While eating breakfast, Tsunade’s mood was dull, and Jiu Shinna looked at Tsunade with a dull expression with a puzzled expression.

“What’s wrong with her?” Jiu Shinna asked in a low voice to Mikoto next to her.

“Before Xing Yu said that her strength was weak, she was probably a little unhappy.” Mikoto lowered her voice and replied to Kushinnai.

“Can you two have lower voices?”

Tsunade raised his head and glanced at the two of them, then said.

Jiu Shinna and Mikoto were suddenly a little embarrassed, but they didn’t expect to be heard, and their ears were so good.

“Ahem, do you want me to teach you a secret technique?” Hoshiha put down the rice balls in his hand and asked Tsunade.

“Occult? What secret art? ”

Jiu Xinnai is very interested, the secret art is generally the secret of a family or a ninja village, and it is generally very powerful.

It’s like the sealing technique of the Vortex family, and it used to be regarded as the secret technique of the Vortex family. As for now, after the Vortex clan was extinguished, some of the sealing technique was passed down.

“Thunder Chakra Mode, the secret technique of three generations of Thunder Shadow.” Xing Yu smiled lightly, and then said.

That’s right, Hoshiha intends to teach the Thunder Chakra Mode to Tsunade.

Copying ninjutsu is different from copying the Blood Succession Limit, although the Ice Blood Succession Limit is copied, but Xingyu is not clear at all about how to use the two nature changes of wind and water to fuse into Ice Limit.

However, copying the Lei Dun Chakra mode, about the cultivation and application of the Lei Dun Chakra mode, all appeared in Xing Yu’s mind.

“Do you know the thunder chakra mode of the third generation of Thunder Shadow?”

Tsunade looked at Hoshi Yu in surprise, this should be the housekeeping skill of the third generation of Thunder Shadow, how did Hoshi Feather learn it?

“What do you think I’m going to find the third generation of Thunder Shadow for? Is it just a fight with him? This kind of simple thing, I just have to look at it, I can learn it in minutes. ”

Anyway, bragging is not taxed, so Xing Yu does not mind bragging, but if Xing Yu says this in front of the three generations of thunder shadows, maybe the three generations of thunder shadows will really believe it.

“After learning the Thunder Chakra mode, maybe you will become the same as the third generation of Thunder Shadow.”

“Become the same as the three generations of Thunder Shadow, as muscular as him? If that’s the case, I refuse. Tsunade refused without hesitation.

Jiu Shinnai, who was originally quite interested, heard Tsunade’s words, and the idea of wanting to learn was instantly dispelled.

Thinking about his appearance full of muscles, Jiu Xinnai himself said that he couldn’t accept it, and Xingyu definitely wouldn’t like himself like that.

When Mikoto heard Tsunade’s words, she stayed away like Kushinna.

As for Xiaonan, well, I ate breakfast silently.

“Eh, the third generation of Thunder Shadow is a muscle trained by cultivating physical arts, and it should have nothing to do with the Lei Dun Chakra mode.” Xing Yu said with some stunned.

“Anyway, I can’t cultivate, I think the strange power technique is very good.” Tsunade made a direct statement.

As for how powerful the Lei Dun Chakra mode is, this is not important for Tsunade, the important thing is not to cultivate this to become a muscle woman.

After Tsunade’s attitude, Kushina and Mikoto also directly stated that they would not learn the Lei Dun Chakra model.

Seeing that they were reluctant to learn, Xing Yu simply didn’t mention it.

When Hoshiha came to the battlefield, the war suddenly stopped, and Konoha, who was jointly attacked by the four ninja villages, also had a chance to breathe.

“Sure enough, I am still powerful, and I shocked the ninjas of the four ninja villages when I first came to the battlefield.” Xing Yu couldn’t help but say.

“Will you die without bragging?” Tsunade gave Hoshiha a blank look.

“Tsunade, why are you so idle? There are also many injured ninjas in Konoha, don’t you treat them? ”

Hoshiha turned his head to look at Tsunade and asked.

“Can’t I take a break? Konoha isn’t the only medical ninja I. Tsunade sat next to Hoshi Yu and watched the light rain outside.

It has been five days since Xing Yu came to the battlefield, and it has been raining for three of these five days, although it is all light rain, but it still feels very sick.

“Isn’t Konoha planning to counterattack? If you are blindly passive, you will never be able to win this war, and only by taking the initiative can we end this war as quickly as possible. ”

“I don’t know, how do we know what the three generations of old men think, I don’t participate in the usual meetings.” Tsunade pouted.

“Oh, it’s boring.”

Hoshiha felt so bored, in Konoha, there was still a place to play, and on the battlefield it was too boring.

Xing Yu wanted to start a war, but when he came to the battlefield, suddenly the two sides were muted and stopped fighting.

“Uzumaki Star Feather, the third generation of Hokage-sama has a task to hand over to you.”

Just when Hoshiha was bored, a ninja came here and handed Hoshiha a mission book.

Then the ninja left, and Hoshiha opened the mission book with curiosity.

Tsunade next to him leaned over and glanced at the mission book, the mission was to destroy Iwa Shinobu’s material supplies, and there was also the delivery route of Iwa Shinobu’s materials.

“It’s good to have a task, otherwise I feel like I’m going to mold.” Xing Yu stood up quite excitedly.

“You are actually happy with this dangerous task.” Tsunade glanced at Hoshiha and said slightly speechlessly.

Destroying the enemy’s material supplies is one of the most dangerous tasks on the battlefield, because no matter which Shinobi Village, they attach great importance to their own supplies, and the strength of protection will naturally not be small.

“Danger is for others, there is no danger to me at all.”

Xing Yu said incomparably inflated, yes, he is now inflated, immortal mode plus eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, who is his opponent in the ninja world at this time?

The old guy Uchiha is not dead, but the half-dead Uchiha spot, Xingyu promised that if he dared to come out, Xingyu would let him die early.

“Mikoto, Kyusinna, you’re going on a mission, are you going?” Hoshiba shouted at Mikoto and Kushinna.

“Go, of course go.”

Kushina immediately pulled Mikoto out, then followed Hoshiha, and they left the Konoha camp together.

In fact, it is also very easy for Hoshiha to complete the task alone, and as for why he called Jiu Shinna and Mikoto, of course, it is not so boring when performing the task.

If you are alone, wouldn’t it be boring to go on a mission, and it would feel much better to have Kushina and Mikoto by your side.

“Is the intelligence accurate? We have all waited for so long, and we have not waited for the team to escort the supplies, could it be that the intelligence is wrong? ”

Jiu Xinnai couldn’t help but complain.

“How do I know this, if the intelligence is wrong and the mission fails, it has nothing to do with us.” Xing Yu was holding a grass, relatively calm.

I have been waiting here for more than a day, and I haven’t seen the team delivering supplies, although the intelligence says that this is the only way for Iwa Shinobu to transport supplies, but the intelligence may not really be wrong.

Xing Yu was calm on the surface, but in fact, he also felt very unhappy in his heart, if the mission really failed, after he went back, he must ask who provided this information.

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