Naruto: Blacked-out Uzumaki Naruto is Super Handsome

Chapter 36 The night of genocide, countdown

His sadness and reluctance are the same, and they are the resistance caused by facing his unfair experience.

No matter what happens to Uzumaki Naruto, it is enough as long as his goal remains unchanged.

Because no matter what, Uzumaki Naruto knew that he would have Izumi Uchiha by his side.

"Sister Quan, no matter what."

"You won't leave my side, right?"

Uzumaki Naruto looked at Uchiha Izumi, this time he was not unsure.

Instead, he asked in a positive tone. This was because Uchiha Izumi was the first person who made him truly feel warm.

"Of course, Naruto."

Uchiha Izumi smiled slightly and nodded.

But what Uzumaki Naruto didn't notice was that Uchiha Izumi's eyes flickered.

[It seems that the night of genocide is coming soon. 】

[The number of Anbu guarding Uzumaki Naruto has also increased, and the conflict between Konoha and Uchiha has begun to escalate. 】

Subconsciously, Chu Ran felt a few more breaths around him.

His face gradually became serious. Now Uzumaki Naruto cares more about Uchiha Izumi.

That means that Izumi Uchiha's death will cause him greater pain.

The person who caused all this will be the object of his hatred.

Anyone who kills Izumi Uchiha will also become the object of his hatred.

But now there is a problem that makes Chu Ran feel a little distressed, and that is how to get Uzumaki Naruto away from these Anbu.

Seeing someone you love being killed with your own eyes versus hearing someone you love being killed.

These are two completely different feelings. Since the storm is coming, he will not let Uzumaki Naruto hide in a safe place to feel the storm.

But to let Uzumaki Naruto face the storm, and even make the storm come more violently.

[This is indeed a problem. Even on the night of genocide, it is difficult for Uzumaki Naruto to go to the Uchiha clan. 】

Chu Ran leaned on the edge of the bed, looking at Uzumaki Naruto's smiling face, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Although even just hearing the news of Uchiha Izumi's death, it was a huge blow to Uzumaki Naruto.

But this blow, in Chu Ran's opinion, is not enough.

. . . . . .

On the other side, Uchiha Izumi has returned to the Uchiha clan alone.

Just as he was about to reach home, a figure walked out from the side.

The person who came was none other than Uchiha Fugaku, the father of Uchiha Sasuke.

"Lord Patriarch."

Uchiha Izumi was slightly startled and half-knelt on the ground to salute Uchiha Fugaku.

Although the Uchiha clan does not have a strict superior-subordinate relationship like the Hyuga clan.

But for clan members like her who are not core members, they need to bow to the clan leader.

"You need to pay attention to the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki recently."

"There are more ANBU around him. If the time comes, we really want to take action."

"You must use the fastest speed and bring him to the Uchiha clan regardless of the consequences."

Uchiha Fugaku also had a look of determination on his face.

His words were full of unquestionable meaning, which made Izumi Uchiha's body tremble.

They are ninjas, and ninjas must accept orders from their superiors.

The mission is more important than one's own life, which is the same for Uchiha Izumi.

"Clan leader, don't worry, the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki especially believes in me."

"There won't be any problems."

Uchiha Izumi lowered his head, and the look in his eyes began to become depressed.

Even Chu Ran didn't expect that Uchiha Izumi would continue to get closer to Uzumaki Naruto after accepting a mission from Uchiha Fugaku.

If the initial encounter was just a chance.

Then in the future, I don’t know which time it was approached, and it became deliberate.

"The village is already staring at us and we can't let any chance pass."

"Go back and pay attention to yourself."

Uchiha Fugaku nodded, turned around and left.

As the clan leader, his first priority is for the Uchiha clan.

Maybe this is despicable, but as long as the Uchiha clan can successfully survive, there is no doubt that it is worth it.

If we say, force the Uchiha clan to capture Uzumaki Naruto.

There are many people in the Uchiha clan who can do it, but it will also attract the attention of ANBU.

But what if Uzumaki Naruto came to the Uchiha clan by himself, or what if he was brought here by the people closest to Uzumaki Naruto.

Then this matter would become easier, and the ANBU might not interfere.

If the Uchiha clan could directly control the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, they would not be able to defeat the Leaf Village.

There will also be an extra bargaining chip, since the death of the fourth generation Hokage.

There have been more and more open and secret fights between Uchiha and the village. Uchiha Fugaku knew that there was no other way except this.


Uchiha Izumi responded and disappeared from the spot with a teleportation technique.

When the figure appeared again, she had already arrived at the door of her home.

Tears in Uchiha Izumi's eyes kept streaking down her cheeks. She regarded Uzumaki Naruto as her own brother.

But again, she had her reasons for having to do this.

If Konoha Village wants to deal with the Uchiha clan, it will definitely not be possible to just kill the chickens to scare the monkeys.

The unity of Konoha's famous families is far greater than others think. If Uchiha really wants to rebel, no one's life will be spared.

Including her, including Uchiha Izumi's mother.

"I'm sorry Naruto."

Uchiha Izumi wiped away his tears with the back of his hand, and his eyes became firm.

. . . . . .

A week later, Uzumaki Naruto did not see Uchiha Izumi for a whole week.

The entire Konoha Village didn't know why, but it was even a little quiet during this week.

The streets had long since lost their usual bustle, and even when the sun had just set, many shops were closed.

Uzumaki Naruto's pockets were almost clean.

He came to the lake to fish today, and for some reason he gained a lot.

The harvest is much better than usual.

I returned home with the fish basket.

Because Uchiha Izumi's cooking skills were indeed terrible, Uzumaki Naruto learned some simple fish dishes in the Konoha library.

After slaughtering the fresh live fish, two fish were fried and served with a large bowl of white rice.

This was Naruto Uzumaki's dinner alone, and it was quickly eaten into Naruto Uzumaki's stomach.


After burping, Uzumaki Naruto lay on the bed.

He took out a kunai and began to try to carve the talisman of the Flying Thunder God's Technique onto the kunai.

Ever since the Sealed Book, he has taken time to try it every day.

Although it still failed to succeed, at least there was some progress.

"I don't know what Sister Quan is doing at this time."

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