“They wouldn’t be scared, would they?”

Jiu Shinna looked at the vigilant retreating Iwa Shinobu, and couldn’t help but say to Hoshiha and Mikoto on the side.

“It should be, this Iwa Shinobu is also too shameful.”

Xingyu pouted, only a few ninjutsu were used, and they were scared, if they were to show their complete body susano, I don’t know if they would be scared.

“They don’t attack, we take the initiative.”

Hoshi Yu took out the Kusanagi Sword and used the teleportation technique to quickly approach Iwa Shinobu, and in a few breaths came to the Iwa Shinobu’s crowd.

“It’s too arrogant, kill him for me.”

A rock ninja Murakami Shinobu saw Xingyu killing so arrogantly, and angrily rushed towards Xingyu.

“Wind slash.”

With the wind attribute Chakra, Xingyu strengthened the edge of the Kusanagi sword, and then slashed down at the Shangnin who rushed over.

Fast, ruthless, steady.

A sword directly resulted in the life of the other party, and a wind blade flew out from the Kusanagi sword, harvesting Iwa Shinobu’s life.

Xing Yu, who was holding the Kusanagi sword, really turned into the god of death on the battlefield, and faced all the enemies of Xing Yu, he could not survive a move.

In front of Xing Yu, whether it is lower patience, middle patience, or upper patience, they are all treated equally, anyway, they are all the same weak, the same slash to death.


Onoki looked at the star feathers who killed all sides, and he vomited a mouthful of blood again in a fit of anger, almost unable to suffocate in one breath.

“Tsuchikage-sama, are you all right?”

Seeing Onoki spitting out a mouthful of blood, Loess quickly asked Onoki that Onoki was his father, and no matter what, Loess didn’t want to see his father in trouble.

“Ahem, I’m okay.”

Onoki couldn’t help but cough a few times, he had been kicked by Uzumaki Xingyu before, and he felt that two ribs were broken, but this kind of injury Onoki could endure.

After all, Onoki is still in the prime of life, and he is not the little old man of the earth shadow in the future.

“Loess, you don’t want to go over.” Onoki said towards the loess.

Onoki also has his own selfishness, Loess is his son, and Onoki does not want Loess to be in danger.

Looking at Vortex Star Feather’s unparalleled appearance of mowing grass, although his son’s talent is good and his strength is quite strong, he is still just sending vegetables in the face of Vortex Star Feather.

Onoki kept observing and clearly saw that an elite Shinobu of the Iwa Shinobi Village only insisted on two swords under the sword of Uzumaki Star Feather.

I don’t know why Vortex Star Feather’s strength is so perverted, but he absolutely does not tolerate his son to die, after all, he only has this one son.

“Tsuchikage-sama, as a ninja of Iwa Shinobi Village, I will definitely not tolerate someone killing my companion.” Loess said firmly.

“Shut up, listen to me in everything, let Iwa Shinobu, who besieged the Vortex Star Feather, retreat, and hand it over to me and Lao Zi.” Onoki roared angrily.

Onoki is very majestic, and Loess can only promise in front of himself, the father of the earth shadow.

“Father, your injuries?” Loess looked worried.

“Forgot what I taught you? Call me Tsuchikage-sama outside, my injuries are not in the way, you quickly organize the retreat of the ninjas of our Iwa Shinobi Village. ”

Onoki scolded the loess again, this time making the loess dare not speak.

Onoki looked at the loess and sighed, although his son’s talent is good, it seems that it is difficult to be a big task.

Loess obeyed Onoki’s orders and commanded Iwa Shinobu to retreat, and Iwa Shinobu was also killed by Hoshiyu, and heard that Loess told them to retreat, and quickly withdrew.

The surroundings of Xing Yu had been emptied, and at his feet, dozens of corpses had fallen, and the blood had gathered into a stream.

“Vortex Star Feather.”

Onoki roared, staring at Xingyu’s eyes full of blood, since the Uzumaki Xingyu attack, there have been more than a hundred ninjas who have died before and after.

But how long has it been since the Vortex Star Feather attack? In just ten minutes, this was already a big loss for Iwa Shinobu.

Moreover, the upper ninja who died in the hands of Xing Yu, as well as the elite upper ninja, and the upper ninja and the elite upper ninja, which are all elites that are difficult to cultivate with resources.

“Why are you yelling so loud? It’s not that I can’t hear it. ”

Xingyu turned his head to look at Onoki, and beside Onoki stood a person, this person was the four-tailed man Zhuli Laozi.

Lao Zi’s personality is relatively stubborn, and Onoki’s personality is quite discordant, in fact, both of them are stubborn guys, and when two old stubborns meet together, they will naturally not be harmonious.

But now the ninja world war, for the sake of Iwa Shinobi Village, Lao Zi temporarily compromised with Onoki and obeyed Onoki’s.

“The Art of Dust Escape Origin Stripping.”

Under the anger, Onoki uses the Escape Trick of the Spectator, which is a blood succession elimination that is above the blood succession limit, and it is a fusion of the three nature changes of wind, earth, and fire.

This is a technique developed by the second generation Metokage, which was finally taught to Onoki, and has the power to separate any object into an atomic state and disappear into ashes.

It is undeniable that the dust is indeed very powerful, but such a powerful ninjutsu, the consumption of Chakra is also very terrifying.

Onoki, the earth shadow used, felt that the chakra in his body was empty, and suddenly used one-third of his chakra.

The cube enchantment is launched from Onoki’s hand towards the star feather, and as long as it is wrapped in the enchantment, it will be broken into atoms.

This attack ignores defense, and even if three generations of Thunder Shadow come to escape one after another, they will be beaten into atoms.

“Heavenly destiny.”

Star Feather’s eyes turned into eternal kaleidoscope chakra eyes, and then cast the pupil technique of his right eye, and time went backwards, retreating towards the cube enchantment that Star Feather flew over, and then disappeared.

The Dust Escape Origin Stripping Technique regressed to a time when it had not yet been released, but the Chakra consumed by Onoki was not returned.

When Xing Yu cast the Heavenly Imperial Destiny, the object of his effect was only the Dust Escape Origin Realm Stripping Technique, and it did not shroud Onoki as well.

Theoretically, the Dust Escape Origin Realm Stripping Technique has regressed to before it was released, so the Chakra consumed by Onoki naturally does not exist.

However, when it comes to the problem of time, it will be very complicated, and the problem of time is not understood by Xing Yu for the time being.

Anyway, if Xingyu uses the ninjutsu released by the other party if the Heavenly Imperial Destiny is reversed, then the chakra consumed by the other party’s release of ninjutsu will not be returned because the ninjutsu time regresses to before the release, and the consumed is really consumed.

As for the reason, Xing Yu couldn’t understand it for the time being.

At this time, Onoki’s eyes widened, and the dust released suddenly disappeared, and his dust did not cause any effect, and Onoki was a little doubtful that there was something wrong with his dust.

“Onoki, your dust has no effect.” Hoshiha smiled and looked at Onoki, he liked to see the confused expressions on others’ faces.

“Did you do it?” Onoki’s face sank, he firmly believed that there would be absolutely no mistake in his dust, and the only possibility was the ghost of Uzumaki Star Feather.

“Under my eyes, no ninjutsu will have the slightest effect on me.” Xing Yu said lightly, and pretended to force Onoki.

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