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(staying up late to code in the early morning... bitter……)


Tenriki accidentally met Kakashi, which was considered a good relationship, but the two did not talk much, just a few words.

Hinata Tenriki was no longer planning to stay in Konoha, but to leave the village to look for Snake Uncle

"Next year, in the year 60, Naruto, Sasuke and others will graduate. In the same year, the Chunin Exam will take place, and that will be the beginning of Konoha's collapse plan.……"

"Therefore, Orochimaru must be in one place——Otogakure"

"Otogakure, the village founded by Orochimaru after he left Konoha, uses an eighth note as its symbol. All ninjas in the village use sound attacks. Next year, they will attack Konoha Village together with Sand Village."

After thinking of a plan, Tenryu left a shadow clone at the Hyuga family, and then the real body left Konoha at night. Otogakure is just north of the Land of Fire. It is relatively small and is also a neighbor of the Land of Hot Water. There is also a border line that touches part of the sea.




"This day is so boring……"

"When Orochimaru was here, it was scary, but when he was gone, it was boring.……"

"There have been quite a few experimental subjects sent here recently. I guess Lord Orochimaru is going to make some big moves.-……"


Two Oto-ninjas were chatting at the entrance of the village.

Suddenly, they saw a man walking over from the other side of the road. Soon, the two Oto-nins saw clearly that the man was a young boy with a young face.

"Hey, kid, get out of here!"

""Little boy, this is not a place you can come to!"

The two ninjas put down their guard, looked at the boy in front of them with an air of seniority, and began to scold him. Of course, they were also jealous of the handsome boy in front of them. His face was simply proving that they had grown crooked in the past twenty years.

"Hello, is Uncle Snake here?" Tianli asked

"Uncle Snake? Who is he? I don't know him."

"Humph, are you here to look for someone?"

"Uncle Snake is Orochimaru, right?"Tian Li looked like a newbie.

"Lord Orochimaru?" The two ninjas froze for a moment.

One of them trembled and said," are Lord Orochimaru's nephew?"

Tianli hesitated and said,"Not a nephew, but a nephew of the same generation."……"

Tsunade is his master, and Orochimaru is Tsunade's friend (although they betrayed Konoha, they are still friends. They have met many times without killing each other. In the last four wars, Orochimaru even saved Tsunade. The bond between the Hokage is quite interesting). Therefore, Tenryuu said that he is Orochimaru's nephew, which is actually correct.

Seeing Hyuga Tenryuu say this, the two Sound Ninjas are also a little.

"Lord Orochimaru is not in the village now.

"Uncle Snake is not here? Tianli was worried,"Can I go in and wait for him? Anyway, I won't make trouble."

"No!!"The sound ninja refused directly.

At this time, a hypocritical laugh interrupted

"This person wants to come in? Then let him in, but before coming in, he must be locked in the room and not run around."

Tianli, a man walked over from a distance with a smile on his face.

""Lord Sakon!" The two gatekeepers' teeth were trembling, and they were obviously very afraid of the person in front of them.

One of the Oto-nins suppressed his fear and said,"Lord Sakon, this is the nephew of Lord……"

"Nephew?" Sakon snorted and laughed,"Have you verified his identity? Before his identity is verified, we must lock him up for safety reasons."

Sakon thought to himself,"The curse seal is being developed now, and we are short of experimental subjects anyway. It's bad luck for him to come."

The two gatekeepers looked at Tianli apologetically, took out chains and were about to lock Tianli up and detain him.

Tianli shook his head and sighed,"I just wanted to be more peaceful, but now you are forcing me to use some means.……"

Zuo Jin was stunned for a moment, then laughed:"You mean, you want to force it!!"

Tian Li nodded:"I do think so.……"

Zuo Jin laughed sarcastically:"What an idiot, you may not know how strong I will be in front of you! You must have met many weaklings in the past, so you are so arrogant and confident.……"

0········Request flowers············

Tianli shook his head calmly:"You are a weakling in front of me!"

"I'm a weakling?" Sakon's eyes narrowed and he grinned sinisterly:"It seems that you want to die!"

As his voice fell, another identical person began to emerge on his body, with an extra head, two hands, and two feet.

Sakon laughed:"Little ghost, are you scared? This is my brother? Usually he just sleeps in my body, but when he comes out, he is very scary!!!"

Tianli:"Huh, one is a weakling, and both are still weaklings!".................

Sakon’s face darkened instantly:"It seems that I have to let you see my ability. Although this will damage your body, it is enough for you to be a test subject!"

""More punches!"

Zuo Jin shouted and rushed towards Tianli.

""Tsk!!!" Tianli spat disdainfully and said calmly,"Empty shield!!!"

A chakra wall appeared directly between the two of them.

"Humph, it's useless. My brother and I have extraordinary strength!!"Sakon laughed.


"Look, I'll smash you!!"

Sakon and his brother punched the chakra shield at the same time.


Countless smoke and dust flew up.

The chakra shield didn't move at all.

"How is it possible? My strength didn't even break it!!"Sakujin exclaimed loudly! Tianli looked down on him

:"Everyone says you are a weakling. You can't even break 10% of my thickness."

Zuojin roared:"Damn it! I don't believe it……"

Tianli frowned:"Too much nonsense!"

With a wave of his hand, a huge force appeared out of nowhere, blasting Zuo Jin away and crashing into the rock mountain!


The hard rock mountain was directly sunken into a large pit nearly 3 meters deep.

"How can you be so strong!!" Zuo Jin coughed up blood and looked at the boy in front of him in shock.

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