Naruto: Blacked-out Uzumaki Naruto is Super Handsome

Chapter 108 The six paths of hard steel Payne, no one can stop it

It is different from Uzumaki Naruto's talent because of Chu Ran's help.

Uzumaki Naruto's body has long been adapted to Senjutsu Chakra, and it is not difficult to feel the natural energy.

When he was practicing immortal arts, he even shocked Jiraiya once.

At this time, the sudden appearance of Uzumaki Naruto was also seen by Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage.

"Little Jiraiya, that is Uzumaki Naruto."

"Has he also joined the Akatsuki organization?"

Fukasaku Sage looked at Uzumaki Naruto, who had been taught senjutsu by himself, with a look of surprise on his face.

Now Jiraiya has fallen into a bitter battle with them.

The appearance of Uzumaki Naruto is undoubtedly bad news.

After all, the Uzumaki Naruto in front of him was wearing the clothes of the Akatsuki organization.

If Uzumaki Naruto also joins the battle, it will undoubtedly be a more troublesome existence than the three in front of him.

"Well, Naruto has defected from Konoha."

"I didn't expect to see him here."

Jiraiya sighed softly and did not dare to be distracted while fighting the three Shura Dao people.

We can only fight against the three Shura Dao people here while being wary of other enemies.

Further above, Naruto Uzumaki, who was watching the battle, was directly separated by Konan.

"Who asked you to come here? Go back to headquarters."

Konan obviously didn't believe in Uzumaki Naruto that much, and there was even a little hostility in his eyes.

However, Tiandao Pain didn't pay much attention and just glanced at Uzumaki Naruto lightly.

"Xiaonan, don't worry about him."

"He can stay here if he wants to."

Tendo Pain didn't think Uzumaki Naruto would help Jiraiya deal with them.

In some aspects, there will be no conflict between the two parties because their interests are similar.

"Why, aren't you afraid that I will rescue him suddenly?"

"Or do you think that with your strength, I won't pose a threat to you?"

Uzumaki Naruto sneered and said directly.

But even though he was talking, his eyes were still looking at the center of the battle.

"Jiraiya-sensei is dead or not, for us."

"It doesn't matter much, and so what if you saved him."

"Konoha Village still cannot tolerate your existence."

Tendo Payne shook his head. He didn't have much consciousness, and he mainly relied on Uzumaki Nagato for control.

Among the Akatsuki organization, probably only Uzumaki Nagato, the manipulator behind the scenes, understands Uzumaki Naruto best.

But what he didn't know was that there was another existence inside Uzumaki Naruto.

Soon, the battle came to an end.

Jiraiya soon fell into the state of the loser, just like in the original novel, when Pain's Six Paths gathered together.

The left arm was also cut off directly by Shura Dao, and he was also forced into danger.

Just when his throat was about to be crushed by the Shura sword, Uzumaki Naruto's body flashed with golden light, and he came to Jiraiya in a flash.

With one punch, Shura Dao's chest was shattered. He picked up Jiraiya and ran towards the outside.


Jiraiya was already very weak at this time, and it was very difficult to maintain the sage mode.

Shima-Sennin has gone back to Mt. Myoboku, and now only Fukasaku-Sennin is still on Jiraiya's shoulders.

"Lovable Immortal, stop talking."

"I'll take you back to Konoha Village. There is a barrier here and my Flying Thunder God Technique cannot be used."

"This time I will repay your kindness for teaching and growing up."

"After today, you and I will no longer have the feeling of being teachers."

Uzumaki Naruto shook his head calmly, not interested in what Jiraiya wanted to say.

But in my mind, I still think of the tenderness of another Jiraiya towards me in the infinite Tsukuyomi world.

[I’m afraid the current lustful immortal won’t blame me for the things I did. 】

Chu Ran also gave Uzumaki Naruto some psychological hints at this time.

With the supplement of Nine-Tails Chakra, Uzumaki Naruto quickly rushed out of the headquarters of the Akatsuki organization at the speed of Uzumaki.

Arriving at the outskirts of Yuyin Village, which is full of sea water, I was about to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to leave.

Five figures rushed out from the bottom of the sea at the same time, each holding a black stick in their hands and stabbing towards Uzumaki Naruto.

"Get away!"

A cold light flashed in Uzumaki Naruto's eyes, and five big golden hands instantly appeared on his back.

He directly knocked away the six paths of Pain that were coming from all around.

Their vision is shared, albeit with different abilities.

But faced with a speed that exceeded their thinking, they still couldn't stop it.

"Uzumaki Naruto, do you want to betray the organization?"

"Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Tendo Pain slowly walked out with Konan, looked at Uzumaki Naruto in front of him and said with murderous intent.

Although he is just a puppet, he is the strongest Pain.

Uzumaki Naruto also knew how scary he was and didn't want to get too entangled at this time.

"Consequences? Don't forget our deal."

"I'm just looking for a life from you now. The lustful immortal is my master."

"Then I will return the favor. He has lost one of his arms and is no longer a threat to you."

"If you have to stop me, I don't mind getting rid of you and completing the plan alone."

Uzumaki Naruto looked sideways at Tendo Payne, and his voice gradually became colder.

He is evil, but not purely evil.

Uzumaki Naruto will only kill those who stand in his way, but he will never let anyone kill those he cares about.

Jiraiya is the only person in this world that he truly treats as a teacher.

The road he takes must be filled with corpses and blood.

It also means that he must take the initiative to cut off the bonds that remain in his heart.

"Naruto Uzumaki, don't be too arrogant."

Xiao Nan narrowed his eyes slightly and was about to take action, but was stopped by Tiandao Payne.

I saw Tiandao Payne shaking his head, and then let the other five Payne leave.

"Just this once, if there is a next time."

"I will kill you myself."

Pain Tiandao turned around, his back to Uzumaki Naruto, and left the place after speaking.

The barrier originally constructed temporarily to seal Naruto Uzumaki's Flying Thunder God Jutsu also disappeared.

The Flying Thunder God's Jutsu is not invincible, as long as there is a barrier to seal the Space Ninjutsu.

Uzumaki Naruto cannot use the Flying Thunder God Technique and cannot sense the Flying Thunder God's mark.

"Lord Fukasaku, I'm sorry to trouble you and Lord Shima this time."

"Please go back and rest first. Naruto will be fine."

Jiraiya was very weak at the moment, and his speech became weak.

The injuries on his body were no ordinary injuries. The pain of a broken arm coupled with a large amount of blood loss meant that even if he survived, he would probably have to lie down for several months to recover.

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