"I, Uchiha Sasuke, want to compete with you!!"

Sasuke, wearing a cool blue shirt and shorts, pointed at Hinata Tenriki coolly.

Hinata Tenriki smiled brightly:"Okay, I heard that you are a genius of the Uchiha family, and I am a genius of the Hyuga family, let's compete."

Sasuke said coldly:"Come on, I hope you won't let me down!"

"Wow wow wow~~~"

"So handsome!"


"Come on Sasuke!"

""Come on Tenli!"

A group of crazy fans in the school began to yell.

Hearing that the young masters of the Hyuga family and the Uchiha family were going to fight, the teacher was also alarmed and hurried over.

Hyuga Ningci and others had already arrived at the periphery and watched aggressively.

The classmate next to him asked curiously:"Hey, Ningci, aren't you afraid that your young master will lose?" Ningci sneered:"The young master will lose? Don't joke." He added in his heart, the young master is a genius who can defeat even the Hyuga family ninjas, how could he lose?

Tiantian:"This is the first time I see your young master fight, I'm very curious?"

In the Hokage's office, the third generation peeked through the crystal ball and sighed:"What youth!"

Sasuke got ready:"Come on!"

Tenli stood in front of him, handsomely swung his golden handsome coat, his hair flying, handsome and boundless, with beautiful teeth slightly showing at the corners of his mouth:"Come on."

Then the people around him cooperated and gave"So handsome!"Cheers.

Sasuke couldn't complain, he stole my limelight again!!

At the same time, he was thinking, should he get himself a handsome coat? No, gold is too imitative, it's hateful, such a cool color like gold was stolen, I really can't accept it! Otherwise, I'll just choose red and yellow...

Sasuke was turned gay by Tianli, he used to wear blue shirt and shorts all the time, but now he actually started to think about the coat.

If Uchiha Fuqiu knew that his son actually started to think about those messy things, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood because of Hyuga Tianli

"Hey, hey, hey~~ You are distracted~~~"Tianli reminded

"Um... I wasn't distracted.……"Sasuke shook his head vigorously, refusing to admit it. Yes, he would never admit it. As a ninja, he was distracted in this way. It was too embarrassing.

Sasuke couldn't stand his tsundere mood. He was so ashamed and angry that he shouted,"I'm coming!!"

Then - whoosh - he rushed towards Tianli.

Hiss, hiss, hiss~~~~

Everyone around gasped!

The speed was too fast!!!

This was totally unlike the speed of a rookie. Even a senior student might not be able to reach this speed.

Hinata Tenriki narrowed his eyes and thought to himself that Sasuke was indeed a genius. This speed was not weaker than Neci, who was one year older. And judging by his pace, he must be very flexible.

"This should be the result of Itachi taking him to the Uchiha clan weapon shop, the cat lady, for special training on [Cat Claws (Paw Balls)]."

These were all thought out in a flash, and at this time, Sasuke had already appeared in front of Tianli.

A punch!

Fast and powerful!

Tianli directly used a soft fist to move a thousand pounds, and nimbly pushed the punch away.

However, Sasuke's body was very flexible, and his other hand and two feet also attacked at strange angles.

Tianli also casually used his palm to push the attack aside.

Calm and relaxed!

"How could there be such a big difference?"Sasuke gritted his teeth and continued to attack, but unfortunately he was easily blocked by Tianli.

Although the fight between the two seemed simple, it was very shocking to outsiders.

Too fast!

The speed of the two sides using fists and feet was very fast, and many newcomers could not keep up with their eyes. They could only see a mess with their mouths wide open;"How could it be so powerful?!"

The teacher could see it clearly, and was full of surprise, shocked that these two outstanding students came out of this class.

Seeing that the close attack was not enough, Sasuke jumped away and took out two shuriken.

The teacher saw the shuriken and was shocked:"No!!"

But at this time the two shuriken had already' whooshed.——’With a sound, it flew out, and the teacher was completely unable to react

""Get out of the way!" The teacher yelled at Tianli with a terrified face.

All the newcomers were terrified.

Those were shurikens, sharp shurikens. If they were shot in the head or other important parts, it would be fatal!

But Hinata Tianli smiled and poked his index finger up to the sky... and saw that the center holes of the two shurikens were directly pierced by the index finger and kept spinning in the finger.

"Just caught it like that?"

Everyone's eyes widened, staring at that finger in a daze!

And that golden light shining on the Sun!

It was so dazzling under the sun!

After a long time, countless exclamations rang out.

"Oh my god, he actually caught it?"

"How did you do it?"

"As a teacher, I may not be able to handle it this way!"

"Is this the Hyuga family's Byakugan?"

"What is the Byakugan?"

The teachers and students were going crazy, the atmosphere was boiling, and the world was in turmoil.

Uchiha Sasuke was also a little dazed:"How amazing! Is this the genius of the Hyuga family that my father talked about? It's ridiculous that I thought I was the most talented!"

However, Sasuke quickly shook off this idea and became excited. His eyes looking at Hyuga Tenriki became fanatical:"With such an opponent, my future school life will definitely not be boring!"

"Ningci, your young master is so powerful!"Tenten said in amazement

"Oh my god, that's awesome! It's decided! I'm going to duel with him!" Xiao Li roared.

Neji's mouth curled up:"The young master is indeed a young master, awesome!"

Hyuga Tenli pulled Hinata:"Let's go home!"

Hinata:"Brother is awesome!!!"

Tenli touched Hinata's hair:"Hinata will be so awesome in the future, come on!"


The two siblings left the ninja school under the attention of everyone.

Under the sunlight, the shadows of the two were very long, leaving a deep memory in the hearts of all the freshmen.

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