Chapter 695 The two heroes are here! Get together!

“At that time, I talked a lot with Mrs. Jiraiya, and the deepest issue I talked about was the so-called peace issue. Mrs. Jiraiya said he wanted to.”

“Change the world!

“What is the so-called peace of the teacher? I have been looking for answers

“After three years of training, I have understood something. I think the teacher seems to have entrusted the answers he hasn’t found to me who owns Rinnegan.,

“At the time of the separation, Mr. Jiraiya told me some secrets about Rinnegan.

“It dates back to a long, long time ago. At that time, the world was full of wars and smoke. It was a more miserable era than it is now.”

“But in that era, a monk appeared. He was the first person to understand the truth of Chakra. At the same time, he was also a person who wanted to bring the whole world to peace.

“It is said that he went to teach Ninjutsu all over the world. 993 As time passed and the years changed, Ninjutsu slowly evolved into the current ninjutsu.”

“Ninjutsu is not a kind of force, but a kind of force that wants the world to move towards peace.”

“And that monk is also called Sage of Six Paths by later worlds!”

“He is considered to be the savior of the world, and Teacher Jiraiya told me that he also owns Rinnegan like me.”

“Sage of Six Paths once said: I am the one who establishes peace and order in the world!”

“Obviously, what Mr. Jiraiya wants to tell me: Sage of Six Paths believes that people in this world will one day usher in an era of mutual understanding.

“The teacher also said that I might be the reincarnation of Sage of Six Paths, the power that Sage of Six Paths entrusted to this world to move toward peace.

“The teacher entrusted me with peace, and then he left!’

Hearing this, Naruto’s eyes softened a lot, not wanting to be as fierce as before.

Obviously, Nagato’s experience is extremely touching!

Although both of his parents have died, but in comparison, he is much happier than Nagato.

At least he can still live in Konoha Village, and he is guaranteed food, clothing, shelter and transportation.

But what about the latter?

Not only wandering outside, but also worrying about the safety of life at all times.

At the same time, Naruto was also the first time to hear about the secrets of Sage of Six Paths, the legendary originator of Ninja Sect.

He is naturally very curious about such an existence.

But it is a pity that the latter is no longer in this world.

After recovering, Naruto questioned again.

“Pervy Sage values ​​you so much, why did you become like this?’

“Ha ha ”

Nagato sneered, and then said: “If things can develop as expected, I may slowly fade away from the first pain, but everything goes against my wish.

“The idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel!”

“Because a few years after being separated from Teacher Jiraiya, I ushered in my second grief.”

When Nagato’s words reached this point, a voice that didn’t belong to him suddenly sounded.

“I am also very interested in the story you will tell next.”

(cgdd) The talking is not Naruto, let alone Xiao Nan, but a teenager who appeared next to Naruto at some unknown time.

Standing beside the young man, he thought that the white-haired man had a striking “oil” written in his forehead protector.

There is no doubt that the two are Shi Yu and Jiraiya!

When Shi Yu appeared, Nagato and Xiao Nan didn’t have much surprise.

And Naruto is a little dumbfounded!

However, thinking of Shi Yu’s extraordinaryness is relieved.

In his eyes, no matter how incredible it is, it is possible as long as it happens to Shiyu.

No way, now he has blindly believed in Shi Yu!

After regaining his senses, Naruto asked immediately.

“Shi Yu, Pervy Sage, why are you here?”

“I think this story Pervy Sage should really want to know, and I am also a little interested, so we came together.

Jiraiya wanted to know if it was true, but Shiyu himself didn’t have much interest, because he knew it a long time ago.

Saying that you are interested is just an excuse for yourself.

Naruto didn’t have the slightest doubt about Toki’s answer.

He asked Nagato before that he wanted to know the whole story so that Jiraiya could understand the reason for the change in his temperament.

Now that I am here, he also saves being a messenger.

Now he can be a good eater.

“Mr. Jiraiya, it’s been a long time.

When the body saw Jiraiya, Nagato, whose temperament had changed, finally gave a respectful greeting.

“It really is you.

Jilai murmured to himself, looked at Xiao Nan beside Nagato, and then frowned slightly.

“What about Yahiko?”

Jiraiya’s tone was a little weak, and he seemed to know the answer.

Because he questioned Nagato the last time in the Rain Shinobi Village battle. Although the latter did not give a definite answer, he has actually revealed it to him euphemistically.

It’s just that he still doesn’t want to believe this fact, so he asked so intentionally at this moment.

And this time, Nagato gave a definite answer.

“he died!”

Hearing this, Jiraiya was silent for a while, and asked.

“What happened that year?”

“How did you become like this!”.

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