Naruto: Blacked-out Uzumaki Naruto is Super Handsome

Chapter 115 Five Nature Changes, Earthly Resentment

Every member of the Akatsuki organization is very powerful.

As an S-class traitor, no one is simple.

Perhaps they have the special ability to kill shadow-level powerful people, and it is precisely because of this that Uzumaki Naruto will not be careless.

As his power grew stronger, Uzumaki Naruto realized that this world was not simple.

Especially the three strange masks on Kakuzu's shoulders in front of him.

After turning on the Nine-Tails Chakra mode, Uzumaki Naruto can also clearly perceive the chakra changes in attributes.

Those three masks all have different colors and different chakra attributes.

"No. It seems there are more than three masks."

"He should be hiding two more secret techniques that possess five nature changes at the same time?"

"If that's the case, there's nothing to be afraid of."

Uzumaki Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly and was able to clearly judge the opponent's strength.

But even so, he still did not choose to take the lead.

On the contrary, Kakuzu was looking for the right opportunity at this time.

"What a cautious kid."

"Earth Release·Earth Spear!"

"Thunder Escape·Pseudo Darkness!"

"Wind Escape·Press!"

Kakuzu didn't waste much time and just formed a seal, triggering three different ninjutsu to be released directly.

The three masks on the shoulders directly erupted with ninjutsu of different attributes.

Wind and Thunder Earth is a ninjutsu with three changing properties, and its power is close to that of an A-level ninjutsu. It can be regarded as a mobile fort.

If it were an ordinary ninja, he would definitely have trouble defending himself.

But Naruto Uzumaki's speed was like a golden light, spinning back and forth on the plain.

Even high-density and wide-range ninjutsu cannot harm Uzumaki Naruto at all.

But under such a dense attack from Kakuzu, it was difficult for Uzumaki Naruto to get close.

He could only throw out several Flying Thunder God Kunai first.

But he was soon seen through by Kakuzu, and another mask appeared behind him, making his firepower even greater.

Whenever Uzumaki Naruto throws a kunai, a terrifying heat wave will hit directly. ,

The heat wave of fire escape that could melt even kunai pushed Naruto Uzumaki further and further away.

"Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken!"

While Uzumaki Naruto was forming the seal, the spiral shuriken appeared in his hand.

The harsh sound of breaking through the air, accompanied by the constantly rotating wind, suddenly hit the front.

In just an instant, he passed through Kakuzu's offensive and continued to approach.

But the first spiral shuriken was dodged by Kakuzu.

It was just a wipe on the abdomen, but even though it was just a wipe on the abdomen, the terrifying power almost cut him in half.

"This kid can actually do such a terrifying wind escape"

Kakuzu's pupils continued to tremble, and the contempt in his eyes immediately dissipated and was replaced by solemnity.

At the same time, after the wound on his abdomen appeared, what flowed out was not blood.

Instead, a mask composed of black lines fell out of it.

There are some blue lines in it, which obviously represent the changes in the nature of Water Escape Chakra.

Uzumaki Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly, and he could already basically judge what Kakuzu's abilities were.

"There are five chakra changes in total, which means you have five lives, right."

"When all the masks on your shoulders are scattered, it will be your death."

Uzumaki Naruto raised the corners of his mouth slightly and approached Kakuzu again.

Kakuzu snorted coldly and did not reply, but continued to release various ninjutsu.

"You brat, don't think that I only know these ninjutsu."

"Composite Ninja Technique: Flame Wind and Waves!"

A cold light flashed in Kakuzu's eyes. This was the first time someone dared to despise him like this.

He immediately used his unique skill, which was compound ninjutsu.

Use the Wind Escape Mask and the Fire Escape Mask to perform relatively complex ninjutsu at the same time.

Adding together is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

A large sea of ​​raging fire rushed towards Uzumaki Naruto with a huge heat wave.

It's like a terrifying wave, extremely spectacular.

But Uzumaki Naruto just smiled slightly, and his figure disappeared instantly.

"Disappeared? Where did you go? Did you escape?"

Kakuzu looked at Uzumaki Naruto who had disappeared, and began to look for Uzumaki Naruto everywhere.

While he was searching, a chill suddenly appeared in his heart.

Before he could turn around, a large gash had been opened in his back by the kunai in Uzumaki Naruto's hand.

The Earth Escape Mask continued to flow out from the wound, accompanied by dense black lines.

Uzumaki Naruto, on the other hand, immediately dodged away after succeeding in one blow.

"When? Did you place the Mark of Flying Thunder God on me during the teleportation?"

"Damn it! What a cunning little devil!"

Kakuzu endured the pain in his body and glared at Uzumaki Naruto.

But he had no choice. In the battle, the time and space ninjutsu was too shameless.

Especially the agile Flying Thunder God technique is even more difficult to figure out.

Kakuzu, on the other hand, became even more difficult to deal with at this time.

He could only silently tear the clothes off his shoulders. He was relieved to see that it was just the mark of the Flying Thunder God on the clothes.

He still has three grievances, which is equivalent to three more lives.

But Kakuzu knew very well that he had no chance to escape.

Uzumaki Naruto is a person with the Flying Thunder God Technique, so he cannot be given a chance to escape.

"Kid, why did you do this?"

"Logically speaking, Hidan and I have no grudge against you."

"If you were to ambush Deidara like this, I would be able to think clearly."

Kakuzu frowned, and now he could only try to delay as much time as possible.

When the time delay is complete, he can find an opportunity to kill Uzumaki Naruto.

"Sarutobi Asuma, to be honest, he was kind to me at the beginning."

"After all, he still gave me some pertinent advice when I was learning about the changes in the nature of Wind Escape Chakra."

Uzumaki Naruto shook his head, his expression very calm.

Of course he wouldn't tell the truth, after all, no one knew the guy in front of him.

Do you know any other secret techniques? Maybe you can still pass on information.

"Humph, do you think you are lying to a child?"

"Don't really think of yourself as a good person who values ​​friendship. You are just like us."

"They are all war criminals and S-class traitorous ninjas."

"Our hands are stained with the blood of countless people."

Kakuzu sneered, facing Uzumaki Naruto's answer, he couldn't believe it at all.

But without Uzumaki Naruto telling him, he had no way of knowing the reason.

"Don't you always say that money comes first?"

"Money didn't work for me, but someone came up with something that worked for me."

"Come and buy your two heads. I don't want to repeat the same thing a third time."

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