Chapter 701 Beyond life and death! Take charge of reincarnation!

Faced with the argument between Nagato and Xiaonan.

Except for Shiba, Jiraiya and Naruto are completely confused.

Because he doesn’t know what Revolving Heaven is, let alone what Nagato wants to do?

Upon seeing this, Jiraiya hurriedly asked.

“Xiaonan, what does Nagato want to do?”

“Those who own Rinnegan can use all the spells of Six Paths Payne. It is said that there is also a power beyond life and death. This is a pupil technique that can connect the world of life and death.”

“Only the body can hold this kind of power beyond life and death, so Nagato can be said to be the seventh penn, the name is Wai Dao.”

What Konan wanted to stop Nagato was because she knew that if the latter’s current Chakra used this technique forcibly, the price would be death.

Casting the wheel of Revolving Heaven does not necessarily have to die by itself, it depends on the prerequisites.

First, the number of resurrected people!

Second, the time to resurrect people!

It takes a huge amount of Chakra to resurrect a person, and if the person’s death is too long, he must pay the price of life, which is the so-called soul exchange.

Because if a person dies for more than a certain time, his soul will go to another dimensional world.

That is, the underworld among the mortal people!

And if you want to resurrect a dead person completely, you must let your own soul enter the underworld instead of the soul to be resurrected, in exchange for the chance of resurrection.

The technique is heaven-defying, but the cost is also staggering!

If it is to rescue people who have just died, it is easier.

Because the soul of this kind of deceased will not fall into the underworld for a while, but will wander in the original world for a short period of time before being guided to the world where it should go.

Therefore, this kind of resurrection only needs to consume enough Chakra.

Xiaonan knew that Nagato had made a decision. She knew that she could not stop the latter, so she could only choose to remain silent.

Naruto, who didn’t know the truth, chose to watch, but Jiraiya, who had seen people before, noticed something.

What price should I pay for using this technique?

Nagato is a disciple who has taught him, he still has some understanding of the latter’s temperament, and Xiaonan’s prevention just now made him more convinced of this.


In his opinion, this should be Nagato’s act of atonement, so he didn’t mean to stop it, but he still couldn’t bear to ask.

“Xiaonan, what would happen if Nagato used this technique?”

Xiaonan who heard the words fell into deep thought. She didn’t answer Jiraiya’s words immediately, but looked at Nagato.

Seeing the latter’s determined attitude, she reluctantly uttered four words.

“Equivalent exchange.”

Hearing these four words, Jiraiya’s expression was also startled. He obviously didn’t expect Nagato to make such a decision.


Knowing the answer, Jiraiya wanted to say something, but Nagato stopped him.

“Teacher, my sin should be restored by me!”

Hearing this, Jiraiya can only sigh helplessly, obviously he has a certain affection for Nagato.

After all, Nagato was the son of prophecy he had previously identified. He planted the seeds of hope in the latter. Although it was not as satisfying as the harvest, he did not look like watching the latter wither.

Everyone present at the moment knew what Nagato wanted to do, and only Naruto was still a little confused.

000’s brain circuit is a bit slow, and it is normal for him not to react in the first time.

But just when Nagato was about to cast the wheel of Revolving Heaven, he was drunk by a voice.

“Brother Nagato, stop.

“Uh ”

Hearing this, Nagato was stunned for a moment, and his eyes couldn’t help but lock Shi Yu, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.He didn’t know what the latter wanted to do?

“Senior Brother Shi Yu, what else do you have?”

Nagato had already made preparations to die, so before he died, he also called himself a senior.

“Literally, I told you to stop!”

At this moment, not only Nagato was stunned, but even Jiraiya and Xiaonan were stunned.

Only Naruto still looks awkward, or even messier!

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