Chapter 643 Fight to the death! Try again!

At this moment of thought, Kakashi’s face instantly appeared resolute.

The moment he opened his eyes, his pupils had already turned into the Mangekyō pattern of a spiral dart.

as predicted.

With Chōji’s current physical condition, it was impossible to avoid Shura’s big attack, at the moment when that shell was about to hit Chōji.

Kakashi fired Kamui again, and the missile disappeared out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, Nagato suddenly understood one thing.

“Just now he also used that pupil technique to avoid my attack!”

Originally, Nagato was still wondering how Kakashi had survived the fatal blow from Heaven.

Now this ~ question has an answer!

But what he didn’t expect was that Kakashi Jingran also awakened Mangekyō Sharingan-?

This should be the second time it has broken the routine -!

And the first one is Shi Yu.

Both of them are not members of the Uchiha clan, but they can not only use Sharingan freely, but they can also transform and evolve it one step further.

Even people with the Uchiha clan’s blood may not be able to do this kind of thing, let alone the two outsiders.

But this is the fact, this is what makes people shocked!

To help Chōji solve the crisis, Kakashi’s body function quickly disappeared, and the whole person’s mind began to blur.

Perceiving this, Kakashi wanted to immediately absorb the natural energy between heaven and earth to replenish his body.

But in the end, he failed to get his wish!

Because in his current state, he couldn’t concentrate on slowly absorbing the natural energy between the heavens and the earth. Kakashi couldn’t help but whisper in his heart when he realized this.

“It seems that this time I’m really going to die!”

“Obito, Lynn”

When he was about to die, Kakashi’s teammates, Uchiha Obito and Nohara Lin, who had suffered together, came to mind.

And his teacher Namikaze Minato, his Laozi Hatake Sakumo!

In addition to the four of them, Kakashi naturally thought of other friends and juniors in Konoha, among which Might Guy and Tokiba are the most.

Just when Kakashi’s consciousness was about to fall into a coma, a crazy thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

“It’s all a death, it’s better to fight to the death!”

This is the end of my thought.

Without any hesitation, Kakashi began to unscrupulously absorb the natural energy wandering between heaven and earth.

Needless to say, this is his last hope!

If you succeed, you will live, and if you fail, there will be no more flesh!

If it absorbs too much natural energy and cannot be transformed, it will become a stone.

Today’s Kakashi’s biological function is close to zero. It is impossible to assimilate it into a fairy magic Chakra. The only thing he can do is to let this huge and boundless natural energy maintain his vitality.

If Tsunade, Jiraiya or Shi Yu can arrive in time, he may still have a chance.

Tsunade is good at medical ninjutsu, Jiraiya Master has Xianju, and Shiyu is both.

No matter which of the three of them arrives first, he has hope of life!

It’s not that Kakashi is afraid of death, but that he still has an unfulfilled wish.

………For flowers…

Of course, to be honest.

If you can live, how many people will beg to die?

There are only a small number of such people. They are all desperate for this world, and they feel that there is nothing to yearn for or remember, that’s why they have such extreme thoughts.

What kind of person Kakashi is, naturally he would not have such thoughts.

If so, when his father Hatake Sakumo committed suicide more than 20 years ago because he couldn’t bear the fishing boat, he probably would have gone with him.


Kakashi’s ideas are beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

He uses natural energy to maintain his vitality, but the problem is that once he pulls the natural energy into the body, he can’t stop at all. At this moment, part of his body is slowly transforming towards the stone.

According to the current situation, his time is running out.

He may not be able to support Jiraiya and Tsunade. As for Shiyu, I don’t know if the latter has returned from Mount Myōboku.

With the passage of time, more and more petrified parts of Kakashi’s body.

At this time, he only had his head not been petrified, but it was only a matter of time.


Even in the face of death, Kakashi didn’t have the slightest fear. It seemed that he had already looked down upon life and death.

Just when Kakashi had already died by himself, the sudden change occurred.

Originally, his head that was about to be petrified was not covered at this moment, on the contrary, the petrified part of his body began to disintegrate.

This scene is really weird!


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