In the forest



A burst of white smoke came out of the ground.

A small lizard appeared in front of Hinata Tenriki.

Hinata Domaru looked at this scene, a little surprised, but consciously said nothing and asked nothing, just quietly grilled a fish on the side.

It has been 4 days now.

In the first 2 days, Hinata Domaru carefully taught Hinata Tenriki how to track the target through various traces, as well as many personal experiences.

Hinata Tenriki's talent also made him very happy. He learned quickly and often applied what he had learned to other situations.

On the third day, Hinata Domaru had to start teaching Tenriki how to deal with his own traces and prevent or mislead the enemy's tracking.

Because of the tracking skills, he learned stealth faster and finished it in one day.

Then there was survival in the wild, eating, drinking, poison defense...all kinds of knowledge.

Tianli felt that he learned a lot of new knowledge every day and increased his strength.

And on the fourth day, Hinata Tenriki sensed that there were new things in the corner of the domineering president.���

After summoning the little lizard, the little lizard spewed out a small scroll from its mouth.

——"I was surprised to hear that you left Konoha. You graduated after only one year of enrollment. Are you a genius?"

——"By the way, the intelligence team has been established. I just received news from the intelligence team that the Cloud Village has sent two elite jonin to capture you three days ago. The jonin around you probably can't stop them. Do you want help? Or come to me? Or I can send someone or hire a ninja to protect you?"

——"The factory has been fully operational half a month ago. According to the 'assembly line workshop' solution you provided, the work efficiency has increased by 5 times. I admire your wisdom more and more. It's a pity that you are the young master of the Hyuga family. If not, maybe the two of us can work together and become the richest man in the ninja world."

——"Let me talk about a few important R&D projects. We are already preparing to develop high-definition televisions, but the"satellite project" is more difficult, and I don't understand it very well, so I'm still recruiting people.……"

——"Finally, let me talk about the company's development plan for the past year. It is expected that the company will start promoting the product next month (June), and then promote the phone to some small villages and countries such as Yunin Village and Suoqian Village in July. After the reputation is increased, it will be promoted to large countries such as the Kingdom of Lightning and the Kingdom of Water.……"

——"Well, I feel like being a CEO more and more, managing a large group of people, and earning money in the future.……"

Looking at the letter, it was obvious that Kakuzu was in a good mood.

After reading it, Tianli quickly wrote back a letter.

"Thank you for the information from Kumo Ninja, but don't worry, I can handle it. As for the company's affairs, I feel that you are very suitable to be a domineering president. I will leave it to you. I am relieved."

He gave the letter to the little lizard, and with a bang, the little lizard turned into smoke and disappeared.

"Master, the fish is ready!" Hinata Domaru handed over a roasted fish, which smelled delicious.

"Uncle Domaru, has there been no intelligence from the family yet? I just received intelligence from my friend that the Cloud Ninja sent two elite jonin to hunt me down.……"

"What? Two elite jonin?" Hyuga Domaru was shocked. Although the Hyuga clan has the Byakugan and is more powerful than ordinary ninjas, the Cloud Ninjas have mastered the ninjutsu of body activation, which increases their speed, agility, and strength, especially the elite jonins.

If it was just one elite jonin, he might be able to hold it off, but two of them came at once!!

Hyuga Domaru cursed angrily,"The Cloud Ninjas are trying to kill you, young master! Aren't they afraid of triggering a war between the two countries? They're crazy!"

Hyuga Tenriki snorted,"If they were afraid, they wouldn't have wanted to kidnap me back then."

Hyuga Domaru sensed the crisis, so he quickly used ninjutsu to pass the news back to the Hyuga family and look for support as soon as possible. He knew that there were Chunin and Genin of the Hyuga family protecting him in secret, but the strength of Chunin and Genin was no match for the elite jonin.

"The young master must not be allowed to get into trouble! Not even if I die!" Hyuga Domaru made up his mind secretly. He saw the talent of Hyuga Tenriki and believed that he could definitely become a better clan leader than Hyuga Hiashi and lead the Hyuga family to a more glorious future.

Not long after, the ninjas who were protecting in secret received the news and kept the highest alert, using the Byakugan to monitor all directions 24 hours a day to detect the enemy in advance.

The ability of the Byakugan is very advantageous in such a situation.

After one day of alert, on the morning of the third day, one of the Chunin finally spotted the other side.

"Master, the enemy is 1800 meters to the west. According to the enemy's chakra, it should be an elite jonin of the Kumo ninja, but only one person has been found so far."

"One person?" Hinata Domaru said seriously,"Continue monitoring and make sure to find the other person!!"

"Yes!" The tribesmen took the order and left.

""White eyes, open!!" Hyuga Domaru's white eyes suddenly opened, and everything in front of him suddenly became translucent. The visual distance in front of him suddenly exceeded 2 kilometers.

Soon, he caught sight of two people. The huge chakra was particularly eye-catching in the transparent area.

"One is 1800 meters away, and the other is 2400 meters away. They are probably conducting reconnaissance... Master, they haven't discovered us yet. We can set up some traps in advance.……"

This is the advantage of the Byakugan, it can detect the enemy earlier and prepare for battle in advance.

"Trap?"Hinata Tenriki felt that the effect of the trap on elite jonin, especially the fast cloud ninja, would not be very good.

"Or maybe I'm not strong enough. If I were strong enough, I wouldn't have to think about anything and would just go up and punch him."

Thinking of this, Hinata Tenri's desire for strength became more urgent.

"It seems that the trip to the Star Ninja Village has to be advanced. This is the aggregate of the Ten-Tails' chakra, it will surely be useful to me!"

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