Chapter 238

“Send us back to Konoha”

Yamato let out a stunned expression, his face full of incomprehension.

He didn’t know what Shi Yu wanted to do because this [Country of Grass] is quite a long way from the [Kinoha Hidden Village] in [Country of Fire].

Not only him, Sai also had the same doubts at this time.


Seeing Shi Yu nodding and the two of Yamato, I was even more puzzled.I don’t know what Shi Yu is in this gourd, but between the two people’s doubts, Naruto said.

“Captain Yamato.”

“Sometimes if Yu sends you off, you don’t have to hurry back to Konoha.”

“No need to hurry”

Hearing Yamato’s muttering, Naruto reminded again.

“I told you before that Shi Yu can [Flying Thunder God’s Art]”

Yamato was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and in the next second, he immediately understood “Zero Four Zero”

come over.

“Shiyu, you mean to use [Flying Thunder God’s Art] to send us Konoha”


At the side, Sai was listening to the conversations of several people, and there was a wave of waves in his heart again.

He obviously didn’t expect Shi Yulian’s (fourth generation of Naruto) to master all his special skills.

Although he didn’t see it with his own eyes, he believed it! Shi Yu’s ability to kill Oshemaru is enough to show his extraordinary strength. Previously, he had done such a big battle, and mastering the [Flying Thunder God Art] is nothing unusual. Of it.

His thoughts are the same as Yamato! Between Sai and Yamato stunned, Toki said again.

“Captain Yamato, Sai.”

“You take my hand.”

The two people who heard this immediately recovered, and then there was no unnecessary nonsense, and they respectively held Shi Yu’s hand.

Immediately after.

As Toki’s thoughts moved, Trio 3 disappeared into this base under the eyes of Sasuke and Naruto.

Next second.

Konoha [Hokage Office] Suddenly three figures appeared at the door, they were Tokiba, Sai and Yamato.

Looking at the familiar environment around him, Sai and Yamato were still in shock.

If they had some doubts in their minds before, then they are now completely convinced.

Just between the two people’s consternation, a sentence that suddenly got up was that the two of them pulled out of it.

“Shi Yu, why are you here”

Hearing this, Shi Yu’s eyes followed.

What catches the eye is a woman in a black long dress, with a black short hair that is a perfect match.

This woman is not someone else, she is just silent! At this time the latter’s face is full of astonishment, because according to the time, today they are hiding in the [Grassland Tiandiqiao] and [Scorpion] at Oshemaru. The spy meets right.

Could it be that the task was completed and Silence knew that Shi Yu had mastered the [Flying Art], and the latter now appeared here and there was only this explanation.

I have to say that Miss Mute is still very smart “Sister Mute, guess what”

Shi Yu smiled and said, in the past two years or so, he and Silent have been quite fierce.

Especially when Shi Yu grew up as an adult, Silent’s heart that had been suppressed for a long time began to beat again.

Seeing Shi Yu’s posture, Silent had already guessed the result.

“Come and report the situation to Tsunade.”


Shi Yu nodded, and then looked at Sai.

“Sai, are you going to report the situation with Danzo, or go to see Hokage with us”

Even though Shiyu had already instigated Sai, he is still a member of [Gen:] and a subordinate of Danzo.

“You are not afraid that I will tell Danzo University all your secrets

With the contact with Shiyu, Tsunade now likes Shiyu more and more, and this kind of likeness is no longer so simple as Shiyu grows up.

This is why Silent’s heart trembles again, and why Yurihong and Red Bean have been in frequent contacts with Shi Yu in recent years.

In addition to strong ability, personality charm is naturally indispensable! Because Shi Yu is beautiful no matter what he does, which makes them feel a sense of admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

When Toki and Tsunade reported Sasuke, Sai also returned to the base of [Gen:].

At this moment, there is an old man standing in front of him, it is Danzo! To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei

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