Naruto: Blacked-out Uzumaki Naruto is Super Handsome

Chapter 141 Payne was defeated in the Six Paths and gained trust

Ordinary people will be afraid of the terrifying power of the Nine-Tails, that's for sure.

Because their power is so different compared to Kyuubi.

Naruto Uzumaki has long known the truth about the Nine-Tails Riot more than ten years ago.

But Kyuubi has never explained it in these more than ten years, and has always been wronged by him.

Being imprisoned in the body, Kyuubi also had a certain amount of resentment in his heart.

But Kyuubi didn't say anything. He had been doing his best to help Uzumaki Naruto.

Therefore, Uzumaki Naruto was very aware of this matter in his heart, and at this moment, the palms of his hands were slowly clenched.

"Nine Lamas, I'm sorry."

"It was my fault that I hated you so much before."

Uzumaki Naruto took a deep breath and solemnly expressed his apology to Chu Ran.

And Chu Ran didn't speak, he just looked in the direction of the hungry ghost path.

After the Magnetic Release Spiral Pill was absorbed by the Hungry Ghost Path, Chu Ran could no longer feel the aura of the Hungry Ghost Path, and knew that the Hungry Ghost Path must have been sealed.

The Melting Release Spiral Shuriken also exploded directly at this time.

Chu Ran knew very well that this was the best time to get rid of the hungry ghost, and he disappeared in a flash.

When he showed up again, he was already in front of Hungry Ghost Dao, and the kunai with the Ling Lie Wind Escape Chakra in his hand slashed directly into Hungry Ghost Dao's body.

With the fourth Payne eliminated, now only Shura Dao and Tiandao Payne are left.

Except for Tiandao Payne, other Payne did not pose much of a threat to Chu Ran.

[Wind Escape·Dancing in the Wild Wind! 】

Chu Ran looked at the smoke and dust in front of him that had not dispersed for a long time. He formed a seal with his hands and instantly spit out a storm from his mouth.

As the smoke and dust were blown away by the storm, Tiandao Payne clapped his palms ten times, and all phenomena were directly sent out.

And Shura Dao was not far away, using his own ability to turn into countless missiles to attack Chu Ran directly.

As his body was controlled by gravity, a smile appeared on Chu Ran's face.

[The Art of Flying Thunder God! 】

A cold light flashed in Chu Ran's eyes, and he used the Flying Thunder God technique to dodge all the attacks.

Several kunai were thrown out directly, and Chu Ran's figure also appeared next to Shura Dao.

"Go to hell! Uzumaki Naruto!"

Uzumaki Nagato's voice appeared from Shurado's mouth, and the moment Shurado's body changed instantly.

Countless black ropes tied Chu Ran together, and they still suppressed the Nine-Tails Chakra.

Because of the black rod in his body, Chu Ran's chakra began to become chaotic.

But it was only for a moment. A cold light flashed in Chu Ran's eyes, and he directly used the fairy fox mode.

The terrifying chakra directly enveloped the Shura Dao. Before the Shura Dao was about to explode, it smashed the Shura Dao into pieces.

【Tailed Beast Jade! 】

Chu Ran formed a seal with his hands, which was compared to the tailed beast jade he issued before.

This tailed beast jade that is about to take shape is even more terrifying than before, and the terrifying energy contained in it is even more frightening.

With the continuous influx of chakra, the tailed beast jade also began to compress.

Pain Tiandao looked at the tailed beast jade that was about to rush towards him, and his expression became ugly.

"Super! Shinra Tenzheng!"

Tiandao Payne knew that this tailed beast jade was charging towards him and would definitely not give him a chance to dodge.

The chakra contained in it is enough to cause the aftermath of an explosion hundreds of meters in radius.

Even he would definitely be involved.

A huge impact centered on Pain Tiandao and spread crazily around.

Wherever it went, it pushed the entire forest and even the ground deeply.

A huge hole appeared directly after this move was performed.

And Chu Ran's Tailed Beast Jade was also controlled in the peripheral direction by Shenluo Tianzheng.


A huge explosion sounded, and the tailed beast jade released by Chu Ran exploded directly.

Directly absorbing the surrounding impact, this mushroom cloud even vaguely destroys all the impact.

This aura of destruction even affected Pain Tiandao, the center point of the impact.

But facing this terrifying blow, he was not necessarily without the power to resist.

It's just that Pain Tiandao, who was close to the explosion point, couldn't evacuate as quickly as Chu Ran.

If you evacuate at this time, I am afraid that the aftermath of the explosion will be even more terrifying.

"Damn it! When did Uzumaki Naruto become so strong."

"And what's going on with that chakra that scares me?"

Tiandao Payne looked at the terrifying explosion spray in front of him, and his expression was extremely ugly.

At this time, we can only try our best to use the chakra in our body to block it.

Uzumaki Nagato, who was controlling everything in the distance, also spat out a mouthful of blood.

Under the huge chakra consumption, he is probably the most uncomfortable.

The already weak body was even more dizzy due to the overdraft of chakra, and the brain kept making a buzzing sound.

If it wasn't clear, if I didn't stop it at this moment.

It is estimated that after a while, he will be caught up by Naruto Uzumaki and killed directly.

Near the center of the explosion, Tendo Payne's Shinra Tenzheng had been involved.

Upon seeing this, Chu Ran immediately retreated a long distance before starting to observe from a distance.

When he felt that Pain Tiandao's chakra was obviously weaker, there was no hesitation.

Just rush forward and kill him while he's sick!

"Wait a minute, Nine Lamas, the remnants of the explosion haven't disappeared yet!"

Seeing that the remnants of the explosion had not disappeared, Uzumaki Naruto actually wanted to step forward.

His expression also changed immediately. There was concern for Chu Ran in his words.

It also means that Chu Ran doesn't want to take risks with his body.

[Don’t worry, the Tailed Beast Clothes can simply ignore these injuries. 】

[I won't make fun of your body, Naruto. 】

[We must defeat him when he is weak when he unleashes this trick. 】

[Otherwise, his abilities are still very tricky. 】

Chu Ran quickly analyzed the situation in front of him. For him, the sooner it was resolved, the better.

After all, Pain Tiandao is not something that can be solved so easily. ,

If you give him time to breathe, you can only use your strength to crush him.

This is not what Chu Ran wants to see, or in other words, he wants to awaken Uzumaki Naruto with a new way of fighting.

He also gained the trust of Naruto Uzumaki as the Nine-Tailed Nine Lama.

If Uzumaki Naruto's trust is gained, then Uzumaki Naruto's subsequent darkening process will be much smoother.

It was with this intention that Chu Ran proposed to take over Naruto Uzumaki's body.

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