Chapter 593 Eighth out of the sheath! Lei Plow Hot Knife!

“I have to go back to drink whiskey, oh yeah

As soon as Killer Bee’s voice fell, Xianglin’s eyes suddenly locked in his direction.

Then she shouted with a big finger.


Upon hearing this, Killer Bee looked startled.

He didn’t expect that apart from being able to heal, Phosphorus was actually a super-sensing ninja.

It’s not that he has never seen this type of ninja, but it is the first time he has seen him who is as strong as Phosphorus perception.

After learning the location of Killer Bee, Sasuke didn’t hesitate at all, and rushed straight towards the huge rock.


Upon seeing this, Killer Bee also no longer hides.

“Well, just let the eighth one appear!”

Killer Bee’s words contain profound meaning. If people who don’t know him don’t know what he refers to as the “eighth hand”?

833 days ago.

Sasuke and his team learned about some characteristics of Killer Bee from a Cloud Shinobi. In addition to some obvious tattoos on the body, the most intuitive is the eight swords.

But the problem is that Killer Bee has only eight swords on his back, and he used only seven when fighting Sasuke before, but the last one was never seen.

But from his current words, it can be known that he is going to use the eighth hand!

Hearing this, Sasuke and others seemed to have an enlightenment in their hearts.

But they didn’t see any swords in Killer Bee’s hands, and this result made them a little stunned.

I don’t know where the so-called eighth sword in Killer Bee’s mouth is?

Just as everyone was puzzled, Killer Bee made a big move, and as a strange seal was formed, a special and mad (cgdd) violent red coat appeared on his body.

Although it is a coat, it can be clearly felt that it is a very strong Chakra.

For this red Chakra coat, the trio of Xianglin, Suizuki and Shigogo have never seen it, but Sasuke is clear about it.

He had seen Killer Bee in this state before, and that was on Naruto who was also Jinchūriki.

But this is not what shocked him the most!

What shocked him most at the moment was that Killer Bee’s Chakra coat had eight tails. In other words, he could use all the power of Eight Tails.

This is something Sasuke never expected!

He fully controls the power of the tail beast. Although he does not know what kind of process and training it needs to go through, he knows that many Jinchūriki in the Ninja world died tragically because they could not withstand the power of the tail beast. This kind of thing is almost impossible. Did it.

It would be nice to be able to borrow a trace of the power of the tail beast, but it would be difficult to reach the sky if the Master’s full power is desired.

If not, everyone wants to be Jinchūriki!

And it won’t be said that Jinchūriki will run away if he uses some of his power, and will eventually end up in death.

Just between the Sasuke people’s consternation, Killer Bee had already set a posture.

That was his eighth sword, and used the power of Eight Tails to display the inheritance of their Cloud Shinobi Village alone.


The principle of this technique is to gather the strong thunder attribute Chakra all over the body and then enter a special absolute state, slam into the opponent with extreme speed, and use the powerful wrist to give the opponent a fatal blow.

call out!

With the sound of a breaking wind, Killer Bee’s figure suddenly disappeared in place.

When he appeared on the ground, he was already in front of Sasuke.

The super fast speed caused Sasuke’s pupils to shrink suddenly, because this blow made him feel a fatal threat.

Moreover, this extreme speed cannot be captured by the naked eye at all!

That’s why.

Sasuke can only use [Sharingan] to capture Killer Bee’s trajectory, and just like this, he barely avoided Killer Bee’s killer blow.


After landing, Killer Bee was also extremely surprised. He turned around and played with Sasuke who was standing not far away, muttering to himself.


“You are the second person to escape my eighth sword after your brother!”

Although Killer Bee is proud, but at this moment Sasuke began to have a little appreciation.

Seeing that Sasuke was able to evade his own attack, Killer Bee did not choose to attack him again, but rushed directly to Xianglin and others.

Obviously, he didn’t plan to let a few people join forces!

Although he is arrogant, he is not arrogant.

From the previous battles, he knew that the strength of these people was not bad.

Once they join forces, it can definitely cause him a lot of trouble, especially since there is also a phosphorus that can help them instantly recover their combat power.

He can become the number two character in Cloud Shinobi Village, he is naturally not stupid!


His idea at the moment is to get rid of the Xianglin and others first, and to clean up the strongest Sasuke.

In this way, there will be no suspense in this battle!

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