Chapter 388

“The first one is not strong enough!”

“The second one is that I don’t know how to do it!”

Hearing Shiyu’s two possibilities, Shikamaru and others were quite agreeable.

Everything in the world grows and restrains each other, and each has cause and effect.

Therefore, there is a way to solve any problem in the world, and nothing is unsolvable.

If so, it can only be said that you are not strong enough! Or your cognition has not yet reached that level.

Nodding silently, Shikamaru asked again.

“Shi Yu, what is the solution to the [Immortal Body]”

As soon as Shikamaru said this, Shi Yu didn’t wait for Shi Yu to answer, but the opposite Fei Duan said it first.

“Don’t waste your energy, even if that kid knows the secret of [The Immortal Body], what’s the use?”

“Here, you never want to kill me!”


The flying segment where the voice fell did not forget to laugh, and the laughter was full of indisputable.

Upon seeing this, Asma asked curiously.

“Shi Yu, what does that guy mean?”

“Teacher Asma, this guy is so confident about where he is, it’s because the [Undead Body] method of cracking is not on him.”

“No longer where is that on him”

Yamato asked curiously.

“On the person who planted him [Curse]!”

“Plant a spell”

Gangzi Tie murmured, and then asked: “Shiyu, you mean that this guy has [immortality] because he was planted by that guy called [Cthulhu] [Curse] .”


Shi Yu nodded and explained.

“The [Undead] I met in [Yunokuni] was the [Spell] that was planted by humans, called [Undead Spell].”

“No matter how traumatized their bodies are, the spellcasters will never die!”

“why is this”

Shenyue Izumo was puzzled.

“That’s because they are no longer a righteous but a [soul] imprisoned living dead.”

“Ninety-nine percent of people who have been planted [Undead Curse] will lose their minds because of] being detained, and become a walking dead.”

“This is the [Undead] I saw in [Yunokuni]!”

“But there are those lucky guys who are 1%%%. They may be strong enough in their own will, or they may have received the blessing of heaven to maintain their sanity.”

“And the so-called [Undead Curse] actually confines a person’s [soul] to his own [body] forever

, Will never dissipate.”

“Although the pain can be felt, they will not die because of fatal injuries to their bodies because their souls remain.”

This technique is a bit similar to Dashemaru’s [Shenzhen Reincarnation] and [Fine Earth Reincarnation] created by [Second-generation Hokage], both of which involve [soul].

Hearing this, Naruto couldn’t help but cut in.

“Shi Yu, you mean that the guy in front of you is one of those 100%%.”

“This time my head turned pretty fast.”

Naruto also scratched his head when Shi Yu was so boastful, and he smiled.


Shi Yu smiled slightly and continued.


“If you want to crack this guy’s [immortality], you can only find the one who… planted him [immortality].”

As Shi Yu’s words fell, everyone finally understood what Fei Duan’s (immortal body) was all about.

But at the same time, they will also face a huge problem: how to kill the flying segment in front of them even the horns: they can’t help but glance at the flying segment next to them, and they have teamed up with the latter for so long.

“Cthulhu” always hangs in Feidan’s mouth

Two words, but Jean never knows the “immortality” of this guy

If it weren’t for Shiyu today, he might not know when he would know it, or it would be impossible for him to know it for the rest of his life! Because this kind of secret about his own life and death, who would easily confide to others.

It’s like a horn: Too himself has never told anyone the secret of [Resentment]! Just when Kakashi, Shikamaru and others showed sadness because of this, Hida’s laughter also rang again.

“I said it before, even if you know my secret, it doesn’t matter!”

“As long as you can’t find [Cthulhu Envoy], you will never be able to kill me, hahaha”

“Today, you will all feel the anger from the evil god!”

The [Cthulhu Envoy] in Feiduan’s mouth is undoubtedly the one… who planted [Undead Curse] on him, and also promoted “Cthulity”

Senior figures.

In other words, this “Cthulhu Messenger”

It is the manipulator behind the scenes! The next second.

Shikamaru seemed to have thought of something, and immediately asked Shiyu.

“Shiyu, how did you deal with those [undead] in the first place”

As soon as Shikamaru said this, he immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

Because Shi Yu said earlier that he brought a “Cthulhu Organization” to [Yunokuni] during his mission.

So how did he deal with it at the time, everyone is naturally quite curious about this! Feilu reminds you: Three things to read and collect

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