Chapter 574 A shocking mysterious boy!

The second day.

On the shore of Bluestone Lake in a certain place, two figures stood opposite each other.

The man with a barbed hat on his head looked at the man in the orange mask opposite and asked.

“How about it?’

“It went well.”

The man with the orange mask is faintly Kaidō, he is naturally Obito.

“That’s great.

“Itachi is dead, our thorns have been removed, and the condition that was wrong [Konoha Shinobi Village Start] will no longer exist.” Obito said.

“Yes, I’ve been waiting for a long time.”

“However, the fellow Itachi is quite ruthless. In order to prevent Sasuke from knowing his truth, he even set up the [Transliteration Seal~] of [Amaterasu].” Black Zetsu said.

“Even if there is no so-called truth, he is afraid-I will win Sasuke.

“Unexpectedly, before the plan was on track, the members of the [Xiao] organization would die so many.”


Obito nodded, and said with a little regret: “Although they all have a little problem, they have all done voluntary sacrifice for [Akatsuki].”

“Deidara, Hidan, Kakuzu, Sasori, without their help, the preparatory work will not go so smoothly.”

“Thanks to them, our ability to proceed according to the estimated plan.”

“I still persuade Sasuke right now, this is undoubtedly a great new help for us!”

After a conversation with Jue.

Obito went to Rain Shinobi Village. He wanted to see if Payne had set off.


When he rushed to Rain Shinobi Village, Payne still hadn’t been dispatched.

Moreover, there seems to be traces of a great war here.

At noon that day, the center of the tower.

Obito looked at the Heavenly Dao Payne in front and asked.

“It seems that things are not going well.”

“Because someone came here suddenly.” Payne Kaidō.


“Pen, who has invincible abilities, will fall into a bitter battle. Who is this person?”

When Obito said this, Kisame on the other side also showed a different color.

In his opinion, besides Itachi, the most powerful member of the [Xiao] organization is undoubtedly their leader who claims to be a “god”.

Although he has never played against the latter, and has never seen him make a move, Payne’s eyes that are unique in the world are enough to prove his extraordinary strength.

Rinnegan, this is the first time he has seen him in humans!

Originally, he thought that this kind of eyes only existed in the legend, but the appearance of Payne undoubtedly broke the legend.

And people like Sasori, Kakuzu, and others are willing to join the [Akatsuki] organization, part of the reason is because of these eyes.

Regarding Obito’s inquiry, Payne did not conceal, and simply recounted all the facts.

“It turned out to be Jiraiya, one of Sannin, no wonder.”

Obito sent a sentence with feelings, which is enough to show his recognition of Jiraiya’s strength.

In terms of seniority, Jiraiya is his teacher!

Obito is the student of Fourth Hokage, and Minato is the apprentice of Jiraiya, so the former is undoubtedly the apprentice of the latter.

“Originally, I was about to kill him, but I didn’t expect to finally make a variable and save him.


Obito and Kisame were shocked when they heard this, and they were very curious about the guy who could be rescued by the Vice Admiral of Payne.


Payne nodded, telling the fact that both of them were unbelievable.

“That’s a teenager!”

…For flowers…

“According to seniority, he should be regarded as my junior.”

“Your brother?”

Obito murmured, and then said: “When did Jiraiya accept such a strong disciple again? Was it the genius he met when he was in a sea of ​​clouds?”

Apparently, for the mysterious boy who was able to save Jiraiya from Payne, Obito did not associate him with Toki for a while.

As for Naruto, it was directly ruled out!

In the case of Naruto, Payne should have revealed his identity directly instead of calling him a teenager.

“No, this person was born in Konoha!”

As Payne said this, Obito and Kisame were a little messy.

According to their Master’s information, it is impossible for anyone in Konoha’s new generation to possess such heaven-defying power.

Next second.

Kisame suddenly thought of something, and Shiyu’s face could not help but appeared in his mind, because he suffered a loss in the latter’s hands three years ago.

If Itachi’s illusion skills were not strong enough, the consequences would be disastrous.

“Is it him?”

“Why? Kisame, do you know the boy?” Obito let out a horror, his gaze shifted from where Penn to him.

“I am not sure.”

“But if you say who among Konoha’s young people is the most likely, it is definitely this person, because this person has already emerged three years ago.,

Hearing this, Obito’s heart was shocked.

He is not stupid, he has already thought of a general idea combining the words of the two.

Because they also talked about this boy at the beginning, they suspect that Kakuzu, Hidan, etc. may have some connection with this boy.

At this point, Obito immediately asked Payne for confirmation.

“That boy is called Takikawa Shigure?” Da.

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