations of wind shadows, you find a way to restrain the vortex star feather, I will solve him.”

Onoki glanced at the three generations of wind shadows and said seriously.

At this time, the three generations of wind shadows came back to their senses, and for the time being, they did not entangle themselves in why the vortex star feather was also magnetic, and first found a way to solve the vortex star feather.

“Well, I hope Onoki you can do it.”

“Magnetic Cage.”

The third generation of Wind Shadow used sand iron to create a cage and put Hoshi Yu in the cage.

Then the three generations of Wind Shadow, the third generation of Thunder Shadow, and Hanzo looked at Onoki together, wanting to see what means Onoki could have, and what confidence he had to solve the Vortex Star Feather.

“The Art of Dust Escape Origin Stripping.”

I used Uzumaki Star Feather to use Dust Escape before, and although I don’t know why it failed, this time Onoki believes that he can succeed.

The white cube enchantment shrouded the sand iron cage, and then instantly disintegrated the entire sand iron cage.

Even the sand and iron cage can be decomposed, and I don’t believe that the vortex star feather can survive.

“Three generations of wind shadows, be careful behind your back.”

Hanzo looked at the back of the three generations of wind shadows and shrank his pupils, and immediately reminded the three generations of wind shadows.

In fact, without the reminder of Hanzo, the three generations of wind shadows can feel the crisis, and their bodies immediately shift to the left, and then the three generations of wind shadows are pierced through the body by a knife.

“You’re too careless, you don’t even pay attention behind you, so you can easily be killed.”

Xing Yu said lightly.

“You, how did you appear behind me?”

Looking at the blade that came out in front of him, the three generations of wind shadows asked Xingyu with some difficulty.

It is clear that he was trapped in a sand iron cage before, and was beaten by an unknown ninjutsu of the three generations of Tokage, and there was no dust.

“Does this matter?”

Xing Yu pulled out the Kusanagi Sword that pierced into the body of the third generation of Wind Shadow and asked flatly.

With the ultimate spatial ninjutsu, what in this world can trap him? Unless he was hit by the Ultimate Sealing Technique of the Six Dao Earth Explosion Heavenly Star, no trick could limit him.

The third generation of wind shadow fell to the ground, although it deviated from the key position at a critical moment, but the current situation of the third generation wind shadow was still quite injured.

“One fell.”

Xingyu glanced at the three generations of Wind Shadow, and did not kill the three generations of Wind Shadow, but looked at the three generations of Thunder Shadow, Onoki and Hanzo and the three of them.

Let’s solve them next, Xingyu still has business to do.

Although the strongest combat power of the four ninja villages is here to deal with him, this does not mean that the Konoha ninja forces can deal with the ninjas of the other four ninja villages.

The overwhelming advantage in quantity, even if the ape flying sun slashes them, there is nothing they can do, in front of the number, in fact, the shadow-level powerhouse is quite powerless.

And in addition to Onoki and their shadows, there are not no strong people among the ninjas of the Four Shinobi Village.

So if Hoshiha doesn’t hurry up to the rescue, Konoha won’t say it’s completely finished this time, but it’s not far from it.

“The Art of Tudun Super Light and Heavy Rock.”

Onoki uses the Ultra Light and Heavy Rock Technique to greatly reduce the weight of his body, greatly increase his speed, and can fly freely in the air.

“Think you’re safe flying in the air?”

Hoshi Yu looked at Onoki in the air, and using the figure of Huangquan Hirasaka, he instantly disappeared, and then appeared above Onoki.

“Give me down, I don’t like people watching me from above.”

Xingyu kicked Onoki at the waist with one foot, and a cracking sound sounded, and Onoki couldn’t help but let out a scream.

“My waist.”

Onoki fell from the air holding his battered waist, smashing a deep pit on the ground, and Onoki fainted directly.

“It’s just a kick, it won’t be so fragile.” Xing Yu looked at Onoki who fainted, and felt that the three generations of Thunder Shadow were more resistant.

Just thinking of the three generations of thunder shadows, these three generations of thunder shadows attacked towards Xing Yu, using their strongest Hell Spurt.

This is the strongest spear of the three generations of Thunder Shadow, and no one has been able to block this move so far.

Because the fingers of his right hand were still injured in the last fight with Vortex Star Feather, this time the third generation of Thunder Shadow used the middle finger of his left hand to attack.

Xing Yu looked at the three generations of Thunder Shadow, instantly entered the Thunder Chakra mode, and then used the same out of Hell Spur Book.

Although I haven’t seen the three generations of Thunder Shadow use it, the principle of Hell Spur One Pass is actually the same as that of Four Books, but the piercing ability is stronger.

This time, Xing Yu will give it a try, use the strongest spear to collide with the strongest spear, and see whose spear will break in the end.

Xing Yu is fighting that he has the pupil technique of the Heavenly Imperial Destiny, which can turn back time, which is equivalent to regret medicine, so he dares to play like this.

If he was really injured, it would be a big deal to use the Heavenly Imperial Destiny once, not to mention that Xing Yu had absolute confidence in himself.

The two fingers collided together, and in an instant, the body of the three generations of thunder shadows flew out, flying out for hundreds of meters.

At this time, the left middle finger of the third generation of Lei Ying had been completely shattered, and a blood hole had been poked out of the heart mouth.

The three generations of Lei Ying who fell to the ground sweated like rain because of the pain, and gritted their teeth to survive this deadly pain.

Ten fingers connected to the heart, and one finger of the three generations of Lei Ying was directly crushed together with the bones.

The most fatal thing is the blood hole in the heart position, which was poked out by Xing Yu’s finger, and it felt like it was about to reach the heart, and the blood flowed out of the wound as if it didn’t want money.

“Three generations of Thunder Shadow, it seems that this hell spurt of yours is just that.”

Xing Yu had one hand behind his back, this hand was the one that collided with the three generations of Thunder Shadow, and at this time, Xing Yu’s middle finger was swollen like a carrot.

The pain naturally hurts, but even in this case, Xing Yu can’t lose his compulsion, and his face does not change color, as if he is not injured.

Secretly using medical ninjutsu palm cactus, coupled with his own perfect cactus, soon the pain disappeared and the swelling disappeared.

This kind of injury is not a big injury, with the recovery ability of the perfect immortal body of the star feather, plus the palm cactus star feather can recover in a moment, and there is no use of the pupil technique of the Heavenly Imperial Destiny.

This time, Xing Yu really regretted it in his heart, if he used the immortal mode, and then used the Thunder Chakra mode, he would definitely not be injured.

“The three generations of Thunder Shadow don’t have any combat power now, and now you’re left Hanzo.” Hoshi Yu looked at Hanzo lightly.

Onoki fainted in pain, the third generation of Thunder Shadow lost the ability to continue fighting, and the third generation of Wind Shadow was half-kneeling on the ground, dealing with his pierced wound.

Now Hanzo is left with combat effectiveness.

Seeing Xingyu’s gaze staring over, Hanzo took a deep breath and suppressed the thought of escaping in his heart.

Facing Hoshiyu, Hanzo is preparing for a battle, how can he say that he is also known as a ninja demigod, and it will be humiliating if he runs away in panic in the face of the enemy.

If this is passed on, Hanzo will lose his face, and more importantly, he may not be able to run away or even die faster.

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