Chapter 564 Izanami! The way to survive!

“what are you talking about?”

After listening to Obito’s words, Sasuke finally couldn’t help but ask.

no way.

It’s about Uchiha Itachi, he really can’t take it lightly!

“He imposed a spell on you that could kill me.”

“The purpose is very simple, just don’t want me to approach you!”

“He used [Transcribing Seal] designed to release [Amaterasu] as soon as you see me.”

At this point, Obito couldn’t help but secretly said: If Itachi knew everything about me, he would have killed me long ago.

What Obito said is true, his combat power is indeed not as good as Itachi, because he only has one~mangekyō.

[Mangekyō Sharingan] There is only one pair of cooperation-オ is the strongest combat power!

However, although he is no match for Itachi, it is basically not a problem to escape by virtue of [Kamui]’s particularity.

Even if he is accidentally hit by Itachi 【Amaterasu】, he can escape the disaster by means of 【Izanaki】and self-cutting.

Of course, there is still a danger of falling!

That is, if you accidentally hit [Izanami], it might be a bit dangerous.

“This is Itachi’s last breath, but it’s useless to me!!

Although Obito said so, he still had to admire Itachi’s methods.

If he doesn’t have Master [Izanagi] this forbidden secret technique, it is indeed a bit hanged.

It is estimated that you have to cut half of your body!

This method is not a serious problem for Master [Wood Style], because his half of his body was originally derived from the fusion of First Generation cells and White Zetsu cells.

“What are you trying to say?” Sasuke asked again.

“Itachi should have done something to you before he died, and finally he injected his last pupil power into your eyes for you.”

“what do you want to say in the end?”

Sasuke’s expression between the words was a little excited, without a doubt, he realized something.

Because Itachi’s [Amaterasu] was indeed not actively released by him, but passively triggered as Obito said.

Coupled with the last familiar movement of Itachi, his heart was extremely touched!

“Don’t you realize it yet?”

“He did this… to protect you!”

Hearing that, Sasuke’s pupils suddenly startled, muttered and shouted: “To protect me? What are you talking nonsense!”

Seeing Sasuke so excited, Obito still said in a hurry.

“I’ll say it again, you seem to know about your brother, but in fact you don’t know anything.”

Hearing this, Sasuke gritted his teeth and said angrily.

“If you talk nonsense any more, I will kill you!”

“It seems that it is not easy for you to understand the truth of the matter.”

Obito sighed lightly and continued, “However, there is no other way. After all, these words were spit out from Itachi’s helper.”

“But what I said is the truth!”

“As for my identity, you must have known my identity from Itachi. My name is Uchiha Madara.”

…For flowers…

“I know very well about Itachi, but he doesn’t know much about my identity.”

After listening to Obito’s words, Sasuke seemed to realize something, that might be a fact that he could not accept.

Therefore, he refused to listen anymore!

“Stop trembling!”

“This matter is not important anymore, disappear from me!”

Because Shiyu also mentioned it to him back then, maybe you should investigate it in depth before you and Itachi battle.


And he did, even if he had questioned Itachi during the decisive battle, but the latter was obviously determined not to tell him the truth, and had planned to pave the way for him with his own death.

This is obviously impossible for Sasuke to know!

But at this time, after Obito said that, before Lenovo Itachi talked about all sorts of fetters before and after the final battle, he didn’t dare to think about the hidden feelings that existed in it.

He didn’t want to think about it!

I dare not think about it!

However, Obito will not do as he wishes.

“No, I want you to listen to me!”

“You must listen to me, this is your obligation!”

“If you hear me say that he is for the Ninja world, for the Konoha Shinobi village, and for your brother, the brother who bet everything, would you still refuse?”

“This is Uchiha Itachi’s way of survival and his life!”


* “Big,

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