Chapter 380

The second day, noon.

A shocking explosion appeared in the death forest, with a range of more than ten meters in size.

The power is evident! The explosion place is round and smooth, as if it was a deep pit hit by a huge iron ball.

This scene made Kakashi and Yamato extremely moved! They didn’t expect that the power of this (Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken) was so powerful, as they had originally expected.

At the beginning, Shiyu had condensed the [Spiral Shuriken] in his hand, but Shiyu did not throw it out to show its power.

Nevertheless, Kakashi and Yamato were extremely jealous at the time! Now it seems that their original guess was correct.

If it were hit by this (Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken) head-on, there would only be one result.

That is: death! As for Shi Yu, he is also a little pleased with this scene before him.

His nearly a month of teaching was finally not in vain, and Naruto finally succeeded in learning the [Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken].

To be precise, it was [Xianfa Fengfeng Spiral Shuriken]! Apart from Toki Yu’s three, Naruto himself is the most excited.

Seeing that he successfully used the [Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken], he couldn’t mention how excited he was.

Even though his state is a bit vain at this time, he still dances with his hands.

“Shi Yu, have you seen it?”

“I succeeded! I succeeded!”

The reason why Naruto’s state is a bit vain at the moment is because this (Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken) was used in the (Fairy Mode).

Only in this mode, his arms will not be damaged! Because the body of a normal person cannot withstand the cutting force of [Wind Chakra], but if it has the ability to recover, [Xianshu Chakra] It’s different.

Looking at the extremely excited Naruto, he turned around.

“Okay, Naruto.”

“You have a rest now, I’m going to leave later.”

“Set off”

Naruto muttered, and asked with a puzzled look: “Where are you going to eat?


From Naruto’s point of view, it should be Shiyu who wanted to celebrate for himself to become the [Feng Dian Spiral Hand Home].

However, Shiyu’s answer directly extinguished his illusions! “Let’s wait until we come back to eat the ramen. We are now going to assist Shikamaru and other 19 teams in eradicating the [Undead Duo] of [Akatsuki].”

“[Xiao] [Undead Duo]”

Naruto murmured, looking at Shi Yu with a puzzled expression 3.

Upon seeing this, Kakashi also explained to Naruto.

“Naruto, it’s like this.”


After listening to Kakashi’s words, Naruto’s expression instantly changed, and he said to the three of Shi Yu.

“Then what are we waiting for, hurry up.”

Naruto in the speech had no plans to rest at all, he seemed to go to help Shikamaru and the others quickly at this moment.

Let the so-called “undead duo”

Taste his power! Seeing Naruto’s appearance, Shi Yu smiled faintly and said.

“In that case, let’s go.”

Seeing Kakashi and the others nodded, Shiyu continued: “I left Shikamaru and their [Spell Scroll] with [Flying Thunder God’s Mark], let’s go and meet them directly.”

“Uh, this is the best.”

Kakashi was taken aback for a moment, and then responded.

In this way, they can save a lot of time.

The reason why Kakashi and Yamato had no doubts at this time was because they knew about the [Spell Scroll].

But Naruto was confused and couldn’t help asking.

“Shi Yu, what is the [Xianshu Scroll] you said?”

“I’ll talk about it later.”


After Naruto chuckled, he, Kakashi, and Yamato 3 came to Shiyu by coincidence.

Immediately after.

With Shi Yu’s thoughts moving, Four Persons 4 disappeared in an instant.

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