Chapter 613 The price of power! Tracker!

“Why did you leave my beheading knife where?”

Hearing Shuiyue’s chattering all the time, Phosphorus, who had always been at odds with his personality, couldn’t help it.

“Shuiyue, you shut up!”

“If we are willing to bring you back, you should thank us. What’s to worry about with a broken knife.

Although Xianglin said this way, his tone was much softer than before.

the reason is simple.

Because during the battle between Yunlei Gorge and Eight Tails Killer Bee, Shuiyue stepped forward to protect them, which really touched her.

“Fragrant phosphorus, you are too embarrassed to say me.

“You fainted by yourself, but I fainted to protect you.”

Fragrant phosphorus said again.

“Shuiyue said.

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Shigeo, who was sitting on the side, couldn’t stand it anymore, and said.

“You have become like that because you protect each other. We should now be friends in 890.”

After hearing what he said, Xianglin and Shuiyue really stopped arguing.

The reason is simple, because they know what Shigego said is the truth!

Shuiyue came forward to protect them and fainted. As for Phosphorus when Shuiyue exhausted herself and fell into the water, she rushed to try to treat the latter, but accidentally caught the fire of Amaterasu.

For each other’s kindness, the two are tacitly aware.

Without the thought of arguing with Xianglin, Shuiyue’s gaze fell on Sasuke.

“By the way, Sasuke, can you really get the power of the tail beast?”

Suigetsu knows the conditions agreed upon by Sasuke and Obito, as long as he helps Obito complete the plan, he can obtain a part of the power of the tail beast.

“Huh, it’s hard to say.

Sasuke knows (cgdd) that Obito is not as simple as it seems. The latter is not only a mysterious identity, but even his strength has not been fully revealed so far.

As for Obito claiming to be Uchiha Madara, Sasuke is still skeptical about this.

“However, I don’t have to rely on that power.”

“Are you referring to the secret technique that you understood at the time?”

Regarding Shuiyue’s words, Sasuke did not deny that the power he can rely on now is indeed Susanoo.

Although Amaterasu is a very powerful attack method, if there is no powerful defensive ninjutsu from the Master, how can Sasuke dare to call Konoha’s senior leaders alone.

He has the means, don’t others have a hole card?

And Susanoo’s appearance gave him enough confidence!

Sasuke, whose voice fell, suddenly felt pain in his eyes.

Undoubtedly, this is a sequelae of [Mangekyō Sharingan] overuse.

As the number of times increases, you will eventually become blind!

Shiyu hadn’t mentioned this to Sasuke, but Itachi had told him.

Originally Sasuke was still suspicious, but after the battle at Yunlei Gorge, he realized what Itachi said was true.

However, what surprised him was why Shi Yu was all right?

The time for him to awaken [Mangekyō Sharingan] is still short. If it hadn’t been used this time, it wouldn’t have happened so early.

But the problem is that Shi Yu had awakened more than two years ago. According to this situation, he had already felt this way.

But Shi Yu never mentioned anything to him, as if he didn’t have this trouble at all.

Thinking of this, Sasuke saw hope.

Maybe Shi Yu had a way to solve this problem. If that was the case, he wouldn’t have to transplant the eyes of his family and brothers.

Even if Itachi was willing to give it, he wouldn’t want it!

Seeing Sasuke covering his eyes, Shigeo couldn’t help asking.

“Sasuke, what’s wrong with you?”


Hearing Sasuke’s words, Xianglin wanted to see it for him, but at this moment, her footsteps stopped and her eyes instantly locked into a room.

Seeing the appearance of fragrant phosphorus, Sasuke also asked.

“I felt a chakra flowing outside. It seems that you were followed when you came back.”

Sasuke and Shigogo were also startled when they heard this.

They obviously did not expect that someone would have been following them along the way.

However, this is no wonder they are.

Originally, the state of the two of them was no longer false, and they didn’t spend a lot of time paying attention to this matter at all.


The latter still dared to follow him alone when he knew that he was lost to Sasuke and others. In addition to the reasons for not doing this, there is another point that he has a certain degree of confidence in his tracking methods.

In other words, I am also a Jōnin, so I can’t underestimate it!

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