Chapter 714 Runaway Ninja! Dead List!

Konoha Hospital.

Chūnin from the Intelligence Department brought Sam Yi here, and Sam Yi, the leader, went to meet Shizune.

After learning the situation, Shizune said.

“That letter is for my Hokage confidant.”

“No sincerity!”

This is Samui’s answer, and he is obviously a little dissatisfied with Konoha’s approach.

Samyi glanced at Tsunade who was lying on the sick bed, and said immediately.

“Since I don’t know when she will wake up, let me see the agent Hokage.

“I want him to read the letter immediately, but give me an answer after “zero seven”.

“Master Raikage is very anxious, please let me know soon.”

“But ”

Shizune is a little at a loss after hearing this, because the matter of acting for Hokage has not been settled yet.

However, she immediately thought that a person should have this right.

That is Jiraiya, the latter is also one of Sannin, and the original fire country daimyo wanted to appoint him as Hokage.

Whether it is reputation, generation, or strength, he has it!


Just when Shizune was about to introduce her to Jiraiya, a voice strangled her thoughts.

“She is not Hokage anymore!”

“I am now the Sixth Hokage, so just tell me what you want.”

As the words fell, Shizune and the others walked into the room slowly.

In addition to Danzo, there are two root members.

I have to say that Danzo is a bit self-righteous. He is only acting as an agent for Hokage, but he calls himself the Sixth Hokage.

However, in his opinion, this is already a certainty.

Although he is only acting for Hokage now, as long as Tsunade wakes up, or the three-month period has passed, he will be the real Sixth Hokage.

Seeing that the person who came was Danzo and claimed to be acting as Hokage, this result was completely beyond Shizune’s expectation.

“No way, Danzo actually became

Sam Yi heard that, after thinking a little bit, he passed the seal that Raikage gave her to Danzo.

In her opinion, it should be impossible for Konoha to lie.

Moreover, Danzo does have a superior temperament, which makes her more certain of this fact.

After reading Raikage’s letter, Danzo muttered to himself.

“Sasuke, it really turned out to be like this.”

Seeing this, Samui asked politely: “Excuse me, what’s your answer?”

Konoha another place.

Riding on his pet dog Akamaru, Ya rushed to the place where Shiyu and his party were, and said directly without saying any greetings.

“Calmly listen to me, Tsunade-sama has been dismissed from Hokage.


Naruto gave a stunned sound, and Kakashi and others also showed a look of error.

This result obviously exceeded their expectations, and it can be seen from this that they still don’t know Shi Yu’s plan.

In other words, Shi Yu never told them.

“Sixth Hokage has decided to be assumed by Danzo. Although it is only acting as Hokage now, as soon as Tsunade-sama wakes up, he will immediately perform Hokage’s handover ceremony.’

“If Tsunade-sama does not wake up within three months, just skip the handover ceremony.

“There is one more important thing. Danzo regards Sasuke as a fugitive ninja and has agreed to clean him up.”

“How could this be?” Naruto said in astonishment.

Not only Naruto, but Kakashi is no exception.

Others don’t know, and some of them don’t know the reason. Sasuke is obviously Shiba’s helper outside.

“I don’t know.

Ya also looked dazed. For Sasuke, all they knew about the Tao was that the latter went out to practice.

Of course, there was a disturbance during the period that Sasuke was taken away by Orochimaru.

From this point of view, Sasuke is obviously passive.

According to the information they have learned, Sasuke has never done anything wrong with Konoha.

Even if the latter did not return after Orochimaru’s death, it would be too much to let him bear the label of a fugitive ninja before the reason was clear.

Obviously, about 3.4 Sasuke joined Akatsuki to hunt Eight Tails, Ya and other Konoha Shinobi people still don’t know.

Kakashi said after frowning slightly.

“It seems that something we don’t know must have happened in this, otherwise, even if Danzo assumes Hokage, he can’t act so arbitrarily.

“Damn it!”

Naruto cursed in a low voice, and then said, “Grandma Tsunade didn’t wake up. That Danzo did such a thing.”

“I will never sit back and watch about Sasuke, I’m going to ask him to be clear!”,

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