Basic swordsmanship, including chopping, stabbing, slashing, lifting, wrapping, clouding, chopping, collapsing, picking, tapping, and wiping, covers the basic movements of any swordsmanship you have, and encompasses everything.

Once you master it, you no longer need to learn other swordsmanship, or in other words, other swordsmanship can be easily mastered.

However, it is very difficult to reach a high level of swordsmanship, such as the [Do level] distinguished by the system. Generally, you need to learn thousands of swordsmanship, integrate them, and then return to the original, and finally reach the [Do level].

In the world of Naruto, let alone thousands of swordsmanship, there are not even a hundred kinds, because in the world of Naruto, swordsmanship is only an auxiliary means of ninjutsu and is not taken too seriously.

Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to reach the [Do level·swordsmanship], let alone the [Ultimate].

But Tianli is different. Because of the [Breakthrough System], once he reaches a bottleneck, he will automatically break through, so he will break through to the [Do level] simply like drinking water.

Tianli now begins to temporarily put down the [Swordsmanship] practice and formally learn the chakra refining method.

As for his genius son Tenriki, Hyuga Hiashi took great care of him. He even turned down the clan meeting and taught his son himself.

Hiashi:"Hinata, listen too. Let's learn chakra together."……"

Hinata:"Yes, father."

Because he had a genius son named Tenryu, and he was the eldest son, Hyuga Hiashi did not expect Hinata to become the head of the clan as in the original novel.

Hinata was no longer introverted because she was not under pressure from everyone to become a strong person, nor was she scolded by her father. She was still shy, though.

Chakra extraction methods are usually taught by teachers after entering a ninja school. However, as the future heir of the Hyuga family, it is naturally unnecessary to go through so much trouble.

"Chakra is a kind of energy produced by the perfect fusion of spiritual energy and physical energy. It is the energy source for performing ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu."

"This energy is generally composed of: 1. Physical energy absorbed from the 130 trillion cells in the human body, one cell at a time. 2. Spiritual energy that is trained through many practices and accumulated experience.……"

Hyuga Hiashi patiently introduced the basic knowledge of chakra. Although it was tedious, Tenriki and Hinata listened carefully.

After saying some common sense, Hyuga Hiashi began to introduce the chakra of the Hyuga clan.

"The chakra of our Hyuga clan has no attributes. There is also a saying that it has all attributes, but these attributes are applied separately and we cannot use them yet. But this is not important to you for the time being."

"The ninjutsu of our Hyuga clan include Gentle Fist, Eight Diagrams, Kaiten, etc. Our ancestors also have powerful ninjutsu such as Kaguya Otonoki's Rabbit Hair Needle and Yasokami's Air Attack.……"

"About Chakra Points……"

After teaching for an entire afternoon, he finally explained the basics clearly.

Then he began to formally teach the chakra extraction method.

Soon after, Tianli sat cross-legged and began to formally extract chakra according to the extraction method.

"If, as I just said, chakra is the energy of body + spirit, then the spiritual energy of my two souls combined should be much stronger than that of an average person.……"

Soon, Tianli felt that a very weak energy was gradually emerging from his body.

It was extracted... gathered... entered the meridians... and then turned into a few strands of silk a hundred times smaller than a hair.


Tianli's mind was steady, and he slowly moved the thread through the acupuncture points and meridians...

Hinata Hiashi soon felt the movement of Tianli, and his heart felt like it was hit by a huge hammer.

"It’s too fast!!"

"It's just a monster!!"

He was delighted, but also a little flustered.

"No, I can't let anyone know.……"

As the head of the clan, he had experienced the Second World War and the Third World War, and had seen too many dark things. If others knew that Tenryu was such a monstrous being, the Uchiha clan, or the high-ranking Hokage, or other countries, would surely be ready to make a move.

Days passed.

Hyuga Tenryu's chakra practice came naturally, and the speed was very fast, several times faster than the genius of the branch clan, Hyuga Neji. This made Hyuga Hiashi very happy, but he also told Hyuga Tenryu to be low-key, as long as he maintained the same genius as Uchiha Itachi. Hinata

's chakra refining was much slower, not to mention compared with Hyuga Tenryu, she couldn't even compare with Hyuga Neji. Fortunately, Hyuga Hiashi didn't have high expectations for her, so he didn't blame her.



"Come on, Hinata, try this……"

On the street, Tianli stuffed a big lolly into Hinata's hand.

"Thank you, brother……"Hinata took the lollipop with a shy and happy look and ate it sweetly.

The two siblings left the Hyuga family residence and went shopping in the streets of Konoha.

Behind them, there were several Hyuga family jonins following to protect them.

Of course, the appearance of Hyuga Tenriki also caused many girls to cheer and be crazy.

"Wow, is that little boy the genius young master of the Hyuga clan? So handsome!"

"Wow, he looked at me and smiled at me, so handsome!"

"Get out of here, he just smiled at me"

"His smile is so friendly, he looks nothing like the cold and icy young master of Uchiha"

"I don't like Master Uchiha anymore, I like Master Hyuga"

"I heard that Master Hyuga is a very nice and polite person.……"

"Yes, yes, I heard he is very nice.……"

At this time, Hyuga Tenriki was indeed handsome enough to compete with Uchiha Itachi. His face had clear lines, a high nose bridge, and his facial features combined with a slight smile, were as bright as the sun, making people inexplicably feel close and trustful.

However, Hyuga Tenriki looked at these crazy girls and couldn't help but cover his forehead:"Oh my God, how precocious are the people in this Naruto world? They know what handsomeness and star chasing are at the age of three or four." I really can't complain!!

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