Naruto: Blacked-out Uzumaki Naruto is Super Handsome

Chapter 12 The dangers of Uchiha, a naturally evil clan

Everyone looked at Uchiha Sasuke in surprise.

The surprise that Uzumaki Naruto had just caused was completely washed away.

Compared with the first place, the achievements of the second place are often forgotten by everyone.

Uchiha Sasuke's excellence has completely obscured Uzumaki Naruto's dazzling points.

Seeing everyone praising Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help but clenched his fists.

[Uchiha Sasuke is really a powerful guy. 】

[But I will definitely surpass you in the future! 】

Uzumaki Naruto's eyes were firm, and with the words coming from his subconscious, his heart gradually became firmer.

The jealousy in her heart also disappeared under Chu Ran's instigation.

Chu Ran didn't want Uzumaki Naruto to be jealous of Uchiha Sasuke. The feeling of jealousy alone is not enough to make people black.

And again, all he needed was to keep encouraging Uzumaki Naruto.

Because Chu Ran knew that he did not need to deny Uzumaki Naruto. When Uzumaki Naruto reached the top, others would naturally deny him.

When he knew that what he had been pursuing would never be recognized by others.

That was the real reason why Uzumaki Naruto fell into darkness, and it was also what Chu Ran wanted to see most.

"Uchiha Sasuke, A!"

As Umino Iruka's voice fell, another exclamation came out.

Everyone was praising Uchiha Sasuke, and Uchiha Sasuke's expression was still so calm.

"The method my brother taught me really works."

Uchiha Sasuke raised the corners of his mouth slightly, recalling his brother two days ago in his mind.

Uchiha Itachi, a genius of the Uchiha clan, had personally taught him.

Uchiha Itachi's shuriken technique may not be ranked first in Konoha, but it is definitely among the top five.

"Mizuki, this is the strength that an A-level rating should have."

"Although Naruto performed well, there is still a big gap between him and A-level."

Umino Iruka turned to look at his friend Mizuki with a smile and a relaxed tone.

On the contrary, Uzumaki Naruto instinctively felt a trace of resentment and disgust in his heart.

Even a five-year-old child could clearly feel that Umino Iruka was deliberately targeting him.

It was because he deliberately disapproved of him that he only gave him a B-level rating.

【Ding! The degree of blackness increases by 0.1! 】

As the sound of the system sounded, Chu Ran's eyes couldn't help but light up.

This is a great start, as long as Umino Iruka keeps hating the excellent Uzumaki Naruto.

So this is the best introduction, which can produce miraculous results in a short period of time.

"Okay, okay, you are the class teacher after all."

"But I still think Naruto performed very well."

Mizuki looked at the somewhat serious Umino Iruka and couldn't help but spread his hands.

He deliberately looked at Uzumaki Naruto and said.

"Thank you, Mizuki-sensei."

Uzumaki Naruto lowered his head and saluted, then turned his head and glanced at Uchiha Sasuke who was surrounded by the crowd.

He turned around and walked out of the playground.

He was incompatible with everyone, and his back looked so scrupulous, but Uzumaki Naruto didn't notice it either.

At this time, there was still someone staring at him.

This person is Hinata Hinata, the only person in the entire class who cares about him.

. . . . . .

In the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen was processing documents.

The door was opened forcefully, and Shimura Danzo walked step by step in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen on crutches.

His face was a bit ugly, and the secretary on the side immediately retreated knowingly.

At this time, two other high-level officials in Konoha Village, Koharu Koharu and Mito Monobu, who are advisors to the Hokage, appeared.

The four of them are all former comrades-in-arms, and they also occupy high-level positions in Konoha.

As Hokage advisors, their status is not inferior to that of Shimura Danzo. On the contrary, the administrative department where they work is even more powerful than Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen in some aspects.

"Sarutobi, why didn't you tell us that the Uchiha clan had contact with the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki."

"As Hokage, don't you know the danger of this matter?"

"If the ANBU around you are all such useless people, it would be better for the ANBU to be managed by me."

Shimura Danzo's words were full of accountability, and they were all blaming Sarutobi Hiruzen.

And what he was talking about was nothing more than the contact between Uchiha Izumi and Uzumaki Naruto.

You know, this matter is no small matter.

Konoha Village arranges the Uchiha clan to be on the fringes for security work, mainly to guard against the Uchiha clan.

After all, even if no one can prove that the Nine-Tails Riot five years ago was related to the Uchiha clan.

But there is no way to prove that it has nothing to do with the Uchiha clan.

The Sharingan of the Uchiha clan has the power to control the Nine-Tails, and the four people present knew it well.

Therefore, Anbu was arranged around Uzumaki Naruto, not only to monitor Uzumaki Naruto, but also to protect him.

Afraid that the Uchiha clan would have a chance to control the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki.

"Sarutobi, you really should make a statement on this matter."

"Yes, one of the Uchiha clan and the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki must be given up."

"This is for the safety of the village."

Koharu and Mito Kadenen, who had gone to bed, did not help Sarutobi Hiruzen at this time.

On the contrary, in their opinion, Shimura Danzo's worries were correct this time.

In the original work, the Uchiha clan was exterminated, partly because many people in the clan were dissatisfied with Konoha.

In fact, part of the reason is precisely because the top management of Konoha is afraid of the Sharingan.

Because nowadays, Konoha doesn't have much power anymore, if the two sides really fight.

It was a devastating blow to Konoha, and it was precisely because of this that Sarutobi Hiruzen was unable to make a decision.

The three ninjas left the Leaf Village, and the fourth generation Hokage and his wife also died.

Today's backbone, just relying on these old guys, it is difficult to deal with the Uchiha clan.

"It's just speculation, are you going to make such an extreme decision?"

"Is this just one person's life at stake?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed lightly, but his expression was extremely firm and he did not give in at all.

He has some trump cards that he has not revealed yet, and this trump card is enough to give him the confidence to continue observing the Uchiha clan.

"No matter what happens to the Uchiha clan in the end, what is reduced is Konoha's power."

"Do you think the world today is peaceful?"

"I would not do this if I did not find definite evidence of the Uchiha clan's rebellion."

"Danzo, don't forget the warning I gave you some time ago."

Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly stood up, and only then did he show what he should look like as a Hokage.

Such firm and non-negotiable words silenced the three of them in an instant.

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